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Bitcoin 11 Years - Achievements, Lies, and Bullshit Claims So Far - Tooootally NOT a SCAM !!!!

That's right folks, it's that time again for the annual review of how Bitcoin is going: all of those claims, predictions, promises .... how many have turned out to be true, and how many are completely bogus ???
Please post / link this on Bitcoin (I am banned there for speaking the truth, so I cannot do it) ... because it'a way past time those poor clueless mushrooms were exposed to the truth.
Anyway, without further ado, I give you the Bitcoin's Achievements, Lies, and Bullshit Claims So Far ...
Bitcoin Achievements so far:
  1. It has spawned a cesspool of scams (2000+ shit coin scams, plus 100's of other scams, frauds, cons).
  2. Many 1,000's of hacks, thefts, losses.
  3. Illegal Use Cases: illegal drugs, illegal weapons, tax fraud, money laundering, sex trafficking, child pornography, hit men / murder-for-hire, ransomware, blackmail, extortion, and various other kinds of fraud and illicit activity.
  4. Legal Use Cases: Steam Games, Reddit, Expedia, Stripe, Starbucks, 1000's of merchants, cryptocurrency conferences, Ummm ????? The few merchants who "accept Bitcoin" immediately convert it into FIAT after the sale, or require you to sell your coins to BitPay or Coinbase for real money, and will then take that money. Some of the few who actually accept bitcoin haven't seen a customer who needed to pay with bitcoin for the last six months, and their cashiers no longer know how to handle that.
  5. Contributing significantly to Global Warming.
  6. Wastes vasts amounts of electricity on useless, do nothing work.
  7. Exponentially raises electricity prices when big miners move into regions where electricity was cheap.
  8. It’s the first "currency" that is not self-sustainable. It operates at a net loss, and requires continuous outside capital to replace the capital removed by miners to pay their costs. It’s literally a "black hole currency."
  9. It created a new way for people living too far from Vegas to gamble all their life savings away.
  10. Spawned "blockchain technology", a powerful technique that lets incompetent programmers who know almost nothing about databases, finance, programming, or blockchain scam millions out of gullible VC investors, banks, and governments.
  11. Increased China's foreign trade balance by a couple billion dollars per year.
  12. Helped the FBI and other law enforcement agents easily track down hundreds of drug traffickers and drug users.
  13. Wasted thousands if not millions of man-hours of government employees and legislators, in mostly fruitless attempts to understand, legitimize, and regulate the "phenomenon", and to investigate and prosecute its scams.
  14. Rekindled the hopes of anarcho-capitalists and libertarians for a global economic collapse, that would finally bring forth their Mad Max "utopia".
  15. Added another character to Unicode (no, no, not the "poo" 💩 character ... that was my first guess as well 🤣)
  16. Provides an easy way for malware and ransomware criminals to ply their trade and extort hospitals, schools, local councils, businesses, utilities, as well as the general population.
Correct Predictions:
  1. 2015-12: "1,000 dollar in 2015", u/Luka_Magnotta, aka time traveler from the future, 31-Aug-2013, (Technically, this prediction is WRONG because the highest price reached in 2015 was $495.56 according to CMC. Yes, Bitcoin reached $1,000 in 2013 and 2014, but that's NOT what the prediction says).
  2. 2017-12: "10,000 in 2017", u/Luka_Magnotta, aka time traveler from the future, 31-Aug-2013,
  3. 2018-04: $10,000 (by April 2018), Mike Novogratz, link #1:, link #2:
  4. 2018-12: $10,000 (by 2018), Tim Draper, link #1:, link #2:
  5. Any others ? (Please tell me).
Bitcoin Promises / Claims / Price Predictions that turned out to be lies and bullshit:
  7. SAFE
  10. NOT A SCAM
  15. Be your own bank
  16. Regulation-proof
  19. Instantaneous transactions
  20. Fast transactions
  21. Zero / No transaction fees
  22. Low transaction fees
  23. A store of value
  24. A deflationary digital asset
  25. "A deflationary digital asset that no single human being can destroy."
  26. "an asset that is equally as dual use as a car, water, or any other traditional element that has existed."
  27. "Digital gold"
  28. Easy to use
  29. Cannot be stolen
  30. Cannot be hacked
  31. Can be mined by anyone
  32. Can be mined by anyone, even with an old computer or laptop
  33. Cannot be centralized
  34. Will return power back to the people.
  35. Not a Ponzi scