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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5 - Round 2 Match 10 - Bert and Emilie "Dread" Delacroix vs John "Jack" Aurel

The results are in for Match 8.
Agnes and Arpeggi, in their shrunken states, continued to fight, surrounded by the rising flames of their lilliputian tower, fists flying and Stand blows being taken one after the other.
“You… Callous mother fucker!” Arpeggi cursed, Agnes feeling the singe of a heat blast both from behind and from launched wood. “We’re not aiming for a massacre!”
“You’re not,” Agnes spat out, then, pulling a tab on the table, a massive geyser erupting and launching his so-called ally away, “I don’t give a fuck about this place, and we’re in a Stand battle… And it’s all worthless, greedy scumbags watching! Let the fire spread! Let this place hit the ground so they see what someone with style can do!”
“You heard it here, folks! Agnes talked you all down… C’mon, where’s your passion! Don’t run out and away, c’mon! And here I thought you cared y’had money ridin’ on this…”
Conqueror Worm’s laughs reverberated as Glitch and William found themselves cooled by Ocean Eyes’ nectar, which found itself dissolving quickly but, for the moment, a functional barrier for the injured fighters, watching and listening to what happened.
“Th… They’re fighting each other up there…” William remarked, physically looking as though he was straining to force Ocean Eyes not to hurry up there and tear them a new one. “Glitch, we don’t have time to keep the flames at bay and call up another KST, and if I let Ocean Eyes up there it’ll eviscerate them, and-”
“What’s this? The kid is holdin’ back, afraid of his own Stand! Hey, kid, don’t hate this part of yourself! Ocean Eyes, it ain’t your enemy, that’s a part of you, what makes you special, so don’t be at odds with it! Embrace what it says, because it’s what YOU’RE sayin’!”
William was speechless, there, but his companion was less inactive in that time. Tiger “Glitch” Ricky simply hissed, then, her and her Stand hopping up out of the flames in an effort to brutally, mercilessly pounce upon the self-styled villain and the ally he had come to blows with. If they moved fast, they could bite through that shitty little twink’s neck right now!
Arpeggi grit his teeth, scrambling to find his footing as he witnessed the pouncing cat-stand, finding it hard to breathe among all the burning rubble, fading fast then.
Is… Is this how it ends..? Crushed and mangled as some lowlife’s burnt-up game piece..?
“And it looks like Glitch is about to take it! Shout-outs to Tigran, the only real one here, watchin’ through the fire and the flames!”
“Heh… This is just a bit of a sweat,” Tigran Sins answered, stifling a cough, “I’ll see all seven of these bastards run through games until they’re all-”
Arpeggi didn’t hear what was said next, only hearing his own defiant heartbeat. If he didn’t act fast, Agnes would die… Good riddance, right? But… Ugh, no, even scum like him, they don’t deserve…
He clutched at NEXT LEVEL until his fingers bled, and Glitch and William, both looking at him past their Stands waiting to attack, made curious sounds as yet more crumbled away.
And then, there was white. An overwhelming cascade of baking soda burst from NEXT LEVEL, smothering the flames rapidly as an obscured form zipped up the tower again, grabbing Agnes and hurrying away from the thrown-off Glitch.
“You… Why did you…” Agnes rubbed baking soda out of his eyes, coughing and looking at the form of Arpeggi in this new Stand. “Motherfucker…”
“I have responsibility over even a scumbag like you… You tailed me here, and I’m not gonna let you die and escape responsibility easy.” He turned, then, to William and Glitch, his new form revealed. “Now, actually help me, follow my lead, and I’ll kick your ass later. We need to survive this-”
All four of the fighters, then, felt themselves grow rapidly, their combined weight so close together crushing the table they were on, much as a nearby tabletop wargame that had been setup found itself buckling under the weight of Metra, Oh No, the Black Angel, and their motorcycle.
“Welp,” Worm said with a bemused laugh, holding up the slumped body of Tigran. “Your fire couldn’t hurt him, but smoke inhalation sure could! I guess that means…”
“The winner is FIRE, with a score of 65!”
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Graveyard Shift 12-17
Quality Graveyard Shift 19-20 Reasoning
JoJolity BADD GUYS 24-18 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
With no more reason to fight, it got really awkward and everyone just sort of ran out of Heartache Casino. William Eyelash, recalling his stand and lost in thoughts, was the last to leave, joining the others in leaping single-file out a window into a nearby alley.
There, though everyone else seemed tensely uninvolved, the Black Angel’s motorcycle revved, and she stared down Worm as he safely stowed Tigran inside his Stand-body, leaning on his golden sword.
“There’s still something I need, Jones… I’ll run you down to get it if it means saving the city.”
Worm laughed, gesturing with his sword. “This thing? You’re huntin’ me down for this… Ah! I see! You’re tryin’ to do that.” Callously, he tossed it, so suddenly they fumbled with it in hand. “Here ya go, then! I don’t much want what Jack Aurel’s cookin’ up either!”
The Angel, worn and exhausted, stammered. “I… You just… But…”
“Lookin’ forward to killin’ me, huh? Get in line, kid… Or waste your time right now! See, nobody here is botherin’, they can all read that it’d be a waste when I’m in such good health! City’s countin’ on you, yeah, and you won’t get many opportunities for bein’ called a hero as an adult. Make it count!”
Then, before anyone could say more, he darted through a nearby wall, waving William and the rest off with a, “Ah, we safely may trust to its gleaming and be sure it will lead us aright!”

“Asshole.” The Angel turned away, strapping the sword to their back and driving away. “Thank you, all of you. I’ll take this from here… Get yourselves help.”
There was silence as they drove into the sky, scarf billowing before them, and then Agnes started cackling. “You’re all fucking morons… If I didn’t burn that place down, we wouldn’t have gotten away, and some wannabe with no style would be going down as Los Fortuna’s worst villain! Fucking bow and grovel, Jack Aurel’s grave is gonna say ‘spat on by Agnes!’”
Nobody had the energy to dignify that with a response.
An anticlimax is leading into a super-climax, and meanwhile, an ant-loving little boy and an aid worker are racing through their dreamscapes, with a day left to vote there.
What is, as of the 1990s, ‘Capital Island,’ was the epicenter of Los Fortuna’s founding several hundred years ago, in the midst of a bloody Stand User conflict, many militias clashing for superiority, in the 1680s, starting with the death of the era’s own Andrew Tiffany, the missionary William Mandolin, and towards its end, knocking people into their senses through the awakening of exactly what he had tried to warn them of.
A grand T-Rex by the name of Megalomania had survived, dormant, underneath the land through the might of its Stand, coated in a goldlike substance, and awoken in a deep rage by the conflict of the locals. Megalomania was met in battle by a man out of place named Aaron Bruno, ‘Sir Aurel’ to most, and Memory Management, and when slain, crumbled where it stood into a pile of bones, feet firm in the ground.
Los Fortuna’s natural history museum was built around this monster’s remains, and Sir Aurel would turn its golden coat into a ceremonial weapon. The power these symbols were imbued with, even with their old purposes lost, were of great importance to the city’s stability.
Outside Los Fortuna’s Natural History Museum, Early Evening
In the blink of an eye, the attention of everyone within Los Fortuna had been turned to the natural history museum. That made sense, of course - considering the looming dark clouds containing the ghosts of the dead within them, the scuffles of the stand users outside of the building, and the vague knowledge that a ritual with the purpose of destroying fate itself was currently being performed within it, it would be out of the ordinary for people to not be paying it any attention. Even those who weren’t stand users that were up to date with the situation were drawn to it by the unusual level of activity surrounding it, from emergency services and VALKYRIE forces alike.
And then there was Bert. They were invested in the whole situation, of course - keeping up with the latest reality-breaking ancient rituals was the least that a wannabe god like them could do. Their status as an observer did raise a few eyebrows - they’d had to shake off both emergency service workers and VALKYRIE forces, who’d both taken the time to try and encourage Bert to leave the area for their own safety, clearly underestimating Bert’s own prowess.
Within the chaos, one could be excused for not failing to notice the drones Bert had been sending around to overhear and oversee it all. First, they paid attention to the chief of security at VALKYRIE, Ugo McBasie, who seemed to be getting interviewed by someone from the Fortuna Hermod, an ODIN-owned news publication (not their usual guy at scenes like this… Wonder what happened to him). Bert had heard that the man was a violent and irresponsible meathead who’d caused plenty of trouble in the past, but he seemed to be keeping a thin veil of professionalism for now. However, Bert couldn’t help but notice a young man in a blue aviator cap standing a few meters behind the reporter and staring daggers at him, perhaps keeping him in check somehow, occasionally piping in for comment about how it was all they could do to surround the place and wait for an opening if they didn’t want a meat grinder on their hands.
Meanwhile, Los Fortuna’s own city council chairman, Raymond Delwin Shimizu was discussing something of note with someone else, who seemed to have just finished an interview of his own. Bert didn’t recognize him, but the interviewer had called him “Chief Prosecutor Cavallo”, and she seemed as if she knew what she was talking about, so Bert opted to believe her. The interviewer, Jillian Something-or-other, had been running all over the scene, trying to get interviews alongside her oversized cameraman Bert recognized as having been that really huge cop who used to hang around Aurelio a lot of the time not successfully doing his job. Not worth Bert’s time.
Cavallo scratched his head in frustration. “Chairman, please tell me that you’ve made progress of some kind here...”
Ray shook his head. “Not much. That stand user that’s working alongside Jack Aurel, Akiko Mizushima, is making it impossible to get in - anyone we do send in is as good as gone. We haven’t even been able to get Admiral Pineapples out. Judging by your demeanor, I assume that the board hasn’t made much progress either.”
“No, doesn’t seem like it.” Cavallo let out a long sigh. “Every day, it’s just more and more work… Now we’re stuck having to deal with this. If nothing’s done, the board’s thinking it might very well cause a disaster unmatched by… Well, anything but the earthquake from thirty years ago. Something like this, bending the rules of the city, and breaking free from it… Los Fortuna’s probably not going to let that slide easily.” He shook his head. “Where the hell is the mayor through all this? Watching anime at home or something, probably.”
Ray remained silent for a bit, thinking to himself. “Well, we’ve got emergency services ready to act for now, and we’re working on evacuating any susceptible areas, but it only works so much.” Before Cavallo could respond, another reporter came up to Raymond, ready with a batch of questions for him. “Well, Cavallo, our work isn’t done yet, so let’s get to it. Saving as many people as possible here should be our utmost priority.” And with that, the two men parted ways for the time being.
Having listened enough, Bert began thinking to themselves. This was a tricky situation - they clearly couldn’t get in as is, but they certainly wanted to. Learning more about the situation at hand would improve their knowledge of the mechanisms holding Los Fortuna together, and gaining control over the ritual somehow would certainly be a feat befitting of a god such as them.
Bert stood in front of the museum entrance, taking another look at the chaos in front of them and continuing to think about the next step they’d take. So many different possibilities, so little time. They thought, and thought, and then one of their drones’ eyes glanced upon someone familiar - a blue haired, red eyed woman wearing a mask, trying to blend in and clearly resenting it, skulking around the perimeter of the area as though she, too, wished to enter.
Yet despite her efforts, Bert recognized her.
“Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix!” They declared it loudly, thoughtlessly so, approaching her with a hand raised. “Are you perhaps looking to find a crevasse through which to enter that place as well? It’s quite fortified, isn’t it?”
“Hm?” She wasn’t bothered by the way Bert drew attention to her, still wearing her same very extra outfit under the also quite extra hooded dark robe she was using to blend in. “Ah, pardon me dearly for having failed to notice you… You are Bert, from that incident where we fought on equal terms, yes?”
“I am that same Bert, Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix, yes. Though I doubt I could be much mistaken for others…”
“We are both quite conspicuous individuals, yes,” Dread said, taking the conversation into a nearby alley before VALKYRIE goons on the scene could prove it was her, “but no, I’m not terribly nonplussed about my abilities to infiltrate that place… Simply, I am attempting to assess the probability by which my approach itself, through the barricades erected, might occur. If your intentions happen to be helping me sneak through, then it is simply not necessary on any fronts… I have formulated a plan now.”
Dread, now appearing alone, walked through that alley curiously, looking around her and beginning to see her opportunity of approach - there appeared to be a side door there, at which a certain fish-themed hero was sitting outside, looking, Dread knew from their DMs, at funny images of her wife atop the T-Rex skull in the museum.
Yes, certainly, this would be-
“Whoa, hey, it’s you!”
Damnable. Had she been spotted, or..?
No, no, wait. The one speaking, a man also in this alleyway who smelled of cannabis, holding what looked like a GAP bag, was speaking to someone on the opposite side of it, disembarking from a sportbike and handing it to the rider, who was wearing a very ornate-looking golden sword which Dread had sworn she’d seen somewhere before.
“Thanks,” the Black Angel told this young man, accepting the bag and producing its contents - a Roman helmet and black bird-looking tokusatsu cosplay? “Green couldn’t make it himself, huh?”
“I made it,” the guy said, pointing proudly to himself, before blinking. “Oh, you mean like… Showing up. Yeah, no, there was a thing with a mammoth coming down from the mountains, he’s helping East deal with that. Feel like lighting up before you go in? It’ll take the edge off..!”
The rider removed their helmet, coincidentally perfectly timed for the strawberry-blonde with pale blue eyes to stare him down incredulously. “About a million people live on this island, Weedboy. Now is not the time…” The Angel ducked into the nearby building to change, finishing, “shit, yeah, it looks just like the Flying Men do… uh. you should get out of here now.”
“You kidding?” He asked. “I don’t wanna bow out right before it gets good! That’s, like, saying I think you can’t do it!”
Well, these two appeared distracted, so Dread would continue along her way, walking right past them and towards the blockade, towards where Jo was sitting casually, only to be interrupted by-
“Holy shit, it really is her! Stop right there, Dread!”
Oh boy, here we go. This had been happening more lately, since a somewhat frustrating individual went and opened his big mouth about her dangers on Bifrost. Turned out that the head of VALKYRIE was literally in the server, so now she had a bounty on her head after a modicum of investigation into her after that public statement, and her casual admittance thereof!
Two armored guards were pointing guns at her as she stood there, unfazed.
“Don’t come any closer!” One of them, an older woman, said, turning to her younger partner and quickly telling him, “if she approaches, open fire. She’ll eat you alive if not!”
“This again, are you being serious?” Dread was less than pleased. “I am evil, and a murderer, unrepentantly so, yes, but I do not eat people. This rumor is being so blown out of proportion that I find it quite tiresome.”
“F-fuck off and die!” The younger moved to fire his weapon, only to realize there was a knife through him, catching the gun by the trigger after running from his shoulderblade to his fingertip.
Dread didn’t need the help, but like a true friend, Kimijo Kaneko offered it anyway
“Wh-what the-” The older woman cursed as her partner was cut open and dropped. “Fucking useless moron! HEY, EVERYONE, KANEKO BROKE RANK AND DREAD IS HERE TO! NOW’S OUR CHANCE TO-”
The distraction, then, was all it took for Dread to take her first kill of the day. Of course it was fine. She read the news, she knew how these VALKYRIE people were literally at war with poor people.
“Sh-shit, those people just died! More VALKYRIE corpses, and Jo again..!” The stoner declared in the background, and the Black Angel, now dressed exactly like the birdmen many had seen before, paused in her efforts to run past the opening created by Jo breaking formation.
Nobody could hear it or see her lips move, but she apologized under her breath, clenching her fist, but the disguise had worked. 32 Footsteps, the primary guard which would warp away anyone who tried to enter, apparently had instructions to allow in anybody dressed like this, yet none of the intended recipients of this deliberate loophole made their way in.
“Dread, hello, friend!” Jo exclaimed in high spirits, sheathing her knife, but still speaking quietly as she hurried back into place, “good to see you!”
“Yes, it is most certainly fortuitous for us to encounter one another…” Dread agreed, walking and talking with her as the pair were watched in horror. “By any chance, may I come into this museum? I am absolutely curiously intrigued by what is going on within here…”
A VALKYRIE sniper was taking aim at Dread, then, as she entered, muttering under her breath, “got a shot lined up… I can take her out, and Jo a second later! Two bastards out of the way, at least, and-”
“Wait,” the youth in a blue aviator hat and goggles, speaking as VALKYRIE’s tactician, instructed, “hold your fire.”
“Sir, she just made one of our senior officers fall into rotten pieces! She’s chatting it up with this fish-bitch like it’s nothing!”
“I know, and I’m appalled too, but I think…” The Blue Kid paused, contemplatively. “No, I know it. Dread is here to defeat John Aurel, just like the Black Angel.”
Spinning and pivoting through the air, “Lou” Reed, dressed like a dark, sixth Flying Man, landed atop the skull of the t-rex, which had apparently been adorned in a cute little pirate hat. It made for a fine vantage point, then, to look all over the halls of the Natural History museum, noting one, two, three, four spots, grotesque and morbid statues Remix had apparently erected of ghostly abominations.
She was exhausted, injured from the three-way skirmish she, Metra, and Oh No had been forced to undergo and riding like hell to get here, but she had made it this far, and others had managed to get in too. She couldn’t choke now.
Seven minutes… I’ll just have to destroy those, and be back here in seven minutes. Easy enough… I don’t think I’ve been-
“Green, Orange, and Purple… I don’t believe a ‘Flying Man Black’ was ever mentioned, nor that any of the brothers were into swords.”
Shit. That voice, too… Lou turned around, then, seeing someone standing behind her, a man with long dark hair, brandishing a hammer and looking up at her.
John “Jack” Aurel.
“Even if you are what you appear to be and not in disguise, you should realize that you aren’t welcome here. There’s nothing to be done in this museum worth dying for, and no way to accomplish any more foolish goal if I were to raise attention now. Care to waste some of the time you have left and explain?”
Of course this would happen. Lou removed her faux-beak, helmet, and goggles, staring down at him as her hair billowed in the ceiling fans’ wind. “Jack… I’ve come here to put a stop to this.”
“You’re that kid who’s always running around, huh?” Jack frowned, twirling his hammer. “I hear what you talk about through the grapevine… About how we’re all victims of fate, forced against each other by Gravity. That Stand Users are always going to be molded by this… You understand it too. You understand that people like us prey upon the weak, that it’s in our natures and our place in the world. I want to remove myself from that… Remove these people from that, and atone for what I’ve done.”
“By killing even more people! There’s no way they’ll get everyone away from your blast radius, and you haven’t even given them the chance to!” Lou protested. “It doesn’t have to be this way… Don’t say this is how it has to be! We can save this place, free everyone from gravity, without barreling towards its destruction! I don’t want to kill you, Jack. I want you to stop this crazy, self-indulgent crap and help me do something real!”
“You think everyone deserves this? That Stand Users will simply reform without this? The cycle has started, and it will push to the end even if the wave guiding it fades away completely… Bastards, the lot of us, and I don’t intend to run from what I’ve done. I’ll give you one chance to run away, kid… the worst I can call you is naive.”
Lou drew the golden blade, seeing Jack wince as he clearly recognized its significance, all as her Stand appeared behind her. “We both know I can’t do that, even if I can barely keep my balance up here. And hey, maybe I will die here… Maybe I am fated not to see this through. But then, someone is gonna finish this for me! Your security is already compromised!”
“Fascinating… And you are utterly convinced that, should it work, those he’s slain to commence this ritual to begin with will return outside the city?”
“Remix is full of himself,” Jo said, nodding quietly, “but he and Jack, they researched a lot… Akiko and I, for helping this finish, we can finally go home! Be done with the bad city…”
“She has made this place remarkably impregnable,” Dread agreed, thinking aloud, “anyone who waltzes in waltzes into her backrooms…”
“Unless they have a ‘pass!’” A voice from within Dread’s cloak spoke, and as Jo raised her knife at it in defense, the pure-white, terribly contorted form of Bert tumbled onto the ground, stretching and reshaping into their typical humanlike shape.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, they are fine, with me!” Dread assured Jo, frankly thankful to have that weight literally off her back. Bert was very light, but even then it was hard to walk carrying someone, let alone not give it away. “We have… Some history, and so I thought I might as well indulge Bert’s request to see this place as well. I apologize for not mentioning earlier, but it was quite dire getting in here past guards attacking us.”
Jo didn’t seem to mind, continuing to lead the pair around, even passing Akiko who was casually, distractedly reading some manga while in a bit of a pirate mood.
They also passed by another scene, slightly more concerning, of an injured old man in a Hawaiian Shirt, close by the frontmost entrance of the place and clutching himself as his fleet of four Stand-starships remaining fired at Remix, who guarded against it with ghost-objects while a Flying Man Red tried to find an opening to strike.
“You’ve been at this for hours, old man, die already! You have no place in the world I mean to birth from your bloodied, pulped remains!”
Pineapples stood, then, leaning against the wall, trying not to show weakness.
“I think that guy is going to lose, at this rate… It’s a shame, too,” Bert, the loudmouth again, remarked. “He might have been a worthwhile pawn in wrestling control away from this operation.”
Dread, Jo, Remix, and Red all gave Bert simultaneous incredulous looks, all in completely unique ways.
Jo drew her knife again, about to transform, only to dodge out of the way of the injured ‘Lou’ Reed, blacked out, helmetless, being knocked away and into the floor, the shock of which made her rise quickly, feeling around. “Where’s the- Shit!” As she sat up, then, feeling around for the saber no longer in her possession, she noticed that she was smack in the middle of something else here.
Hurriedly, she rolled away, standing herself up and looking to the injured Admiral. “You… You’re one of those MFAs, right? How did you-?”
Weakly, he gestured to Remix. “He brought me here in a damned urn! I’ve been fending them off to buy others in the museum time to escape… Everyone in this hall here and Jack, those are the only ones left in the building, minus masses and masses of ghosts. They’re harmless, though… Don’t worry about them attacking unless that guy takes them.”
“I see…” Lou, then, smiled sadly, clutching her bloodied suit. She looked to Bert and Dread, then, moving to get between them and Jack’s incredulous accomplices. “You said you wanted to take him out, right? I overheard…”
“Well, Bert has let yet another cat out of the bag,” Dread admitted, “indeed, I came here with the intent of dethroning Jack Aurel before he had a chance to complete his little ritual. Few others would even be able to get in here.”
“So that’s my role, then…” Lou smiled, then, sighing, ducking out of the way of the Flying Man sending a kick her way, a gauntlet-clad arm emerging from her body, grabbing his ankle hard, and swinging him into the Jo who was shocked to hear Dread say that. “I can’t do anything about Jack… Too fucked up from that ED match…” She grinned, then, mouth bleeding as she stared Remix down. “But this old man and I can at least keep these assholes from interfering!”
Dread, then, watched passively as the five erupted into battle, she and Bert curious about what was to come as, from each hand, the Stand which emerged seemed to fire odd projectiles at their foes. “The ‘I’ll hold them off…’ You’re styling yourself as some sort of exceptional hero, aren’t you?” She seemed amused by that, the irony of their cooperation. “I’m evil, you know… And Bert, at least, is morally ambiguous. But if you’ve settled on putting the city in our hands, have you any advice?”
Over the sounds of laser fire, Lou quickly found time to answer, “yeah, there’s… I brought this golden ‘saber’ with me, and it must’ve fallen somewhere by the T-Rex… In, in a bit over six minutes from now, this ritual of theirs is gonna go through and rip this island open. Before that… They have these ‘failsafe’ statue things, and…” She took a breath, retracting and wincing from a blow her Stand had taken. “Look, I don’t have time to explain it, but you need to smash those up first! They’re there, made up of spirits fused together, to keep these guys safe from the consequences of their own actions… To ensure their safety, and at the same time act as a ‘failsafe’ for the ritual. Gives you the ‘power’ over it, too, in the way that right now Jack himself does… That’s important to stopping it. So you need to smash them first, and then, right as the time passes for the ritual, when the skull of the T-Rex in the center starts to split open and glow and its mouth starts gushing water… Embed the sword into the opening in its forehead, right as it starts to shape. That’s the only way to prevent this at this stage!”
“The forehead particularly, hmm?” Bert asked, pacing curiously and avoiding a cross split attack from Red, who barreled into Lou and was barely blocked. “Why there, per se? Why nowhere else on the thing?”
“Ngh..!” Lou grunted, saved from a follow-up by Pineapples. “I dunno, that’s just where you have to do it!”
“Black Angel… That’s what you’re called, yes?” Dread smiled, turning away. “You will be thanked for this victory… Try to live long enough to witness it firsthand, won’t you?”
“I’d… I’d love to,” Lou answered, smiling sadly, “for five years now, when I first learned there was anything worth a damn in this world, I’ve wanted to protect that… The dark pit of despair that was the first thirteen years of my life, and even so much since, I’d love nothing more than a world where no person is fated beyond impossible odds to suffer that.” She grew serious, then, raising her voice. “Go, now! Leave this to us!”
Bert and Dread approached the T-Rex, impressed at the amazing height and Akiko’s snazzy pirate duds upon the thing, the lab-grown being whistling with impression. “A T-Rex lived ‘til three-hundred years ago… Preserved whole, in this city. It’s astonishing, isn’t it, Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix?”
“A curious anomaly,” Dread agreed, examining it from afar, even noticing that alleged sword in the distance. “I wonder why it survived that long, so far after its brethren…”
“It’s because it was a ‘Stand User.’”
Jack approached from the same room in which Dread spotted glints of the golden saber, announcing his presence with that. “That was its ‘fate…’ A savage, cunning animal, ripped from where it belonged. to be a problem to solve and squabble over, to found this city on its literal bones.”
“John ‘Jack’ Aurel… You’d best stand down.” Bert, helpfully, started. “You cannot beat us… Even if we only had seconds to overcome you, I would be too much for you to handle!”
“No, he’s going to fight, I know it.” Dread, meanwhile, prepared Joywave, staring him down with a pointed, grinning lethality. “I suppose introductions are not necessary, with how Bert here loves to say my full name… I am not one to make things curt or brief, John, but consider yourself toppled, usurped, bloodied and dead.”
“The lab accident with a God complex and by far the worst, most grisly of Jo’s friends…” With no real amusement, no happiness in his eyes, Jack chuckled, looking them over. “Of course, right at the end, my final test isn’t some hero… It’s exactly the worst kind of Stand User! The apex predators that I’ve preyed upon, that stand in the way of saving everyone who’s died to reach this point! Of course it would be someone like me to gain entry, wouldn’t it?”
“You speak with such confidence you’ll raise the dead…” Bert was curious. “Even if it costs more lives, such a thing is… That is the realm of gods, John ‘Jack’ Aurel.”
“Not today it’s not,” Jack answered, twirling his hammer in his hand. “Both of you… You’ve been driven here, standing in my way, as agents of ‘fate’ itself. Isn’t that the reason you were ‘lucky’ enough to pass through our defenses… Because you were meant to stand here, and you were meant to watch as every horrible, cruel thing you’ve done amounts to nothing in the face of these circumstances.”
He looks the two intruders over with sympathy for a moment, before steeling himself and clenching his weapon, Stand appearing behind him just as stone-faced. “You may be the puppet of something beyond your control, but you must understand that I can’t let you ruin the plan I’ve bet my life on. I bear you no anger as people, but your role here is something I can’t ignore. I’ll waste our time no longer in arguing ethics, let there be no apologies or restraint until this is settled.”
The other conspirators had been instructed not to intervene if it came to this point, even if it risked the collapse of everything they had worked for. Not if it threatened lives. An enemy to make it this far was deserving of being dealt with reasonably. As the critical moment drew near, Jack readied all the fury that months of waiting had stored within him, and accepted that this may very well be his final true fight.
“Five minutes on the dot now, until ‘that time…’ If what the Black Angel said is true.” Dread looked to Bert. “What do you say we demonstrate incontrovertibly to John exactly how confused he truly is?”
(Image credit to CaptainSpooky27!)
Location: A part of the Los Fortuna’s Natural History Museum. The area here is 75 by 75 meters with each tile being 5 by 5 meters. The ceilings here are 8 meters tall. The yellow tiles are the hallways and the green and purple tiles form the different rooms.
The white tiles have ritual shrines built on those areas. There are 7 shrines total and will be explained in further detail in the additional information.
The players start at the south of the map and Jack starts at the top of the map as represented by their tokens. The walls are represented by thicker borders and the dotted lines are the doorways.
At the top of the map, in the pink tile and yellow symbols, is the Golden Sword. It is currently pinned under 2 meters of rubble.
Each wing of the museum houses an exhibit, in the center is the main attraction a large T-Rex in display as denoted by the large grey circle.
The other exhibits are denoted by the letter on them:
  • G: The geologic exhibit, displaying and teaching about different rock formations and types
  • O: The two Oceanic exhibits, displaying the marine life and seabed of Los Fortuna.
  • C: The climatography exhibit, displaying the different temperature maps and features across Los Fortuna.
  • A: The Agricultural exhibit, displaying the various fruits and crops grown around Los Fortuna.
  • T: The two Taxidermy exhibits, displaying a wide range of animals in roped off and glass displays.
  • E:The Entomology exhibit, displaying photos and models of various bugs.
Goal: For the players, desecrate all the shrines and, when time runs out, have at least one of you, living and conscious, at the T-Rex with the golden sword in hand! For Jack, make sure the players don’t stop your ritual before it goes off!
The match will last exactly five minutes, unless of course players are dead before then. It doesn’t end just because players reach the goal.
Additional Information:
The shrines are 2 meter tall marked wood and metal structures, each having an strange carve effigy sitting in the center of them. In order to properly desecrate a shrine the players can do one of a few things, destroy the shrine outright, deface all the carvings made into the shrine, or destroy the effigy hidden within the shrine.
After destroying or defacing a shrine, the ghosts of the dead will begin harassing the players - three ghosts will move towards the player responsible for destroying the shrine (even in a situation where the stands are responsible: the ghosts will target Bert if a Perfect Hair minion destroys a shrine, and same for if anything affected by Joywave does so). These aren't strong, having flat 222 physicals and being partially see-through, but will increase in numbers as more and more shrines are destroyed. Strong enough hits can phase them out of existence, but they'll respawn ten seconds after at the spot that they previously were. They will go directly towards the players and can phase through any walls or objects that may be in their paths (but not out of any attacks), grabbing onto the players and trying to gang up on them once they're close enough to do so, dealing minor damage.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Red Carpet Rennaisance Emilie "Dread" Delacroix "Wow! It's a hand drawn original color illustration!" You’re a cultured woman, and this museum might very well end up being wiped off of the face of the earth quite soon, so you need to make the most of it while you still can! Make sure to visit and appreciate the various exhibits on display here! (Character Specific)
Suburban Regalia Bert "What a terrible person. If I wrote about someone like you, none of my readers would like it." So this man is playing at god, trying to control life, death, and fate themselves? What foolishness! Clearly, only you can do such things, and you do them best! Over the course of the strategy, prove your superiority to this “Jack Aurel“ and take him down a notch! (Character Specific)
??? Jack Aurel "Where the hell did you go?! Come out, you fucker!" It's now or never. This is the culmination of all of your plans, and failing is absolutely not an option here. During the fight, hold nothing back, and make sure to thoroughly defeat your opponents so that no one and nothing will ever stand in your way again!
(Jack sheet plain text version)
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Words and frequencies across all lyrics

Bit of a pointless post but something I was curious about. Combining all the lyrics from DCFC songs Ben has written, here are all the words used and the frequency of them.
834 the 587 and 479 you 432 i 369 a 356 to 264 in 235 of 180 that 175 your 148 it 146 all 144 me 141 so 140 on 135 my 132 we 125 be 123 but 121 for 119 as 116 when 114 was 113 with 110 is 107 this 100 are 85 no 84 they 82 it's 77 there 77 from 76 our 76 like 72 there's 69 know 68 will 66 what 64 just 61 you're 61 love 61 at 60 can't 59 don't 57 if 56 never 56 gold 54 were 54 rush 54 down 52 time 52 through 50 nothing 49 i'm 48 away 47 out 47 not 46 have 46 could 44 oh 43 where 43 way 42 into 41 'cause 40 heart 39 same 39 one 38 then 38 only 37 how 37 every 36 see 36 i'll 35 would 34 some 32 more 31 up 31 find 30 been 30 back 29 their 28 won't 28 why 28 here 28 do 27 who 27 or 27 can 26 now 26 by 26 an 25 stay 25 new 25 got 25 go 24 sun 24 something 24 she 24 little 24 feel 24 around 23 you'll 23 sunlight 23 open 23 night 23 i've 23 always 22 used 22 home 22 had 21 you've 21 us 21 than 21 said 21 didn't 20 wanderer 20 too 20 let 20 left 20 keep 20 he 20 days 19 they're 19 long 19 both 19 about 18 think 18 them 18 sound 18 say 18 make 18 lines 18 life 18 hold 18 eyes 18 end 18 change 18 boys 17 want 17 these 17 off 17 loved 17 his 17 cause 17 before 16 someone 16 skin 16 past 16 need 16 gotta 16 am 15 we'll 15 waiting 15 take 15 spend 15 remain 15 ooh 15 head 15 far 15 fall 15 doors 14 true 14 that's 14 tell 14 place 14 people 14 mind 14 inside 14 hear 14 alone 13 underneath 13 turn 13 things 13 sea 13 old 13 move 13 morning 13 man 13 live 13 last 13 i'd 13 get 13 fool 13 did 13 behind 13 air 13 again 12 words 12 unlocked 12 trying 12 took 12 told 12 thought 12 much 12 many 12 friends 12 ever 12 come 12 along 11 thing 11 still 11 slowly 11 sky 11 should 11 seems 11 remember 11 look 11 light 11 her 11 haunted 11 hard 11 free 11 everything 11 digging 11 black 11 bed 10 years 10 year 10 well 10 those 10 such 10 street 10 slow 10 room 10 monday 10 modern 10 knew 10 hope 10 getting 10 face 10 even 10 empty 10 drive 10 dream 10 day 10 dark 10 came 10 best 10 age 9 wonder 9 we're 9 under 9 turned 9 town 9 thinking 9 someday 9 side 9 safe 9 possess 9 once 9 ocean 9 near 9 moved 9 meet 9 lying 9 kept 9 help 9 hands 9 fire 9 finally 9 door 9 distance 9 disappeared 9 city 9 begin 9 beautiful 9 anymore 8 windows 8 while 8 truth 8 tried 8 tonight 8 speak 8 soul 8 right 8 please 8 pity 8 mouth 8 mirror 8 mean 8 leaving 8 lead 8 kind 8 hole 8 gonna 8 glass 8 give 8 floor 8 fading 8 fade 8 everyone 8 ending 8 cannot 8 burning 8 burn 8 break 7 young 7 you'd 7 worse 7 within 7 wish 7 wind 7 wha 7 walls 7 walking 7 until 7 tears 7 standing 7 speed 7 sometimes 7 sleep 7 quite 7 own 7 over 7 oo 7 name 7 motion 7 mine 7 may 7 making 7 lonely 7 leave 7 ho 7 hand 7 ground 7 gives 7 filled 7 fear 7 dreamt 7 different 7 debris 7 cool 7 body 7 better 7 being 7 ask 7 arms 7 anything 7 alright 7 alive 7 'til 6 yet 6 upon 6 two 6 try 6 today 6 times 6 thread 6 talking 6 takes 6 synapse 6 sycamore 6 summer 6 stop 6 start 6 stars 6 spoke 6 soon 6 sleeping 6 single 6 play 6 paper 6 nothing's 6 names 6 myself 6 mess 6 memories 6 made 6 looking 6 lights 6 its 6 higher 6 hearts 6 he's 6 has 6 half 6 grows 6 gone 6 girls 6 ghosts 6 full 6 found 6 first 6 felt 6 feeling 6 fast 6 ends 6 else 6 el 6 either 6 each 6 dorado 6 document 6 couldn't 6 clothes 6 closer 6 clear 6 call 6 california 6 built 6 bring 6 brain 6 belly 6 believe 6 bah 6 bad 6 baa 6 awake 6 another 6 against 5 yourself 5 yes 5 work 5 window 5 went 5 watching 5 watch 5 wasn't 5 wanted 5 wait 5 turns 5 together 5 three 5 thin 5 tangled 5 talk 5 taken 5 swim 5 summer's 5 stage 5 song 5 somewhere 5 shoulders 5 shoes 5 set 5 seem 5 screaming 5 scene 5 saw 5 save 5 sad 5 roll 5 revolved 5 read 5 rain 5 put 5 pretend 5 pass 5 parallel 5 nue 5 must 5 moving 5 mistakes 5 mistake 5 meets 5 lovers 5 lost 5 lose 5 listen 5 lips 5 line 5 late 5 kid 5 ing 5 hotel 5 hides 5 held 5 heaven 5 grow 5 gotten 5 goodbye 5 gave 5 gates 5 frame 5 followed 5 follow 5 faster 5 fair 5 faces 5 expect 5 enough 5 engine 5 dying 5 drunk 5 dress 5 dancing 5 cut 5 cruel 5 cracks 5 concrete 5 compromise 5 close 5 cars 5 buildings 5 broken 5 binds 5 between 5 beside 5 bend 5 below 5 began 5 because 5 beast 5 any 5 angeles 5 above 4 yeah 4 wrong 4 worth 4 without 4 winter 4 who's 4 white 4 which 4 wheel 4 wedding 4 water 4 wanna 4 walked 4 waited 4 view 4 vast 4 twisting 4 travels 4 thinner 4 teeth 4 steel 4 started 4 squeaking 4 space 4 softly 4 smoke 4 skyline 4 simply 4 silence 4 sent 4 sense 4 s 4 run 4 rooms 4 road 4 return 4 rest 4 reach 4 plays 4 perfect 4 outside 4 other 4 occurred 4 northern 4 nights 4 news 4 mountain 4 miles 4 met 4 machine 4 los 4 looked 4 less 4 leaves 4 learned 4 lay 4 known 4 keeps 4 ivory 4 information 4 ice 4 hurricane 4 houses 4 house 4 holding 4 him 4 hills 4 highway 4 guns 4 guess 4 gets 4 forget 4 forever 4 flows 4 flames 4 fingers 4 filling 4 father 4 farther 4 fact 4 everybody 4 escape 4 embrace 4 earth 4 dreams 4 doubt 4 done 4 dear 4 darkened 4 crawling 4 condescending 4 comfort 4 clouds 4 closed 4 climbed 4 climb 4 clean 4 child 4 car 4 cameras 4 calling 4 brothers 4 boy 4 bound 4 bones 4 blinding 4 blame 4 beneath 4 awoke 4 autumn 4 after 3 youth 3 yours 3 world 3 working 3 worked 3 word 3 wine 3 wife 3 what's 3 weeks 3 we'd 3 wave 3 watched 3 warm 3 wander 3 vultures 3 very 3 vacancy 3 understand 3 type 3 twin 3 trust 3 top 3 tired 3 tiny 3 though 3 thinks 3 tether 3 television 3 taste 3 tall 3 sweet 3 swallowed 3 surround 3 supposed 3 strong 3 streets 3 stranger 3 storm 3 stood 3 stays 3 stayed 3 station 3 static 3 stare 3 stand 3 stable 3 spread 3 spent 3 speaks 3 snow 3 smaller 3 slip 3 slept 3 skies 3 size 3 sink 3 singing 3 signs 3 sights 3 shroud 3 shared 3 series 3 self 3 second 3 seat 3 seasons 3 searching 3 school 3 saved 3 satisfied 3 runs 3 running 3 rubble 3 river 3 rhythm 3 remains 3 remainder 3 regret 3 reflection 3 recall 3 really 3 re 3 rather 3 rainy 3 promises 3 possibilities 3 plates 3 plastic 3 planned 3 plan 3 plain 3 places 3 placed 3 part 3 others 3 ones 3 nowhere 3 noise 3 neighborhood 3 music 3 mother 3 monument 3 mistress 3 meant 3 matter 3 maps 3 makes 3 lover 3 lookin' 3 longer 3 lie 3 learn 3 lake 3 lack 3 kissed 3 kids 3 keeping 3 isn't 3 island 3 inaccurately 3 illuminate 3 hunger 3 hung 3 hours 3 horizon 3 hell 3 hang 3 grid 3 grey 3 grass 3 good 3 gon' 3 glued 3 front 3 four 3 fly 3 fish 3 feet 3 familiar 3 falls 3 failure 3 failing 3 explain 3 eventually 3 endless 3 embarks 3 echoes 3 easy 3 east 3 early 3 drown 3 double 3 doing 3 discover 3 died 3 die 3 diamond 3 design 3 defeated 3 defeat 3 deep 3 decide 3 death 3 countless 3 counting 3 count 3 comes 3 collide 3 cold 3 cloud 3 claim 3 cigarette 3 children 3 changes 3 ceiling 3 care 3 burst 3 brown 3 bright 3 breathe 3 bought 3 bottle 3 born 3 bodies 3 blurs 3 bird 3 become 3 became 3 beach 3 bar 3 band 3 astound 3 asleep 3 apartment 3 anywhere 3 ain't 3 ago 3 across 3 'no's 2 york 2 wreckage 2 worry 2 winter's 2 win 2 wild 2 wide 2 whose 2 whole 2 whiskey 2 weight 2 weathered 2 we've 2 waving 2 wash 2 wants 2 waking 2 wake 2 waitresses 2 vows 2 voice 2 vine 2 views 2 veins 2 upstate 2 untrustable 2 unobstructed 2 unfold 2 underground 2 unconscious 2 twos 2 twenty 2 tv 2 turning 2 truths 2 tripped 2 towards 2 touching 2 touch 2 tongue 2 tones 2 tires 2 tire 2 till 2 tied 2 ticking 2 thrown 2 threw 2 threes 2 thousands 2 thousand 2 they've 2 there'd 2 ten 2 technicolor 2 tear 2 taking 2 synchronized 2 symphony 2 sworn 2 swift 2 swept 2 sweat 2 sure 2 superhero 2 suit 2 strobe 2 strange 2 stranded 2 straight 2 store 2 stopped 2 stones 2 stomach 2 step 2 states 2 state 2 starts 2 starting 2 stands 2 stake 2 stairs 2 stacked 2 st 2 sputters 2 spring 2 splinter 2 spit 2 sphere 2 speaking 2 spat 2 spark 2 son 2 something's 2 someone's 2 soaring 2 smugded 2 smiling 2 smile 2 smell 2 slipping 2 slightest 2 slide 2 skid 2 six 2 sitting 2 sit 2 sings 2 silver 2 signed 2 sign 2 sifting 2 shrugged 2 show 2 shouldn't 2 shore 2 shift 2 shed 2 share 2 shards 2 shallow 2 shake 2 shadows 2 settling 2 setting 2 sets 2 separate 2 sees 2 seen 2 seemed 2 security 2 secrets 2 season 2 scream 2 scraping 2 scenes 2 sand 2 safety 2 rows 2 routine 2 role 2 roads 2 rhythms 2 resolve 2 repeat 2 renewed 2 remained 2 refrain 2 refine 2 red 2 record 2 recognize 2 reason 2 real 2 reading 2 reaction 2 reaching 2 ravine 2 railroad 2 radio 2 quietly 2 quiet 2 question 2 queen 2 pushing 2 push 2 pursuit 2 pulling 2 pulled 2 pull 2 prove 2 potential 2 portable 2 poor 2 point 2 piles 2 pile 2 picked 2 photographs 2 photobooth 2 photo 2 phone 2 peter's 2 perspective 2 peace 2 pavement 2 patterns 2 passing 2 passenger 2 parlor 2 pane 2 pages 2 packed 2 pack 2 pace 2 oxygen 2 overloads 2 overcoat 2 outrun 2 optimist 2 notes 2 network 2 nervous 2 needs 2 neck 2 morse 2 moment 2 misleading 2 mile 2 metal 2 message 2 mention 2 men 2 memory 2 melody 2 markers 2 map 2 magazines 2 losing 2 lonesome 2 living 2 let's 2 led 2 lawn 2 laughed 2 language 2 knows 2 knots 2 knock 2 killing 2 keys 2 jury 2 judge 2 jar 2 isolation 2 iron 2 invitation 2 intermittent 2 intentions 2 instincts 2 ingested 2 infinite 2 image 2 idealistic 2 hour 2 honest 2 homes 2 holds 2 hint 2 hill 2 hedgerows 2 heard 2 headlights 2 he'd 2 hardly 2 hardest 2 hair 2 guiding 2 guide 2 growing 2 grouped 2 greys 2 grave 2 granted 2 going 2 goes 2 god 2 glasses 2 giving 2 given 2 girl 2 gilded 2 ghost 2 further 2 furniture 2 funny 2 frost 2 friend 2 freeways 2 forward 2 foreign 2 foolish 2 fluorescent 2 flights 2 flight 2 flickering 2 flicker 2 five 2 fits 2 fit 2 fine 2 final 2 film 2 fill 2 figured 2 field 2 fiction 2 few 2 fences 2 fell 2 fearful 2 favorite 2 fault 2 faucet 2 family 2 false 2 falling 2 faithful 2 eye 2 except 2 evergreen 2 evening 2 entered 2 engulfed 2 easily 2 ears 2 ear 2 dusty 2 drowned 2 drove 2 drop 2 droop 2 driving 2 drinks 2 drinking 2 drilled 2 dressed 2 dollar 2 doesn't 2 does 2 dive 2 distracted 2 disorderly 2 disappointment 2 disappear 2 directions 2 details 2 desert 2 depths 2 deepest 2 decided 2 december 2 dealers 2 dead 2 daylight 2 date's 2 darling 2 darkest 2 darker 2 damn 2 cycle 2 curtain 2 cursed 2 currency 2 cup 2 crystal 2 cry 2 crowns 2 cross 2 crippling 2 crimes 2 crashing 2 country 2 conversations 2 construction 2 constant 2 coney 2 complications 2 completely 2 command 2 colors 2 color 2 coldest 2 code 2 coat 2 coast 2 clarity 2 circles 2 cigarettes 2 choice 2 chemicals 2 cheap 2 chattered 2 chase 2 chance 2 catholic 2 cathedral 2 cath 2 catches 2 carried 2 cans 2 candle 2 camera 2 cake 2 busy 2 bus 2 build 2 brownstone 2 brow 2 broke 2 bridges 2 bridge 2 bricks 2 bow 2 bounce 2 bottom 2 bored 2 book 2 blues 2 blue 2 bleed 2 beverly 2 bent 2 belong 2 believed 2 beginning 2 becomes 2 beauty 2 beat 2 bastard 2 ball 2 bags 2 baggage 2 backwards 2 backbone 2 aware 2 atmosphere 2 atlas 2 atlantic 2 assume 2 askew 2 arrived 2 applause 2 apologies 2 apart 2 anyone 2 anticipation's 2 answer 2 amputating 2 already 2 almost 2 alleys 2 alcohol 2 advancing 2 advances 2 admit 2 address 2 accident 1 zone 1 zeros 1 zentropic 1 z 1 youthful 1 youngest 1 yearning 1 yearn 1 yard 1 wrote 1 wrongs 1 written 1 writing 1 write 1 wrinkles 1 wrinkled 1 wretched 1 wrecking 1 wrap 1 wounds 1 worthwhile 1 worst 1 worn 1 works 1 workadays 1 wore 1 wool 1 wood 1 woken 1 woke 1 withered 1 wished 1 wires 1 wintery 1 winners 1 window's 1 winded 1 willow 1 whom 1 whispers 1 whenever 1 wheezed 1 wheels 1 wet 1 weights 1 weightless 1 weigh 1 week 1 weave 1 weather 1 weary 1 wearing 1 wealthy 1 weak 1 ways 1 waves 1 water's 1 wasting 1 wasted 1 waste 1 washes 1 warn 1 warming 1 war 1 wall 1 walk 1 waits 1 vowels 1 volume 1 voices 1 vision 1 violent 1 villain 1 vile 1 vicious 1 vessels 1 vessel 1 versus 1 verse 1 vengeful 1 vending 1 veiled 1 vase 1 varies 1 variables 1 van 1 valleys 1 valley 1 vacant 1 uv 1 using 1 urge 1 urban 1 upwards 1 upstream 1 upside 1 upcoming 1 unwired 1 unseen 1 unresponsive 1 unknown 1 uninspired 1 unfounded 1 undone 1 underwhelming 1 understood 1 understated 1 unconditionally 1 umbrate 1 twists 1 twine 1 twilight 1 twice 1 tvs 1 turnstile 1 tunnels 1 tunneled 1 tunnel 1 truly 1 trudged 1 trouble 1 trend 1 tree 1 treble 1 treasures 1 treacherous 1 travel 1 trapped 1 transistor 1 trains 1 train 1 trailed 1 tragic 1 traffic 1 trades 1 traded 1 track 1 tracing 1 towers 1 tower 1 towed 1 tourists 1 tourist 1 tour 1 touched 1 toss 1 tortured 1 tomorrow 1 tombs 1 tokyo 1 toes 1 toe 1 timony 1 timely 1 til 1 tight 1 tide 1 tidal 1 thus 1 thursday 1 thumb 1 thses 1 throwing 1 throat 1 thoughts 1 thirty 1 thirteen 1 thinning 1 thicker 1 thickening 1 they'll 1 they'd 1 theme 1 thanksgiving 1 th 1 terrified 1 tenderly 1 temptation 1 temporary 1 tempo 1 tells 1 telling 1 telescope 1 teen 1 teachers 1 teach 1 taught 1 tattered 1 tasting 1 tastes 1 target 1 tapped 1 tape 1 tank 1 tangles 1 tan's 1 tamed 1 tame 1 tallest 1 taillights 1 tabloid 1 tables 1 swore 1 swings 1 swinging 1 swinger 1 swiftest 1 sweep 1 sweaters 1 swear 1 sway 1 survive 1 surprised 1 surprise 1 surfaced 1 surface 1 super 1 sunk 1 sung 1 sunday 1 summers 1 sum 1 suited 1 sugary 1 suffered 1 sufferance 1 suddenly 1 suburbs 1 suburban 1 subcompact 1 styrofoam 1 stutter 1 stung 1 stumbling 1 stumbled 1 stumble 1 studies 1 stuck 1 strung 1 strumming 1 struggle 1 stripped 1 strings 1 stretch 1 strength 1 streaks 1 streaking 1 strands 1 strain 1 story 1 stormed 1 stopping 1 stocking 1 sting 1 stick 1 stenches 1 steered 1 steeple 1 stature 1 stated 1 starves 1 stared 1 stamped 1 stained 1 stain 1 staggering 1 squid 1 squeezed 1 squeeze 1 squeaky 1 squares 1 springtime 1 springs 1 split 1 splicing 1 spinsters 1 spine 1 spilt 1 spending 1 speeding 1 speech 1 sped 1 spectrum's 1 speck 1 span 1 souvenirs 1 southern 1 south 1 soused 1 sour 1 sounds 1 soundly 1 sounded 1 sorry 1 sorrow 1 songs 1 solutions 1 solution 1 soles 1 solely 1 soldier 1 sold 1 soil 1 soft 1 soaking 1 snub 1 snowing 1 sneaky 1 sneaking 1 smoking 1 smiles 1 smells 1 small 1 slurring 1 slur 1 slot 1 slopes 1 slips 1 slippery 1 slick 1 slew 1 sleeves 1 sledding 1 slate 1 slander 1 slammin' 1 slacks 1 skyscrapers 1 skip 1 skinny 1 skills 1 sites 1 sip's 1 sins 1 singe 1 sing 1 since 1 simpler 1 similarity 1 silverstones 1 silken 1 silhouette 1 silenced 1 signals 1 sighted 1 sight 1 sides 1 sick 1 shutters 1 shut 1 shuffling 1 shrouded 1 shrine 1 shower 1 shovels 1 shop 1 shooting 1 shivers 1 shirt 1 shining 1 shines 1 shine 1 shifts 1 shield 1 shelf 1 sheets 1 sheen 1 shebang 1 shaved 1 shasta 1 shaking 1 shakedown 1 shades 1 shackles 1 sewing 1 seven 1 servers 1 seriously 1 sentence 1 sending 1 send 1 sell 1 selfless 1 seek 1 seeds 1 secret's 1 seas 1 seams 1 scripted 1 scrimped 1 screams 1 schemes 1 scent 1 scarves 1 scarf 1 scale 1 scaffolding 1 says 1 satellites 1 sat 1 sarcastic 1 sarah 1 sappiest 1 sang 1 san 1 saltwater 1 salivating 1 saddens 1 sacred 1 rusted 1 rushed 1 runway 1 rules 1 rule 1 rubber 1 royal 1 row 1 round 1 rotten 1 roman 1 roller 1 rocks 1 rock 1 robot 1 rises 1 ring 1 rights 1 righteous 1 ridge 1 ride 1 revisions 1 returns 1 returning 1 retreat 1 restrictions 1 restlessness 1 restless 1 response 1 resort 1 resolutions 1 resigned 1 resignation 1 reside 1 rescue 1 requiem 1 repressed 1 reports 1 reporting 1 replaced 1 repetition 1 repeats 1 repeating 1 rented 1 reminder 1 remind 1 remembering 1 relief 1 relax 1 reject 1 regardless 1 regal 1 refused 1 refined 1 reeling 1 reeks 1 reeked 1 reduces 1 redemptions 1 records 1 recollect 1 receptors 1 recently 1 receipts 1 receded 1 rearrange 1 realize 1 ready 1 react 1 rays 1 rationed 1 rate's 1 rank 1 ranges 1 random 1 raising 1 raise 1 rail 1 raggedy 1 radios 1 racket 1 quitting 1 quit 1 quips 1 quell 1 queens 1 quarry 1 quarreling 1 pushes 1 purpose 1 purity 1 punks 1 punk 1 pumping 1 pulp 1 proves 1 protect 1 propping 1 proposing 1 proof 1 promise 1 procession 1 problems 1 pristine 1 priest 1 pride 1 prices 1 prevail 1 pretty 1 pretentious 1 pretending 1 pre 1 prayers 1 prayer 1 praising 1 postcards 1 postcard 1 possoibilities 1 possible 1 possibility's 1 position 1 pose 1 porch 1 population's 1 pools 1 politics 1 pointed 1 poets 1 pockets 1 pocket 1 plymouth 1 plumes 1 plots 1 plot 1 plenty 1 pleasantries 1 pleas 1 plea 1 playing 1 playful 1 plate 1 plaster 1 plans 1 plaguing 1 plague 1 pixels 1 piss 1 pink 1 pinhole 1 pinch 1 pillow 1 pillars 1 pigtails 1 pier 1 pieces 1 pictures 1 picture 1 picks 1 picket 1 phrases 1 photos 1 phones'll 1 pews 1 person 1 permission 1 permanence 1 perforated 1 perfectly 1 perfection 1 pension 1 penance 1 pen 1 peered 1 peeled 1 peel 1 peak 1 payroll 1 payment 1 payin' 1 paycheck 1 patrons 1 patio 1 patiently 1 passes 1 passed 1 partyline 1 party 1 parts 1 parks 1 parking 1 parked 1 paris 1 parents' 1 parents 1 parent 1 parapet 1 par 1 panic 1 pangs 1 palms 1 palisades 1 pale 1 painted 1 paint 1 paid 1 page 1 packing 1 pacers 1 overturns 1 overturned 1 overrated 1 overpass 1 overloaded 1 overjoyed 1 overflow 1 overcome 1 outstretched 1 outdo 1 outdated 1 ottoman 1 organ 1 orderly 1 opinions 1 opened 1 oozed 1 onto 1 onset 1 one's 1 oncoming 1 olympia 1 older 1 offense 1 occur 1 occupy 1 obscure 1 objectively 1 nurse 1 numbs 1 numbers 1 note 1 non 1 noises 1 nice 1 next 1 newsstand 1 nerve 1 neighbors 1 needle 1 needed 1 nearby 1 navy 1 natural 1 named 1 mute 1 murals 1 moviescript 1 movement 1 mourning 1 motor 1 mothers 1 mother's 1 most 1 mopped 1 moonlight 1 moon 1 moods 1 monuments 1 months 1 money 1 model 1 mock 1 moat 1 mittens 1 misspellings 1 mississippi 1 mission 1 missing 1 missed 1 misguided 1 mirrored 1 mirages 1 minor 1 mined 1 minds 1 minces 1 millions 1 might 1 midnight 1 midday 1 microchip 1 messes 1 messenger 1 messaged 1 mend 1 memory's 1 melt 1 mellow 1 medians 1 medals 1 measly 1 meaningless 1 meaning 1 maze 1 mattress 1 math 1 mates 1 match 1 masterfully 1 master 1 mary 1 mark 1 marching 1 march 1 manuscript 1 manhattan 1 mangled 1 malls 1 makeshift 1 major 1 main 1 mail 1 magistrate's 1 magazine 1 machines 1 ma 1 m 1 lustrous 1 lust 1 lushing 1 lungs 1 lump 1 luck 1 loyal 1 lowered 1 loves 1 lovely 1 love's 1 lousy 1 loud 1 lot 1 losses 1 loosened 1 loose 1 longest 1 lodged 1 locusts 1 lock 1 loan 1 lives 1 lived 1 lipstick 1 likes 1 lighting 1 lighthouses 1 lighthouse 1 lifts 1 lifetime 1 lies 1 levitate 1 letting 1 letters 1 letter 1 lesson 1 lenses 1 lens 1 lengthwise 1 length 1 lend 1 legal 1 least 1 lean 1 leaks 1 lcd 1 lazy 1 layered 1 laughing 1 laugh 1 lattice 1 latitude 1 lathe 1 later 1 lanes 1 landlocked 1 lamp 1 lame 1 lain 1 laid 1 lady 1 ladder 1 labor 1 knuckles 1 knew' 1 knees 1 knee 1 kiss 1 kings 1 king 1 kinda 1 killed 1 kill 1 kicks 1 kicker 1 kick 1 keyed 1 key 1 kaleidoscope 1 justified 1 junctions 1 jump 1 judgement 1 joylessly 1 join 1 johns 1 jet 1 jealousy 1 jealous 1 jamc 1 jailhouse 1 jacket 1 itself 1 it'll 1 isolations 1 isle 1 islands 1 irreverence 1 irresponsible 1 irrationally 1 invited 1 invincible 1 inventions 1 interstate 1 intersected 1 interest 1 intentioned 1 intentionally 1 integrity 1 innocence 1 inlet 1 ink 1 inhibitions 1 inhale 1 inflicted 1 inflating 1 indoors 1 indicating 1 increasing 1 incomparable 1 incessant 1 impulse 1 impressed 1 impossiblity 1 important 1 impending 1 imagination 1 illegible 1 ignore 1 idle 1 ideals 1 ideal 1 idea 1 icu 1 hurts 1 hurry 1 hunted 1 hunt 1 hundred 1 humid 1 hum 1 hues 1 hudson 1 huddle 1 hovers 1 hot 1 horrible 1 hoping 1 hood 1 homily 1 homemade 1 homeland 1 home's 1 holly 1 hitched 1 hit 1 hipsters 1 hips 1 highways 1 high 1 hide 1 hidden 1 heros 1 hermit 1 here's 1 helplessly 1 helpless 1 hello 1 heavens 1 heavenly 1 heat 1 heart's 1 heal 1 heading 1 haven't 1 haunts 1 hated 1 harm 1 hardwood 1 harder 1 happier 1 happen 1 hammer 1 hallway 1 hadn't 1 habits 1 habit 1 gutters 1 gutter 1 gust 1 gun 1 guestroom 1 guenivere 1 grown 1 group 1 grounding 1 grooves 1 greyhounds 1 greyhound 1 grettings 1 greetings 1 greet 1 greenery 1 greed 1 greater 1 gray 1 gravitated 1 graves 1 gravel 1 grasp 1 grapevines 1 granite 1 grand 1 grace 1 grabbed 1 gossip 1 goodnight 1 goodbyes 1 glowed 1 glow 1 glove 1 gloomy 1 glitches 1 glimpses 1 gleam 1 glared 1 glances 1 glacial 1 girlie 1 girl's 1 gift 1 giants 1 geography 1 generator's 1 gears 1 gas 1 garbage 1 game 1 gallows 1 gag 1 furrowed 1 fund 1 fumbling 1 fulfilled 1 fuel 1 frozen 1 frowns 1 fronts 1 frolicked 1 fringe 1 frightfully 1 frighteningly 1 frightened 1 friction 1 freshest 1 freeway 1 freckles 1 francisco 1 framing 1 framed 1 fragile 1 foul 1 forwards 1 forth 1 former 1 formed 1 formal 1 forgiveness 1 forewarned 1 footsteps 1 fooled 1 fonder 1 follows 1 folds 1 folding 1 focusing 1 flying 1 flushed 1 flowers 1 flow 1 floors 1 floorboard 1 floes 1 floating 1 flinging 1 fleeting 1 flee 1 fled 1 flaw 1 flattered 1 flatlands 1 flat 1 flashes 1 flashbulbs 1 firsts 1 firm 1 firemen 1 firecrackers 1 finish 1 fingertips 1 fingertip 1 finds 1 finding 1 filthy 1 filter 1 films 1 figurines 1 figures 1 fields 1 fictions 1 fiberoptics 1 fence 1 feed 1 federales 1 fed 1 features 1 feathers 1 fears 1 faulty 1 fate 1 faraway 1 fantasies 1 fanned 1 fallen 1 faking 1 fake 1 faith 1 fail 1 fabric 1 expressions 1 explosions 1 explode 1 explanation 1 expense 1 expel 1 exit 1 exist 1 excuses 1 excited 1 exceptionally 1 exactly 1 everywhere 1 everytime 1 everything's 1 everyday 1 eroding 1 erasing 1 envy 1 envisioned 1 entertained 1 entertain 1 engaged 1 energy 1 endure 1 endlessly 1 encapsulate 1 employee 1 embers 1 embarrassed 1 else's 1 elegantly 1 elegant 1 eiffel 1 egos 1 edge 1 echo 1 eastern 1 dyes 1 dust 1 dumpster 1 dumping 1 dummy 1 dug 1 due 1 dry 1 drunks 1 drum 1 driveway 1 drips 1 drink 1 dresser 1 dreadful 1 drawn 1 drawers 1 drank 1 drama 1 drained 1 drag 1 downturn 1 downslide 1 dotted 1 doom 1 donor 1 dj's 1 divulge 1 division 1 divide 1 distorting 1 dissolving 1 dissolve 1 disruption 1 disputed 1 display 1 dishes 1 disguise 1 disgrace 1 discouraged 1 disconnect 1 disclosure 1 disarray 1 disappearing 1 dirty 1 dirt 1 direness 1 direction 1 dipping 1 dip 1 dinner 1 diminishing 1 diffusing 1 differences 1 difference 1 diet 1 dies 1 dialogs 1 devouring 1 devour 1 devoted 1 destroy 1 destinations 1 destination 1 desperate 1 despair 1 desire 1 deserted 1 descending 1 descended 1 deposit 1 depend 1 denver 1 demons 1 delicate 1 degrees 1 degraded 1 definitely 1 defined 1 define 1 defense 1 defacing 1 deeper 1 deem 1 deck 1 december's 1 deceive 1 deceit 1 decades 1 debt 1 debate 1 dealt 1 dazzling 1 daydreaming 1 dawn 1 daughter's 1 date 1 dash 1 darlin' 1 dangerous 1 dancehall 1 danced 1 dam 1 dakotas 1 cutthroat 1 cuts 1 cute 1 curtains 1 cursing 1 curse 1 current 1 curled 1 cups 1 cupped 1 culver 1 cue 1 crying 1 crust 1 crumbling 1 crumbled 1 crossing 1 crosses 1 crooked 1 crimson 1 crest 1 creek 1 creases 1 creaping 1 cranes 1 cracked 1 crack 1 courting 1 course 1 council's 1 could've 1 corrupting 1 correct 1 cornerbooth 1 core 1 cord 1 convince 1 conviction 1 control 1 continue 1 contest 1 contact 1 constellations 1 constantly 1 console 1 consequence 1 conscious 1 connections 1 congregation 1 confused 1 conduit 1 condos 1 conclude 1 conception 1 concept 1 comprise 1 compress 1 compliment 1 compete 1 compartment 1 compared 1 compare 1 company 1 committing 1 coming 1 comfortable 1 combing 1 colored 1 collision 1 collegiate 1 collapsing 1 colder 1 codes 1 cocktail 1 coats 1 coaster 1 coalinga 1 clove 1 cloth 1 closing 1 cliffs 1 clearly 1 cleansing 1 cleaning 1 classes 1 clasped 1 clanking 1 cityscapes 1 churches 1 church 1 chose 1 chords 1 choose 1 choking 1 choke 1 chock 1 chitter 1 chill 1 childish 1 chicago 1 chest 1 cherry 1 cheer 1 cheeks 1 checked 1 chatter 1 chased 1 charming 1 charmed 1 charity 1 changing 1 changed 1 champagne 1 chalks 1 century 1 centered 1 center 1 cemetery 1 celestial 1 caving 1 cave 1 causing 1 caught 1 catch 1 casualty 1 casual 1 castle 1 cast 1 casino 1 casing 1 case 1 cascading 1 cartoon 1 carry 1 carpet 1 carousel 1 carnival 1 cardigan 1 card 1 capturing 1 captured 1 capture 1 capsizing 1 capsize 1 caps 1 capable 1 cap 1 canyon 1 candid 1 calls 1 called 1 californ 1 calgary 1 cage 1 cafeteria 1 cabin 1 buzzers 1 buying 1 buy 1 butt 1 bury 1 bursting 1 burns 1 buried 1 burden 1 bumper 1 bumming 1 bum 1 bullets 1 bruises 1 bruised 1 bruise 1 brows 1 brought 1 brooklyn 1 brittle 1 bringing 1 brilliant 1 brightly 1 brightest 1 bride 1 bribes 1 breed 1 breaths 1 breathing 1 breath 1 breaking 1 breach 1 braved 1 brave 1 brand 1 brainstem 1 brainless 1 brain's 1 bracing 1 brace 1 boy's 1 boxers 1 box 1 bowties 1 boundaries 1 boulevard 1 bough 1 bottoms 1 bottles 1 bottle's 1 borders 1 bold 1 bodies' 1 bob 1 boats 1 blustery 1 blurred 1 blur 1 bluffs 1 bluer 1 bluebird 1 blossoms 1 blooms 1 blooming 1 blood 1 bloc 1 blissful 1 blips 1 blink 1 blinds 1 blinded 1 blew 1 blessings 1 bless 1 bleeding 1 bled 1 blatant 1 blasting 1 blanks 1 blank 1 blacking 1 blackest 1 bixby 1 bitterness 1 bite 1 bind 1 binary 1 billings 1 billboards 1 bill 1 bike 1 bigger 1 bible 1 beyond 1 betrayed 1 berlin 1 belongs 1 bellow 1 begun 1 begged 1 beer 1 bedroom 1 beating 1 beak 1 beacons 1 beacon 1 bathe 1 bath 1 basically 1 basement 1 based 1 barstools 1 barefoot 1 banks 1 bank 1 bangkok 1 bandwidth 1 backwashed 1 backfired 1 awful 1 awakes 1 autumn's 1 audiences 1 attraction 1 attitudes 1 attitude 1 attic 1 attend 1 attempts 1 attempting 1 attempt 1 attack 1 attached 1 asterisks 1 assuredly 1 assigned 1 asked 1 ashes 1 ascribed 1 ascensions 1 artifacts 1 arriving 1 arrives 1 arrange 1 arguments 1 arches 1 arch 1 appropriate 1 appetites 1 appeared 1 appear 1 anyways 1 answers 1 another's 1 angry 1 angels 1 amputee 1 amplify 1 amphetamines 1 amount 1 amongst 1 ambition 1 amaze 1 aloud 1 alley 1 alibi 1 alcoholic 1 alarmed 1 alarm 1 airport 1 airplanes 1 air's 1 aimless 1 aiming 1 aim 1 agree 1 ages 1 age's 1 afraid 1 advantage 1 addictions 1 actors' 1 ached 1 account 1 accidents 1 abuse 1 absorbing 1 absence 1 abscence 1 able 1 abhor 1 abandon 1 'round
submitted by deanjames88 to DeathCabforCutie [link] [comments]

[5e] Every Session Summary for SKT

A little over a year ago I got a group of friends from work together to play through Storm Kings Thunder. We completed our final session, number 20, this past weekend. We had some players drop in and out but altogether it was a great adventure. Every week I would put a summary of the previous session in a calendar invite, so this is a somewhat edited breakdown of the sessions. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or formatting issues.
Spoilers for Storm Kings Thunder Below, Obviously
Seeking glory and interested in assisting Lady Nandar in her dealings with the elves, the party goes to the town Nightstone to the southeast of Waterdeep. Upon arrival, they discover the town has been abandoned save for goblins who are running amok. The party stealthily moves through the town, slaying the goblins as they look for survivors. They encounter a strange woman who does not appear to be what she seems. After clearing most of the town, the party heads towards the keep to look for any other survivors and see if they can learn what has happened.
The party meets a new Paladin party member who was staying in the keep during the recent events, as well as meet the surviving guards of Nightstone who are at each other’s throats. The party learns that the town was attacked by a flying castle that rained down boulders on the town, killing Lady Nandar. They also learn that the giants stole a strange stone that was in the town center before flying away. The townsfolk had fled to the nearby caves to seek shelter during the attack but have not returned, leaving the town empty and an easy target. Staying the night in the keep, the party sees as a group of riders approach the town and is let into the town by the strange woman they had met before. The party decides to say their farewells to the guards and leave the town in secret, with some of the party deciding to talk to the riders. Part of the party then meets Xolkin Alassandar, who introduces himself as the new lord of Nightstone. He offers the party a reward of position if they could get his “subjects” back for him. The party then heads towards the dripping caves.
Heading to the dripping caves, the party meets a monk who agrees to help them in their quest to save the villagers. They follow tracks in the forest to the caves and quickly learn that some goblins and their ogre friends have captured the townspeople. Most of the party decide to talk to the goblin leader, Boss Hark, while the monk sneaks around and discovers the townspeople huddled in the caves. The Boss, a cigar smoking goblin, offers them a deal that if they can kill the monster near the spring of the caves that he will let the villagers go. The party agrees and heads into the section of the caves, meeting up with the other party members. They soon encounter and slay the gray ooze of the caves, leaving the party paladins weapon damaged in the process. They then decide that they may be able to sneak the villagers out and work on a plan to get them past the ogre guards. Using a bit of magic and stealth, the party is able to make a path for the villagers to escape, but not without brining Boss Hark and his ogre’s attention. In a pitched fight with the boss, the party is able to slay the goblin, charm the ogres, and claim his horde for themselves. The party has saved the villagers from Boss Hark and his goblin band. The villagers seem intent on returning to their homes despite the Zhentarim takeover of Nightstone.
The party feels a cold chill on the breeze and has a flashback to their time in Waterdeep and the holiday celebration they had with the Cassalanter nobles. Enjoying some festive cheer, the festivities are nearly ruined when a prized singer is attacked by an imp. The party performs an investigation where they learn that the Cassalanter children have been influenced towards summoning the foul creatures. They are able to stop the incursion of imps and save the holiday party, scoring them some holiday themed gifts and information on assisting the town of Nightstone as we return to the present.
With the villagers returned to Nightstone, the party encounters the elves of Ardeep forest who enlist their assistance in driving a band of Kenku from a sacred tree. With the tree mostly cleared, the party only has a few more of the bird men to slay before claiming their prize from lady Elama and continuing their adventure.
After receiving hefty rewards from their adventures in the Ardeep forest and a shopping trip/repairs in the city of Waterdeep, the adventurers head northeast towards the town of Goldenfields to deliver a message to one of the slain villagers family members. However, the party soon finds themselves caught between a friendly cloud giant and a band of heavily armored dwarves. How will are party handle being caught between a giant and a hard place? What is Legolas going to do outside with a silver dragon flying around? We will find out in this session of Storm Kings Thunder.
Last session, our party was successfully able to defuse the situation between the giant Zephyros and the dwarven shock team. They learn that the Lords Alliance is moving to respond to the giant threat, with this group of dwarves being sent by Queen Dagnabbit of Mithril Hall. The party then arrived at Goldenfields, where they delivered news to Miros of the death of his parents in Nightstone. The party is given room and board at the Goldenfields Inn, ran by a hairy man known as “the Yeti”. They were not able to rest long however, as the town soon came under assault by an army of monsters led by Hill Giants. With the help of some friendly NPCs, the party was able to repel the attack. The battle of Goldenfields is not without casualties however, and the sorceress Naxene was slain by the Hill Giant assault. With some new friends and a promise of a reward from the Abbot of Goldenfields, where will our party go from here?
Last session, the party headed to the River Dessarin where they had credit on a casino river boat named the Grand Dame for their service in Goldenfields. As they rode towards the ship, they receive a letter attached to a flying snake from Xolkin Alassandar, one of the Zhentarim who has now titled himself Baron of Nightstone. Arriving at the boat, the party discovers that they are docked here for a wedding and will soon head back north to the town of Yartar. After securing passage north and gambling on the ship, one of the wedding members comes in dressed in tatters and speaking of fiends that came out of the air and attacked. The party runs to the rescue, first encountering a vicious wind weasel who kills Bryn’s owl. The party then comes upon the wedding party being played with by a wind demon and a devilish harp. The party successfully slays the fiends, but the devil harps final trick is played as one of the unconscious wedding party was booby trapped, killing several of the wedding goers as he was stood up. Returning to the boat, the party has four days of respite as the boat travels the 200 miles to Yartar. Going west, the party arrives in Triboar where they deliver the last of the Nightstone death notices. Buying Bryn a new owl, the party stays in the fancy inn of Triboar.
Last session, the party took a quest from the Lord Protector of Triboar, Darathra Shendrel, to hunt down a pair of stone giants that had attacked the town. Traveling towards the edge of the Sword Mountains southwest of Triboar, the party encountered two tribes of goblins having a dance off for dominance of the area, judged by the local hag Granny Pestilence. Continuing on, the party was able to locate the abandoned mine that the giants had turned into their home. Going down into the old dwarven mine, the party encountered a displacer beast, which the party dispatched using a slew of oil they had purchased in Triboar, taking its pelt as a trophy. The party then had a tough fight with the pair of stone giants in their new home, but were able to overcome them and take their heads and their Orb of the Stein Rune. The party then further explored the mine, locating a sunken tunnel that held a horde of gold ore as well as a passage to the Underdark. Returning to Triboar, the party exchanged the giant’s heads for a pair of enchanted daggers. They also learn of a previous adventurer who carried a Giant Slayer Greatsword who has now settled down near the city of Silverymoon. Seeking out powerful spell-casters to enchant a cloak of displacement, as well as looking to procure other magical services, the party heads east.
Returning to the town of Yartar to have their magic items identified and for information on crafting a cloak of displacement, the party discovered that a strange sickness was affecting some of the citizens of the town who had purchased potions from the local alchemist’s guild. Tasked with the local wizard with discovering the source of the sickness, the party found things amiss at the alchemist’s guildhall, with the guild members all appearing to be under a strange trance. After exploring the guildhall and assisting the guilds maid, the party headed to the workshop that was built over the River Dessarin. The first attempt to enter the building was repelled by a pair of water elemental guards. But after a small retreat and regrouping, the party successfully entered the workshop where they discovered the guild members working in a zombie like stupor under the enchantments of a Rusalka and her troll guard. After a pitched fight including several thrown potions creating wild effects, the monsters were slain and the Rusalka’s enchantment was broken. The party was rewarded a powerful potion for freeing the guild, as well as invited to be teleported to Moongleam Tower in Everlund where they can have their cloak crafted as well as potentially gain access to the teleportation circle network of the Sword Coast.
After being teleported to Moongleam Tower in Everlund, the party met Krowen Valharrow, a powerful wizard aligned with a group called the Harpers. After being pressed into Harper service, Krowen gave the party access to their teleportation network as well as agreed to assist in creating a cloak of displacement for the party. On leaving the tower to explore the town, the party heard a horrified scream and on investigating discovered a dead man whose insides were turned to gemstone. They also met Thanatos, a monk who happened to be in the area and who joined the party after they were all arrested and questioned by the town guard. Deciding to investigate, and with the promise of a 1000 gold reward for stopping the murders, the party split up to research the bodies and look into any witnesses and clues. They discover that the body’s internal organs were all turned to kyanite, a gem known for its ability to store energy, and also find clues to a fiendish ritual at the murder site. They eventually track the culprit to one of the gem cutter workshop in town, where Jelfi the gnome had made a pact with a gilded devil for extreme skill in the gem cutting trade. After capturing the gnome and slaying the fiends, the party turned in their evidence and prisoner for their reward.
The party’s skills in investigation and battle being proven, the Harpers give the party a new mission of subterfuge to test their abilities. Given a truth serum and tickets for a play in Silverymoon, the party is tasked with learning who the leaders of the Zhentarim in Waterdeep are from a visiting couple of nobles, Lord Orond and Lady Yalah Gralhund. Arriving in Silverymoon, the party rents out a room near the theatre and proceed to Silverymoon palace. Utilizing Eldermon’s noble background, the party is able to infiltrate the palace, albeit with some provisos to their stay. After befriending some of the staff and learning more about their targets, the party puts a plan in motion that gets them the required information, albeit a bit messily. After making a hasty escape from the palace, the party regroups at their rented room, scalp the tickets to the play for some quick cash, and head to their next destination, Zymorven Hall and the Giantslayer Greatsword. After a couple of days on the road, the party arrives at Zymorven hall to find the place destroyed, with obvious signs of battle with monsters. The Giantslayer Greatsword is missing and mysteriously some large object had been excavated and dragged out of the keep. Following the drag marks north until nightfall, the party catches up with a Fire Giant and the remnants of his monster army. They were dragging a huge adamantine gear back to a Duke Zalto, stating that it was part of an ancient construct called the Vonindod. The Giantslayer Greatsword was being wielded by a hobgoblin servant of the giant. Fighting these monstrous foes, the battle was interrupted by a Frost Giant who arrived at the scene. Backing up to regroup and watch, the new frost giant assisted the party in killing the monsters. After the battle, the frost giant introduced himself as Harshnag. Harshnag stated that he is on a quest to discover why the ordning was shattered and to put an end to the giant threat by speaking with the giant god Annam at a place called the Eye of the Allfather. He states that if the party would like to help he would appreciate the company in his travels before they all settle down for a long rest.
With their new frost giant companion, Harshnag, the party set off to talk to the giant god Annam and find a way to stop the giants rampaging across the Sword Coast. Harshnag told the party that they needed to travel to the Eye of the All Father, which lies high in the mountains called the Spine of the World, and that they would need warm clothes and a worthy sacrifice to the giant god. The party then headed back to Silverymoon, where warm clothes were bought and Eldermon was questioned about his sudden disappearance by the High Marshall of Silverymoon. Turning north, the party encountered a blind woman being led by a medusa as well as some bounty hunters which the party did not assist. Arriving at One Stone, the party found the giant relic they were searching for in a large rune inscribed boulder that was being used as a religious totem by the Sky Pony tribe. Using some stealth and magic, the party stole away with the stone, but awakened a Bulette who battled the Sky Pony tribe while the party escaped farther north. A few days later they arrived at Beorunna’s Well, a large underground cave with a sinkhole entrance, and home to the Black Lion tribe. This tribe was more hospitable than the Sky Pony tribe, offering them a chance to prove themselves to their god Uthgardt by killing a Manticore. After slaying the beast, the party was allowed to approach the shrine to Beorunna and there the party excavated a chamber under the shrine which held an ogre skeleton and a large mammoth tusk engraved with images of giants fighting dragons. The party brought the tusk out and with the help of Harshnag rode it to the surface. The party then turned west towards Mithral Hall. There the party stocked up on supplies for their journey into the mountains, as well as spoke with queen Dagnabbet about the Fire Giant threat. The party was promised a group of dwarf veterans to assist them if they discover the location of Ironslag, where the fire giants are constructing a war engine called Vonindod. After stocking up on rations, the party headed north, stopping by the Great Worm Cavern to pick up a 3rd giant relic, a broken shield made from a dragons scale. Their journey now bring them to the entrance to the Eye of the All Father, but what awaits them in the dark of this giant sized temple?
Reuniting with their monk companion in the Spine of the World Mountains, the party reached the Eye of the All Father. Heading into the frozen temple to the giant god Annam, the party encountered the Great Worm Clan of barbarians attempting to gain entry. After a heated battle with the tribe, the party took a rest outside of the frozen doors of the temple. With Harshnag opening the doors, the party entered the main temple, where they found statues of the giant gods offering their weapons to Annam in front of a glowing archway surrounded by giant runes, however the Frost Giant Statues weapon was missing. After some experimentation and setting off a trap, the party decided that they needed to find the missing weapon to complete the puzzle. They first headed into the giant living quarters. Finding little in the rooms but a spider tunnel that they opted not to explore and a potential trap in the hallway blocking their progress to the final rooms. Using the bag of tricks to summon a weasel, the trap was triggered, sealing the doors and causing a giants stone ball to roll towards them. They were able to dodge the trap and finish exploring the rooms, eventually finding a Shard of the Ise Rune. The party then headed towards the other end of the temple, where they found the giant dining hall. Across the room they spotted the missing weapon, but lurking in the room was a Remorhaz. Using Pass Without a Trace on Harshnag, he was able to sneak past the beast and return the missing weapon unnoticed. Placing the axe upon the ise rune on the archway created a thundercloud tunnel leading deeper into the mountain. Inside they found a dead giant in the middle of the floor. Touching the body awoke his ghost, who informed them that he was murdered by his father when they came to talk to Annam and that they would need to clear the floor of ice and place their offerings to Annam in the center of the room to speak with the All Father. The party looted an Opal of the Ild Rune from his body and Harshnag took his armor. After clearing the ice and putting in their offerings, the party was able to discover that the reason the ordning was broken was that a dragon named Iymrith has infiltrated the court of King Hekaton, this going unnoticed by the complacent giants. If the party wishes to stop the giant rampage, they must go to the court of King Hekaton and root out the dragon infiltrator. To do this, they will first need to obtain a Conch of Teleportation from one of the giant lords. With their three offerings, the party was given three options of who to go after: Chief Guh of the Hill Giants, Countess Sansuri of the Cloud Giants, and Duke Zalto of the Fire Giants. The party opted to go after Countess Sansuri and were told her flying castle would be found floating above the Evermoors. With their path before them, the party left the room back through the cloud tunnel. As they crossed the room towards the exit past the statues of giant gods, the party saw as Iymrith entered the room. The dragon called The Doom of the Desert charged across the room and Harshnag jumped forward to give her battle, yelling for the others to flee. Casting a fog cloud to try to help and running out of the room, they heard the echoing strikes of the massive creatures change to the crash of stones as the massive temple collapsed. With Harshnag lost to them, the party must now decide their next course of action.
Escaping the Eye of the All Father temple, the party came down from the Spine of the World Mountains without Harshnag, who was seemingly killed by Iymrith, the Doom of the Dessert. Returning to Mithral Hall after an encounter with some fey displacer beast hunters, the party stocked up on supplies and did some shopping. After giving the bad news of Harshnag to Queen Dagnabbit, the party told her that they needed some means to reach the flying castle of Countess Sansuri. She told them that she was aware of a flying ship the party could use for such a task, but she would expect payment in the form of an elven treasury that her scouts had discovered from the time of the War of Many Arrows. The party accepted the task, and with a dwarf by the name of Deepdelver, they headed to the tower of Solanna Bael. Inside this elven tower, the party was asked a series of questions and challenges that scored them some powerful elven relics from a time of war, as well as access to the treasury in the tower. Heading back with treasure in tow, the party encountered a living campfire that allowed them to have a peaceful rest in exchange for a story. After the treasure was turned in, the party was given their airship and shown how to fly it and were also given the option of hiring a crew to man the ship in their stead.
In this once shot adventure, a group of dwarves in the Spine of the World Mountains are working hard at the Everforge Mining Company. This ideal dwarven life is interrupted however when a group of humans and kobolds raid the mining camp, kidnapping the matron Everforge. The party follows their trail to the ancient ruins of the dwarven forge in the mountains and using their stone cunning are able to navigate the ancient camp. They discover a young fire dragon and its worshippers intend to open up a gate to the plane of fire in the ancient forge. After a tough fight, the dragon is slain and the portal is successfully closed. As the matron celebrates her rescue in true dwarfish fashion back at the camp, a dwarfish scouting party returns to the camp with a strange giant they had discovered buried in the mountains.
Stocking up on supplies and climbing aboard their new airship, the party scoured the Evermoors in search for the cloud giant castle of Countess Sansuri. After a few hours of flying, the party spotted the flying fortress and heard terrible roaring coming from the stronghold. Deciding on a diplomatic approach, the airship approached openly and asked for an audience with the countess, which was granted by the cloud giant castellan and her aarakocra minions. Setting up a signal to take off without them with Thanatos just in case, the party headed inside and were taken to the heart of the castle where they met with the Cloud Giant Countess. There the party tried to convince the masked giant that she should let them use her Conch of Teleportation to help King Hekaton. The party quickly learned that the countess is no friend to the Storm Giant King and that she intends to replace him as lord of the giants in a newly established ordning once she uncovers the location of a hoard of magic from her dragon prisoner. Piquing the party’s interest, they convince the countess to let them try to pry the information from the dragon. Countess Sansuri then led the party to the castles dungeon where they met Felgolos, an adult bronze dragon, who was muzzled and chained to a wall. After a bit of questioning, the dragon tells them that he does not know where this treasure that the countess is looking for is and that he only wants to be free. The party convinces the countess that perhaps she is making him nervous and she decides to leave, bringing in her castellan to supervise. With a failed attempt to use Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, a fight in the dungeon began with part of the party attempting to free the dragon while the other tried to bring down the Castellan before he could warn the other cloud giants. The results was the castellan dead, a wounded but free Felgolos, and a slightly beaten up party (Legolas now has an impressive scar from nearly being killed by the cloud giant castellan’s spear). The party rings the bell of silent carols, signaling Thanatos to take off with the airship, then free a group of caged gryphons to add to the chaos. Climbing aboard their new dragon friend, the party took to the sky and flew to the highest tower, where they knew the countess was keeping her Conch of Teleportation. Dropping the party off, Felgolos engaged the aarakocra guards while the party headed inside the tallest tower. Inside, they found the countess’ mask collection as well as a pair of invisible stalkers that were set up as sentries. Engaging in a confusing fight with the invisible enemies, the party slays one and causes another to flee while they head to the highest peak. Inside the tallest room they find the countess’ bedroom, complete with a stuffed Pegasus mobile above the bed. In the headboard of the bed the party was able to find a small empty chest, only a few inches wide. By the time this is found however, the living invisible stalker had returned and continued its assault on the party. Felgolos ripped off the roof of the tower and reached down, allowing the party to escape to the skies from their unseen enemy. As Felgolos soared away, they were able to spot the airship coming down near a hillock a few miles away. As they turned in that direction to make their escape, one of the cloud giants makes a successful ballista hit on the dragon, and the party crashes with their dragon friend into the Evermoors.
Landing in the Evermoors, Thanatos turned the airship to pick up his wounded companions while Countess Sansuri and her brother Thullen gave chase. The two forces clashed with the party in the middle, but the party proved the stronger and knocked Thullen unconscious. Using the brother as leverage, the party convinced the countess to call upon her magical chest in exchange for his life. Tying the chest to the airship, the party fled the area and the countess returned to her castle to lick her wounds. Having saved the bronze dragon Felgalos, the party went to the Starmetal Hills where the dragon laired, and were able to pick up a magic item each for having saved the tortured dragon. Leaving him to recuperate in his cave, the party headed to Longsaddle where they believed they could offload their recently acquired treasure as well as repair their airship, which had been damaged in the fight with the giants. After landing, the party met Elvira Harpell, a member of the eccentric Harpell family of wizards who live in Longsaddle. After trying to climb aboard their airship, Elvira tells the party about her studies and about some of the mishaps in magic that her family has been responsible for, including the creation of a new lake in Longsaddle from a spell gone awry. Satisfied with having inspected the workings of the airship, she returned to the Harpell home. After conscripting a leather worker to repair their airship balloon, the party went to the Harpell home to have their magic items identified and to sell their horde of treasure. Afterwards they were given a tour of the home and met a strange Drow named Drizzt Do’Urden, a ranger of some renown. Needing to stay the night for their balloon repair, the party then went to the Failing Student Inn, where they purchased some drinks and met another Harpell who was experimenting with the polymorph spell. Purchasing a pair of the furry Harpell’s personal cocktail, Thanatos was transformed temporarily into a woman by the strange but tasty concoction. Bringing the airship crew members some tasty food and drink from the town, a night of merriment was had with the gender bending concoction. When the morning came, the balloon was repaired and the airship was ready to move. Now the party must decide, with the conch of teleportation they have direct access to the court of King Hekaton, but do they want to take care of any loose threads before going to root out the evil dragon Iymrith?
Taking their newly acquired treasure to the city of Neverwinter, the party bargained with Captain Xendros of the Succubus for some new magic items and potions for their upcoming fight. The party then explored the city, discovering the Winged Wyvern Bridge, the Harper controlled Plucked String Tavern, as well as were introduced to the Order of the Gauntlet. Learning that the Order was seeking rewards for giant heads, the party turned in a fire giant head and saw that the Order is keeping a leader board for giant bounties. Deciding to go out on a giant hunt, the party takes to the skies and meets the current board leader, Gauthrak, as well as the Blue Claw barbarians. The party also discovers that the local stone giants are coming from a place called the Dreadstone Cleft. Opting not to take on the Stone Giants on their home turf, the party sets up an ambush to the south. This leads to a pitched fight on the ground and air when a war party of 5 stone giants happens upon the party. Bruised but successful in their hunt, the party returns to Neverwinter to have their airship repaired from the battering of thrown stones.
Gathering around and blowing into the Conch of Teleportation, the party is teleported to the storm giant fortress known as Maelstrom. The party snuck around the fortress, learning that the fortress is underwater and situated around a giant maelstrom. They see that two storm giants are entertaining giant royalty in the main hall using a musical crab. They also learn that the dragon that they were had come to root out has taken the form of a storm giant and is advising a young storm giant named Serissa . Making their way to the throne room, the party is finally spotted by the giants gathered in the main hall. The two storm giants identify themselves as daughters of King Hekaton. They tell the party that Queen Neri, their mother, had been murdered by "small folk" and that their father is missing after leaving to search for the culprits. King Hekaton left instructions that his youngest daughter, Serissa, should take over the throne in his absence, passing up the older sisters. The party makes a case that they urgently must speak with Serissa, but the sisters say that it will be several days for such an appointment, but that they can stay as their guests while they wait. The party then spends a few hours in the human sized guest rooms of the storm giants, after which one of the giant sisters comes to retrieve the party saying that their meeting has been approved. The storm giant sister had no intention of bringing the party to her sister, however, and had an ambush setup for the party with the giant nobles from earlier. The nobles seemed hesitant to strike out at the party, giving the group a chance to make their case that they shouldn't fight. Telling the giants that they had spoken to the All Father and that a dragon had infiltrated their court and was behind what is happening was enough for the giants to sheath their weapons and let the party make their case to Serissa. Going to the throne room past a pair of hill giant guards, the party found Uthor (King Hekaton's brother) and Iymrith in giant form advising the young storm giant. The party brought their news that a dragon had infiltrated the court, while Iymrith stated that the party was behind the murder of the queen and the abduction of King Hekaton. The party caught on that Iymrith had overstepped and revealed that she knew what had happened to the king. As they were about to expose and convince the storm giants to turn on her, Iymrith grabbed the Korolnor Sceptor that Serissa was using to control the Wyrmskull Throne. With the Scepter taken, the throne lashed out at Serissa, paralyzing her. Knowing that fighting the storm giants and the party on their home turf would be foolhardy, Iymrith then teleported away with her new treasure. Uthor revealed to the party that they had to find King Hekaton, but that they only had one clue to what happened to him. At the place where Queen Neri was murdered, they had found a strange coin, a wooden coin painted gold with the image of a goose carved into it. Eldermon immediately recognized it as a gambling chip that was used on the Grand Dame Casino ship that the party had sailed on up the Dessarin River. After Uthor revealed the clue to the party, the two sisters of Serissa came in and took their places on the thrones in the room, seemingly unaffected by the fate of their sister. Uthor makes a case to release the party back to the sword coast, which the sisters relent and allow.
Returning to the Sword Coast by means of a teleportation spell, the party finds themselves by the Alchemists Guildhall in Yartar, the last known location of the Grand Dame. They find the casino ship is still docked in the river harbor of the town, and has also picked up some new security as several brawls have broken out on the ship. The guards confiscate the party’s weapons and allow them aboard, where they find some familiar faces drinking and gambling in the casino, their old friends "the yeti" and Oren Yogilvy of Goldenfields. Having some drinks and gambling on the ship, the party eventually talk to Lord Drylund and learn that he is a member of a secret organization that he means for the party to join. Meanwhile, Ren also talks to Lord Drylund and becomes employed by the Grand Dame as a wine server. Setting up to be initiated into this organization at night fall, the party uses Ren's employment and the distraction of an arm wrestling match with the guards to sneak their weapons on board using a bag of holding. Spending the rest of their day gambling and enjoying themselves, the time eventually comes to meet with Lord Drylund. He informs the party that he is a member of a group called the Kraken Society and that their boss sends them orders, including the orders that led to the death of Queen Neri. He then has Eldermon bow down in front of the aquarium with his pet octopus in it. In the reflection of the aquarium, Eldermon is able to see the image of a powerful Kraken named Slarkrethel who dominates the noble elf to his will, tying the minds of the elf and the kraken together. Legolas is next to bow in front of the tank, but unlike Eldermon he refuses to submit and the Kraken calls for his death. A short battle later sees the pet octopus dead and Lord Drylund captured and panicked. Lord Drylund tells the party that the kraken is in his head and will kill him for failing the monster. Before he is killed, Lord Drylund tells the party that King Hekaton is being held on a ship named the Morkoth that is sailing in circles around a group of islands called the Purple Rocks in the Trackless Sea. Lord Drylund is then killed remotely by his master. Worried about what will happen to Eldermon, the party goes to the Harpers where it is explained that Eldermon and the Kraken are psychically linked, and while they can sever the connection it would potentially go both ways and allow the party to gain insight on the kraken. Eldermon decides to keep the Kraken connection, trapping him in its tentacles for now.
Boarding their flying ship, the party takes a few days searching the trackless sea and eventually spot the Morkoth, a ship in the shape of a giant squid that has the Storm King chained to its deck. Opting to attack at range, a ballista battle takes place which nearly pops the balloon of the air ship, but with the opposing ships ballista disabled the party makes quick work of the crew members. Unchaining King Hekaton, the party informs him of what has happened and how Iymrith had betrayed him. He teleports the party back to Maelstrom using his Conch of Teleportation, rewards the party with Potions of Giant Size, and begins to bolster his honor guard for a confrontation with the ancient blue dragon. Now, the stage is set for a final showdown with the blue dragon Iymrith in her desert home. Will the party slay the dragon and bring glory back to the Storm King, restructuring the ordning and bringing peace, or will the party be slain in battle, leading to the reign of Iymrith as she claims the Wyrmskull Throne for herself? We will find out in this final session of Storm King's Thunder.
In the final session of Storm Kings Thunder, the party retrieves their airship and learn that Harshnag had survived his battle with the blue dragon, being rescued from starvation by a mining company of dwarves. With final preparations made and final supplies gathered, the party meets the Storm King and his honor guard at the edge of the desert. With the ranger doing some scouting, the party discovers that 30 animated statues guard the dragon’s lair, as well as a pair of trebuchets. They also learn that some serpentine beings also appear to be living in the lair as well. The party then sets up a plan to stealthily take out one of the trebuchets, which will signal for the giants and airship to attack. With a less than stealthy approach, the party has a rough time with the statue guards but do finally manage to light one of the trebuchets on fire. With the signal given, the giants and airship begin to battle the remaining statues, leaving the party free to explore the tunnels below. Sneaking up on some snake men performing a ritual, the party sees a sacrifice and hear a prophecy in abyssal that they cannot understand. After the snake men leave, Eldermon approaches the sacrificial pit and discovers that there is nothing but spikes and bodies at the bottom. This does not go unnoticed by the Blue Dragon, however, and she suggests that he jumps in and sacrifice himself to the Night Serpent over being eaten by her. Seeing that the jig was up, Legolas drinks his potion of giant size and charges the giant, starting the final battle. Iymrith would not prove an easy opponent, as she burrowed under the party and used ambush tactics with her powerful lightning breath to keep the party guessing. Eventually the party was able to wear her down and slay Iymrith, surrounded by her giant sized foes. We then cut to the epilogue, the party is given a share of the treasure uncovered in the blue dragon’s lair and the Storm King once again takes his throne. Hekaton works to broker peace between the giants and the smaller peoples of the Sword Coast, under his leadership giant attacks lessen and the ordning is reestablished as it was before. The party uses the hide of Iymrith to reinforce their airship and then settle down for a rest after their harrowing adventure.
Edit: Formatting is hard.
submitted by RollforHugs to DnD [link] [comments]

Let's Draw: A Port City

Let’s Draw: A Port City

First things first, I would like to apologise for the faintness of a lot of the lines in the early images, before inking starts. For some reason the scanner decided to be a pain in the arse and not detect the pencil very well. Anyway, to business.
Here, I am drawing the port city of Harranpor. This has the additional complication of being the capital city in my world, so it will have some features that are not the standard fare for harbours. I’ve included a full album of the images here.
The first and most important aspect of these places is the shoreline. Since many of these towns are also built on a river, improving trade connections to inland towns, I will add in the River Acell, flowing through the centre of the city.
Since this is a port city, the harbour will be the first constructed sectors that I lay down. Due to the dependence on the sea for trade, the extensiveness of these will determine the economic clout, size, and strategic importance of the city. Harranpor has the additional complication that it is the capital city of a significant nation, and will therefore have considerably greater defences than usual. So, without further ado, I have drawn in the harbours. These cover a significant amount of the bay, and are surrounded on land by the warehouses that hold the goods. I must also place the customs houses, of which there will be several, spread along the quayside. Out in the bay, towers and walls protect the boats from the ravages of the seas and divert the flow of the river away from the moorings. The corner towers are also defensive positions against attacks from the ocean.
Harranpor is the capital city, and therefore must have a palace for the reigning monarchs, governmental buildings, and will inevitably have a fortress to protect it from attacks from both land and sea. I add these to the city here. The coastal defence means that the fort will be near the docks, but also roughly central to the city for maximum efficiency in dispatching troops to troubled or threatened locations. Due to its central location, the palace is enclosed by the bend in the river, while the fortress is on the far bank, with a bridge connecting the two sites. For now, I will focus on the overall layout of the town, but I will return later to fill in the details.
From here, the layout is somewhat formulaic in nature, following my previous Let’s Draw: A Trade City. However, the differing nature of the purpose of the city will introduce some differences that must be taken into account.
The areas and items that must be placed are as follows:
The first stage to structuring the city is to place the main roads through it. The junctions will serve as focal points for the trade and bustle of the urban sprawl, with markets and shops expanding around them. I’ve drawn the roads in here. The main road leads out of the city to the south, heading towards the border. The road running parallel to the river is relatively minor, since shallow-keel cargo ships, barges and rafts are the main form of transportation in that direction. I have added in a smaller port upriver which deals with inland river-borne commerce, and linked it to the main warehouses by a second major road, which this time does not leave the city confines.
Now I have added in the grounds of the major temples, which in this case coexist reasonably peacefully, and several major market squares. The temples are located on the shared campus at the junction of two of the most significant roads in the city. This position occupies a prominent and frequently-passed location, impressing the perceived importance of faith and dutiful worship into the populace. The marketplaces also lie on crossroads and junctions, for many of the same reasons. Higher rates of traffic, and high-capacity access routes, ensure good trade and many bypassers who will be tempted to spend their money at the stalls they see. I have also added a direction to the magical college of the nation; Nimar Tiriel.
As in the previous Let’s Draw, the city centre will be home to the high street, and thus the shopping district. Some houses will be present, but very few. The high streets and the shops will likely then border onto, and to a certain extent merge with the entertainment areas, which contain the taverns, and restaurants, arenas and theatres, fighting pits and casinos. The sources of entertainment will likely depend on the tier of society that is welcomed in that particular area. I have also added a secondary region of shops and entertainment to the north of the river.
I have placed the rich housing in close proximity to the governmental offices and buildings, close to the fortress and to the palace. This reflects the desire to improve standing through association, and also the way that the older and longer-standing houses are close to the centre of the city. The closeness to the fortress also grants added security and does more to ensure a peaceful neighbourhood.
At some point in the development of the city, it will have become a strategic asset, and thus defences against attack will be built. The fortress is a part of this, but the first line of defence is the city walls. These will have gates at the main roads only, and large watch towers at the edges of the river. The gates will be heavily fortified, since they are a weak spot in the defences, and will have a regular watch on them at all times.
The lowest quality housing will be in the loudest and smelliest areas of the city – near the warehouses, factories and the low entertainment areas. There will also be some amount of construction outside the city walls, resulting from building to accommodate a growing population that takes place after the walls are built. Factories will be built far from the rich district, and located such that the prevailing wind does not blow fumes and ashes there. The prevailing wind here comes off the sea, so the factories are by the warehouses to the north and south coastlines.
The remaining areas inside the walls are given over to the middle-class housing. This may not be the most accurate or rigorous process, but there’s nothing else that needs placing here.
Now, the map could be left like this. For many DMs, this will be a fully functional map that allows them to develop the city in their own heads and introduce the players to every aspect of what’s going on. I, however, am more of a street-level detail person. So here comes the fun part. The lengthy process of drawing in the streets, the buildings, the statues on junctions, everything. Such fun!
The first outlines that go in are the walls – they’re already placed, and no roads need putting in. For the same reason, I have drawn in the lines of the roads outside the city, the bridges, and the river banks apart from where the docks are.
Next, I do the temples. My world has a pantheon of four gods, which roughly oversee aspects of the world as follows – Vask (nature), Martuk (the non-natural mundane world), Lum (light and magic) and Kintle (knowledge and deception). I therefore want the temples and their grounds to reflect those roles. Vask’s, therefore, is a ‘building’ of living trees, while Martuk’s is a regular stone structure. Kintle’s does not show its nature from the outside, but will inside have a library and likely be riddled with hidden passageways. Lum’s temple will have relatively large expanses of glass, and be heavily magically imbued, with much use being made of cantrips such as Light and Prestidigitation to enhance the ambience. I have also added the label in the top-left, and inked the direction to Nimar Tiriel and the scale.
The shopping districts will be made up largely of long straight streets, with deeper buildings, few of which will have gardens/outdoor spaces. There will be occasional alleyways between the buildings, and some taverns. Mostly, these buildings will be home to butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, as well as tailors, leatherworkers or cobblers. There are two areas of shops, one closer to the palace and temples, and the other nearer the poor housing, low entertainment area and the northern warehouses. The nature of the two districts will therefore be quite different, with price ranges, quality of goods, and the nature of services provided differing to reflect the surroundings. In addition, I have outlined the river in blue, as far as its lines have currently been filled in. In order to differentiate the types of buildings, I have inlined the shops in red, and will maintain such a scheme throughout. Inns and taverns will be orange to differentiate them from the surrounding buildings, since they are a) commonplace and b) usually relatively evenly spread throughout the city. The bank has been left uncoloured but labelled, since it does not fit neatly into any of the categories above. Others have been left because there will not be hard boundaries between each region. I will leave the housing as such, but shops entertainment venues will mingle to some extent.
I draw the governmental buildings, fortress and palace next, and will discuss the construction of these in later Let’s Draw episodes. These buildings will all be inlined purple. The park has also been filled in. Governmental offices are large buildings, well-constructed and the area is largely walled off from the rest of the city. The area’s weakness, in this case, lies in its open access to the river. Within the governmental offices, there are also houses for diplomats and advisors, which make up large amounts of the sector. Guard houses, marked by a shield inside the building, lie beside each gate, giving a permanent watch over those entering and leaving. The convention of using a shield to mark a guard house will be continued throughout the map.
To map the docks, I have considered the scale of the map, and the scale of ships. Extensive research (seriously, it was far too hard to find this) revealed that the Mary Rose was ~33m long and ~8m wide. Constructing the jetties to match the size, and lengthening them to account for the falling and rising tide adds some accuracy to the map. Ports will, inevitably, see some level of smuggling, either or contraband or simply to avoid paying duties, and there will always be gangs seeking to get their finger in that particular lucrative pie. Keeping a close eye on their source of funds is therefore a must, and some warehouses will be fronts for such criminal enterprises. To mark such places, I have added a red dagger inside the building. This will also be used for such matters throughout the other areas.
Warehouses and factories, in light and dark blue respectively, are fairly uniform in their construction – relatively large regular buildings with wide streets throughout, ensuring easy access for carts and supplies. Several customs houses are in place around the warehouse districts, marked here by a “CH” inside the outline. These are located near the water’s edge, so that cargo inspections can be carried out soon after docking.
When designing the entertainment districts, more attention must be given to the area than for the shops. High-class entertainment (light green) will be in large, well-made and artfully designed buildings, and be mostly theatres and opera houses, restaurants and casinos. The types of entertainment offered in the low-class regions (dark green) will be similar, but the venues will differ significantly. Simple playhouses, taverns and gambling dens conjure a significantly different mental image to before, despite being in the same business. Narrow streets offer illicit pleasures that, in the high end of town, are available at a far higher price from far more “respectable” institutions. I have added images within many of the buildings, to assist me in remembering, when asked, what takes place in each. The pair of masks shows a theatre, the dice is a casino or gambling den. Crossed swords is a duelling arena or fight pit.
I then add in the housing areas, which have been by far the lengthiest part of the project. Firstly, the poor housing, inlined in dark blue and green. The streets are narrow, with alleyways and boltholes. The criminal classes find relatively safe haven here, as there are few guardhouses and even fewer patrols. At this point I realised I didn’t have a courthouse, nor a town hall, so those have been added in at this stage, taking up an area that was previously designated as middle-class housing.
Middle class areas (light green/blue) are less clustered, with larger buildings. Although guard houses are still few and far between, the guards patrol more frequently, and crime is less of a problem.
After adding the upper-class districts (red/light blue), with larger houses and wider streets, the city is finally finished. To see the list of other completed and upcoming Let’s Draw posts, or to request something that isn’t already on the list, click here.
submitted by FatedPotato to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

WEEKLY EVENTS 4/28 – 5/8

WEEKLY EVENTS 4/28 – 5/8
Just in time for the weekend!
Tally’s Independent Cinema and Theater Offerings:
  • Challenger Learning Center: Camp Woe-Be-Gone. “Big Bend Hospice and the Challenger Learning Center of Tallahassee invite youth ages 6-12 that have experienced the death of a loved one to join us for Grief Odyssey. This free one-day camp will help children explore safe ways to turn “scars into stars”. Breakfast, lunch, and t-shirts will be provided.” 9am
  • Tallahassee Nurseries: Beginning Beekeeping. “Leah Steele, with the Apalachee Beekeepers Assoc. will give a talk on beekeeping basics, very briefly discussing the history of beekeeping, then going into the basic biology of honeybees, pollination, what's really killing our bees, and how to become a beekeeper and get involved.” 10am
  • The Plant: Fossil Fuels & Fracking - Rad Kids Club. “Rad KIds Club is a place for all children to learn about social justice issues that affect the world in which they live in a safe, welcoming and supportive environment. The goal of this club is to empower children to be part of positive change. This month, our guests from ReThink Energy Florida will be discussing fossil fuels with the kids, and will lead interested children in writing letters to their elected representatives supporting a ban on fracking.” 11am
  • St. Peter's Anglican Church: The English Fayre. “On a brilliant, Spring Saturday, England will travel to you! Play games, tour a double-decker bus, attend High Tea, or stroll the marvelous English Country Market - filled with delicious treats and wonderful wares for your home!” 11am
  • Midtown: Foster Fest. “Noon-3pm - kids pizza, ice cream, and video game party at Fire Betty's Arcade Bar. $5 per kid or $15 per family (of any size)! 3pm-8pm - food, drink, music, improv comedy, and silent auction event at Fifth and Thomas. $5 entry, plus the first 100 guests get their first pint for free! Great opportunity to learn more about foster care, adoption, and the Guardian ad Litem 2nd Circuit.” Noon-8pm
  • University Cycles: Fall reCycle Bike Collection Day 2. “Renters are required to return their bicycles to University Cycles. When you arrive at University Cycles to return you reCycle Bike, there will be someone waiting to check it in for you.” 1pm-4pm
  • Doak Campbell: Doak After Dark featuring Blake Shelton and Jake Owen. 3pm
  • Optimist Park: 2017 Nene Fest. 11am
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Behind the Scenes Feeding Experience. “”Have you ever wanted to know more about the wildlife at the Museum? Explore the diverse diets of our bears, river otters, panther, and cougars. This program takes you behind the scenes with one of the Museum’s animal keepers who will walk you through the feeding process of these 3 species.” 3:45pm
  • Mission San Luis: 2017 Equality Florida Tallahassee Gala. “We hope you will join us for a fantastic evening featuring live musical entertainment, delicious hors d’oeuvres, open bars, and a State of the State address by Equality Florida co-founder and CEO, Nadine Smith.” 7pm/$50
  • Blue Tavern: Beth McKee. 8pm/$5
  • Junction @ Monroe: Cajun Dance with Gumbo Limbo. 8pm/$10
  • American Legion Hall: Beltane Ball / Spring Fling. “Dance the night away to the sounds of Brett Wellman and the Stone Cold Blues Band. This is a charity ball benefits going to The Gadsden County Humane Society. No need for costumes however if you wish to dress up have fun with it. There will be a food truck on premises.” 8pm/$10
  • The Moon: TSO Jazz. 8pm
  • The Wilbury: The Pauses & Teen Agers + Wrong Done Right. 9pm
  • Bradfordville Blues Club: Packrat's Smokehouse. 9pm
  • Play Sports Bar: TI & Young Dro. 9pm/18+
  • 7th Hill Tap Room/Corner Pocket: Casino Night for Kidz 1st Fund. “Join us at Corner Pocket Bar N Grill and 7th Hill Taproom for a casino night benefitting Kidz 1st Fund! We will have blackjack, three card poker, and craps tables. A $20 buy in will get you 10,000 in chips, all proceeds benefit Kidz 1st Fund. Prizes will be given to players with the top three most chips at the end of the night.” 9pm
  • The Warrior: Worthy of the Crown, Subversive Overdrive, The Page Brothers Band, and Violent Lyle. 9pm/$7
  • Gaines Street/Railroad Ave: The Souk – “Come grab brunch from Tallahassee's finest, enjoy local musicians and check out local vendors. BRUNCH! Gaines Street hosts 12+ locally owned dining establishments in a 2 block area - we've got something for everyone! VENDORS! We've got vendors all up & down the block! Have some stuff to sell? Bring it down!. And tons of live MUSIC!” Noon-5pm
  • GrassLands Brewery: Queer Trivia: Let's Get Beers Together. “GrassLands invites the Tally LGBT community and friends to come down and enjoy local craft beer and queer-themed trivia every Sunday. LGBT-themed trivia provided by Trivia With Hank. $30 bar tab for 1st place. Stick around afterward for queers and beers.” 5pm
  • Salty Dawg Pub & Deli: The Famous Acoustic Jam w/ Wayne, Glenn, and Bo. Open mic, free beer for performers. 6pm
  • Hurricane Grill: Matt Burke. 2pm
  • Bread & Roses: Rise Above: Self care Sunday. “Attention all folks who are being targeted by the current administration, activists, organizers, concerned and overwhelmed community members. We will be hosting a monthly self care mediation/yoga group. This group will be different than most other mediations. We will be centering this around the alarming stories that are coming up in the news as well as acts that violate human rights. We will meet these devastating stories with much needed laughter, stretching and deep breaths.” 9am
  • Fifth & Thomas: Bluegrass Brunch w/ Old Soul Revival. 10am-2pm
  • Dave's Pizza Garage: 4 Year Anniversary Party. “ALL YOU CAN EAT PIZZA! $2 DRAFTS and $3 bottles. FREE Root Beer on tap for the kids (and kids at heart). Bring cash to make it quick and easy. Pizza comes out at the top and bottom of every hour from 11am until 3pm.” 11am-3pm/ $10 Adults / $5 Kids / $30 Family
  • Lichgate: Journey of the Sun: Sound Healing & Movement Festival. “Journey of the Sun is about ushering in the summer season, and re-igniting the fire within ourselves as we prepare for the flourishing season full of possibilities, growth, and improvement both figuratively and literally. Journey of the Sun stems from celebrating the traditional Gaelic May Day Festival also known as ‘Beltane’. It is one of the four seasonal festivals traditionally celebrated in Ireland in honor of welcoming the summer season. This is a special time to honor the feminine energy of Mother Earth and give respect and appreciation for the infinite gifts she has to offer to all living beings. We will be blessing the space and the participants through dance, yoga, tai chi, and sound healing.” 1pm/$50
  • The Wilbury: Marine Snow with Phlox (solo) and Bornhardt. 2pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Tallahassee Uke Jammers. “Open to ukulele players of all skill levels and interests.” 3pm
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Sunday Afternoon Bingo. “This isn't your grandma's bingo! We have a blast with some very cool folks. Cash prizes.” 5pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Affiance last tour w/ Sirens & Sailors, Dear Desolate. 6pm/$17
  • Waterworks: FSU Early Music. “FSU Early Music ensembles return to Waterworks on April 30 for the fourth annual end-of-the-semester concert! Come see the crumhorns and recorders perform some twentieth-century music for period instruments as well as good old Renaissance classics like "Il bianco e dolce cigno," "El grillo," "Fair Phyllis," and the Kyrie from Palestrina's Missae Papae Marcelli.” 7pm/free/21+
  • The Warrior: The Forum, Sgt. Bear, Cutting Teeth, and Invented Truths. 9pm/$7
  • Growler USA (U Square): Kill the KEG at Growler USA! “It is the start of the week and we need to open up a tap for new beer! $20 all you can drink until the keg is empty, from 8-10pm! Winner(s) will receive a free Growler T Shirt and a 64 oz Growler from select taps! Bring out your team and whichever team goes through the most pitchers wins!” 8pm/21+
  • Under Wraps on the Parkway: Bar Trivia With Hank, This Week Featuring Musicals, both Stage and Screen. “50 questions of friendly trivia. Plus great Mediterranean food, delicious wraps, and beer by the bottle or bucket that won’t kick you in the wallet. $20 tab for 1st place. Near all the state offices – start your week off right.” 7pm/free
  • Junction @ Monroe: Monday Night Bingo. “Good food, good drinks, good friends, and a chance to win some big cashola! It doesn't get any better than J@M. Every Monday from 7pm-9pm we've got cash payouts up to $250 per game with multiple games each night PLUS a 50/50 drawing each week benefitting the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild.” 7pm-9pm
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays with Belmont & Jones. 8pm
  • Waterworks: Patio Theater. 8:35pm/21+
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke with Nathan. He’s got all the songs. All the songs you want to sing. 9pm
  • The Warrior: Hip-Hop Open Mic Monday. “Cash Prizes, Trophies , Drink Specials and more!” 10:30pm
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “Find your favorite local goodies now on Tuesdays! Join us at Frenchtown Farmers Market for all-local produce, eggs, gourmet jelly, and more. The market opens at 3pm and we're here unitl 7pm, so come after you pick the kids up from school or on your way home from work. We can double SNAP benefits through the Fresh Access Bucks program. Our farmers accept WIC and Senior farmers market nutrition program coupons.” 3pm-7pm.
  • Junction @ Monroe: Live Rehearsal Tuesdays. “Tuesdays are Live Rehearsals at J@M. Sponsored by the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild. Utilize our complete backline and PA for rehearsals, jams, or hold auditions. Up to one hour slots (or more depending on number of signups) per artist/group.” 4pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Trivia Night. 6pm
  • Madison Social: Trivia Social. They do half and half theme and miscellaneous, so check their FB every week for an event page. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Northside Pies: Bar Trivia With Hank. 50 questions of sweet, sweet trivia. This is a great geeky date night option. If you’ve got teens or kids that want to go to trivia (hey, nerds come in all sizes), this is a PG/PG-13 night. 7:30pm/free
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Trivia With John Carpenter. Lively and fun. 7:30pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: Trivia Factory. 7:30pm
  • Midtown Pies: Trivia and Deliciousness! 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: Now That's What I Call Tuesday! Dance Party. 8pm
  • Fourth Quarter: Trivia With Professor Jim. AUCE wings. Truly a trivia favorite. 8pm
  • Krewe de Gras: Karaoke With Pete. 8:30pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Karaoke with DJRah. 9pm
  • The Warrior: Open Mic "SingeSong Writer" Edition. “Full bands welcome. Free Pitcher for a 15 minute or more ORIGINAL Set.” 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Trivia Tuesday! 9:30pm
  • Applebee’s on the Parkway: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Pockets Pool: Karaoke with Dwight. 10pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Michael Strive. 6pm-8pm/free
  • The Warrior: FLAW w/ Righteous Vendetta, Brace for Impact, Despite the Irony, and Stacy Brown! 7pm/$15
  • Blue Tavern: Roda Vibe - Brazilian Choro Music. 8pm
  • Madison Social: The Booze-ness Lunch: Free Drink During Lunch “If Don Draper did it, why not you. We are introducing the weekly Booze-ness lunch, because one cocktail in the afternoon just makes you more creative and productive (its science). Come have lunch with us, Centrale or Township and enjoy a delicious adult beverage on the house with food purchase.” 11:30am-3pm
  • Bird's Oyster Shack: Lab Sessions with Jim Crozier, featuring Jesse Corry. 6pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Daniel Tenbusch. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Quizmaster General Knowledge Trivia. “Quizmaster is hosted by Bennett Miller from 7-9pm every Wednesday, and features three rounds of general knowledge trivia (and a weekly food special). It is free to play and teams of up to 6 are welcome. The winner of each round receives a sample flight, and the Quizmaster for the night receives a $25 gift card and serious credit on Geek Street.” 7pm
  • Brass Tap on Gaines: Trivia. Check their FB page for the theme. 7pm
  • Hurricane Grill & Wings: Trivia With Greg. 7pm
  • GrassLands Brewing Company: BYOBG! Bring Your Own Board Game. “Our gracious host, Trevor Bond, will be featuring one game each week. Feel free to bring your own games to play & share.” 7pm/21+
  • Junction @ Monroe: Bike Night, Bingo, and Karaoke. 7pm
  • Proof: Bar Trivia With Hank. Drink delicious brews and show off all those random factoids you thought you’d never use. Local beer, local trivia in the heart of Tally’s Art District. A food truck is always out front for this, too, or you can order and pick up something great at the Crum Box Gastgarden (the caboose in RR Sq). Bar tab for 1st and 2nd place teams. 7:30pm/21+/no cover
  • The Warehouse: Open Mic feat. Mike the Prophet. “There is a lottery for time slots. Now smoke free!” 8pm
  • El Patron: Karaoke With Big Bob. 8:30pm-11:30pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke. 9pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Corner Pocket: Karaoke. 9pm
  • Bird’s: Comedy Night. I’m pretty sure this is both a performance and an open mic. 9:30pm/free
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Roy & Anthony. 6pm-8pm
  • Centre of Tallahassee: Blink-182. No, I’m not kidding. 6:30pm
  • Waterworks: Tallahassee Taloofa Trivia! “A great way to kick off all things Taloofa, join us for Taloofa Trivia! Three rounds of trivia dealing with Tallahassee or Tallahassee related subjects. If you lived here three weeks or thirty years, there's a chance you will do well and possibly win our top three prizes! Each member of the first place team (limit 4 people per team) will receive a Taloofa Tee shirt and a free drink. Each member of the second place team will receive a free drink. Third place team winners will receive their choice of a piece of treasure from the "Waterworks treasure box"” 8:30pm/21+
  • Lake Ella Area: Food Truck Thursday. 6pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Wing Eating Contest. “Like wings as much as you think you do? Think that you are a Pro or at least Semi Pro at it? Show off your skills at Growler USA from 6PM-11PM every Thursday. Rules: $20 entry fee per person for all you can eat wings, winner will be anounced on our Facebook page the following day. In addition to gettting to show off and eating a mountain of wings, the winner will receive $25 Gift card and a Free Growler USA T shirt!” 6pm
  • Beef O’Brady’s: AJ Johnson Trivia. 6:30pm
  • Junction @ Monroe: Open Mic Night. “Bring your instruments and play an open slot or just come and be entertained in Tallahassee's best sounding room!” 7pm/free
  • Skybox: $10 Cornhole Tourney. 7:30pm
  • Warhorse: Bar Trivia With Hank: AV Night. “3 rounds of music, 2 rounds of pictures! Happens on the first Thursday of every month. Full bar, fantastic pizza, and fun facts.” 8pm
  • Dux (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Big Bob. $25 bar tab given away every week. 8:30pm-12:30pm
  • Midtown Caboose: Trivia Factory. 8:30pm
  • Unique Wonders: Live Comedy with Big Hou! 8:30pm/$5
  • Pockets: Karaoke Dance Party with Keith Welch. 9pm/21+
  • Brass Tap Midtown: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-Midnight
  • Applebees on Cap Cir: Karaoke with Amanda Goram. 10pm
  • Birds: Karaoke with Nathan. All the songs. $1 Pabst drafts. 10pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Rachel Hillman. 6pm-8pm
  • Mission San Luis: The 14th Colony: The American Revolution’s Best Kept Secret. “Join us at Mission San Luis when Dr. Roger Smith discusses the role played by East Florida in the American Revolution.“ 6pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Grace Pettis w/ Grant Peeples & Devil's Kin. 7pm/$12
  • Cap City Video Lounge: May the Shwartz Be With You! Spaceballs & Turkish Star Wars. “Hey Gang! The Primal Root here inviting you out to celebrate the legacy of George Lucas's long standing, insanely popular, highly merchandised and unavoidable pop culture sci-fi fantasy blockbuster epic franchise, STAR WARS! This May the 4th, for those of you who are sick to death of watching Star Wars movies every year on this day, we at Cap City Video Lounge are presenting to you the alternative night of Star Wars inspired cinema that pokes a little fun at Star Wars and its legacy.” 7:30pm/$5
  • 7th Hill Tap Room: Old Soul Revival. 8pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Backstage Garden Happy Hour with David Lareau. 5pm-8pm
  • Growler USA (University Square): Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit South: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Paul. 8:30pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with Roger. 9pm
  • Skyzone: GLOW- Featuring DJ LooseKid. “Grab all of your friends and get your jump on with live music featuring Dj Loosekid, glow lights & laser beams! Check in early to take advantage of the full 2 hours of jumping! Each jumper must wear a reflective shirt, or purchase a shirt in the park. Due to the popularity of this event and early sell outs- we highly suggest you reserve your tickets online beforehand. We cannot guarantee tickets for GLOW will be available in the park at the time of the event.” 9pm-11pm/$25/no one under 5yo
  • 926 Lounge (Formerly Pugs): The Friday Night Party. “Get your pre-game on at Happy Hour with Tom from 4-9 and the dance party getting rolling at 10 pm with our favorite house DJs slinging sound all night long. At midnight, join our talented Queens for an amazing show!” 9pm/$5, $7 under 21/18+
  • Stetsons @ The Moon: Karaoke with Devin Cywinski. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Proof: Cinco de Mayo featuring Maharajah Flamenco Trio and Ecology. 5:30pm
  • Blue Tavern: Vgo: Prewar Blues & More. “VGO, (Phillip Terry) is a multi-instrumentalist with deep roots in traditional acoustic music. His interest in the historical aspects of music and led him down the path of learning the classic blues and era music of the Civil War.” 8pm/$5
  • Crum Box Gastgarden: First Friday featuring LeTour!. 8pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Two Foot Level. 9pm/free/21+
  • Park at Monroe: The Downtown Marketplace. 9am
  • Corner of Georgia & Macomb: Frenchtown Farmers’ Market. “Find your favorite local goodies! Join us at Frenchtown Farmers Market for all-local produce, eggs, gourmet jelly, and more. We can double SNAP benefits through the Fresh Access Bucks program. Our farmers accept WIC and Senior farmers market nutrition program coupons.” 10am – 2pm.
  • Growler USA (University Square): DJ Night. 6pm-9pm
  • Salty Dawg: Karaoke with Paul. Family friendly! 8pm
  • Leggetts: Karaoke with Cowboy Chris. 9pm
  • The Skybox (Crawfordville): Karaoke with Mark. 9pm
  • El Patron: Pasion Latina. Bachata, Merengue, Salsa, Reggaeton. 9pm
  • 926 Lounge: Sanctuary: Tallahassee’s Longest Running Goth Night. 10pm/$5/18+
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Sketching from Life. 1pm
  • Midtown: Taloofa Fest 2017. “Come on out and have some fun at the third annual Taloofa Fest in Midtown Tallahassee! Taloofa Fest is part block party, part local history fair and part music festival. After the Taloofa Adventure Challenge, the fun continues in the streets of Midtown! The Festival will be centralized on Thomasville Road between 5th and 6th Avenues(1100block), with live music, vendors, exhibits, kids' activities, food, and beverages (adult beverages as well!). The Florida Wildlife Commission and the Gulf Marine Specimen Lab will have critters on hand along with historical reenactors from Mission San Luis, representatives from the Museum of Fl. History, the Fl. Archives, and the Historic Capitol Building and the Knott House will have tables set up, as well.” 3pm-8pm/all ages
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Night Prowl Tour. “Enjoy a guided tour at the Tallahassee Museum and learn about the nightlife along the Florida Wildlife Trail. Your guide will provide an enjoyable experience as you spot the many nocturnal animals which call the Museum home. You will also have an opportunity to get close to one special night creature.” 9pm
  • Proof: DJ Austen van der Bleek. 8pm-11pm
  • Blue Tavern: Fellow Pynins. 8pm/$10
  • The Warrior: Community Center with Bad Year, Sgt. Bear, and Manuel Antonio Carvajal. 9pm/$7
  • Fifth & Thomas: Morning Fatty. 9pm/free
  • Bird’s: Slugs (1988): A Trash Cinema Night Event! “Join us, won’t you? For an exceedingly nasty bit of nature revenge splatter horror that's load of brutal, blood, freakish fun! Come enjoy SLUGS with us as you sink your teeth in the BEST damn burger in town, slurp on some salty love on the half shell all while quenching that deep down body thirst with an ice cold adult beverage. This is one not be missed!” 9pm/free/18+
  • Gaines Street/Railroad Ave: The Souk – “Come grab brunch from Tallahassee's finest, enjoy local musicians and check out local vendors. BRUNCH! Gaines Street hosts 12+ locally owned dining establishments in a 2 block area - we've got something for everyone! VENDORS! We've got vendors all up & down the block! Have some stuff to sell? Bring it down!. And tons of live MUSIC!” Noon-5pm
  • GrassLands Brewery: Queer Trivia: Let's Get Beers Together. “GrassLands invites the Tally LGBT community and friends to come down and enjoy local craft beer and queer-themed trivia every Sunday. LGBT-themed trivia provided by Trivia With Hank. $30 bar tab for 1st place. Stick around afterward for queers and beers.” 5pm
  • The Junction @ Monroe: Sunday Afternoon Bingo. “This isn't your grandma's bingo! We have a blast with some very cool folks. Cash prizes.” 5pm
  • Salty Dawg Pub & Deli: The Famous Acoustic Jam w/ Wayne, Glenn, and Bo. Open mic, free beer for performers. 6pm
  • Fifth & Thomas: Funky Brunch. “Enjoy a Funky Get Down Brunch with Kalen Mercer Project! We will have our usual scrumptious brunch menu with $15 bottomless mimosas and kids 10 and under eat free (with the purchase of an adult entree). “ 10am-2pm
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Tallahassee Songwriters Festival. “Share and experience the faces, voices and stories behind the songs being performed by esteemed artists Daphne Willis, Sarah Mac and Mimi Hearn on the Tallahassee Museum’s beautiful outdoor stage. Admission to Festival is FREE for members and included in general ticket purchases on the day of the event (range from $8.50 to $11.50). The Museum’s Trail Break Café will be serving tasty treats and frosty beverages as always!” 2pm-4pm
  • Cap City Video Lounge: A Brilliant Monster: Crowdfunding, Movie Night, Meet and Greet! “Local filmmaker, Fred Rabbath, has some truly remarkable projects under his belt and is now looking to fund his latest, most intriguing and challenging project to date, A Brilliant Monster. Tonight, Fred will be showcasing his short film, 'Dead Meat', and his feature length film entitled 'Superhero Man'. Fred will also be present with his production team to discuss his upcoming project with you.” 8pm
  • Growler USA (U Square): Kill the KEG at Growler USA! “It is the start of the week and we need to open up a tap for new beer! $20 all you can drink until the keg is empty, from 8-10pm! Winner(s) will receive a free Growler T Shirt and a 64 oz Growler from select taps! Bring out your team and whichever team goes through the most pitchers wins!” 8pm/21+
  • Under Wraps on the Parkway: Bar Trivia With Hank featuring DC & Marvel. “50 questions of friendly trivia. Plus great Mediterranean food, delicious wraps, and beer by the bottle or bucket that won’t kick you in the wallet. $20 tab for 1st place. Near all the state offices – start your week off right.” 7pm/free
  • Junction @ Monroe: Monday Night Bingo. “Good food, good drinks, good friends, and a chance to win some big cashola! It doesn't get any better than J@M. Every Monday from 7pm-9pm we've got cash payouts up to $250 per game with multiple games each night PLUS a 50/50 drawing each week benefitting the Tallahassee Area Musicians Guild.” 7pm-9pm
  • Blue Tavern (N Monroe St): Lost Mondays with Belmont & Jones. 8pm
  • Waterworks: Patio Theater. 8:35pm/21+
  • 926 Bar & Grill: Karaoke with Nathan. He’s got all the songs. All the songs you want to sing. 9pm
  • Side Bar Theater: Open Mic Mondays with Karaoke and Games. “ Open Mic: Drums, Guitar Amp, and Bass Amp will be provided. (Bring your own guitars and various instruments!) Karaoke, Nintendo 64 ( Mario Kart, Starfox, and more!), Foosball, Cornhole.” 9pm/free/18+
  • The Warrior: Hip-Hop Open Mic Monday's // Dj T Wixx on site // Bring your Tracks. 10pm
Keep checking back, sometimes I update. Got anything to add?
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when does four winds casino in south bend open video

The casino continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19 and has safety and cleaning procedures in place to keep employees and guests safe. Read the full statement below: The Pokagon Gaming Authority is pleased to announce that all of its Four Winds Casinos locations in Michigan and Indiana will reopen to the public on Monday, June 15 at Noon Eastern Time. Four Winds South Bend is undergoing an expansion that will feature a 23-story hotel tower, the Pokagon Gaming Authority announced Wednesday. "There will also be a spa, convention area, meeting ... Four Winds South Bend casino. The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians has reached a gaming compact with the state of Indiana allowing it to begin offering table and sports gaming, which still needs ... Response from FWCCustomerService, Customer Service Team at Four Winds Casino South Bend Responded Nov 27, 2020 Hi Kimberly, Thank you for taking the time to write a review. While tribal casinos are not required to adhere to state orders, casinos sometimes voluntarily close their operations in conjunction with the state. The Pokagon Gaming Authority closed its Four Winds Casinos on March 17 and re-opened them at reduced capacity on June 15. SOUTH BEND — Four Winds Casino South Bend is now open. The brand new 175,000-square-foot facility was officially opened on Tuesday afternoon. According to organizers, it will employ about 1,200 people. “This is an incredibly exciting time for all of us,” said Four Winds Casino Chief Operating Officer Frank Freedman. Four Winds South Bend. Four Winds South Bend offers the same high-level of service and amenities which Four Winds locations are known for. The casino is 175,000 square feet of gaming and includes four restaurants, a players lounge, coffee shop, three bars, a retail outlet and a parking garage. The casinos, with Michigan locations in New Buffalo, Dowagiac and Hartford as well as South Bend, Indiana, remain open as of noon Monday, March 16, according to a press release from the casino. The newest Four Winds Casino located in South Bend, Indiana opened January 2018 and offers gaming, bars and restaurants, including a steakhouse and buffet.

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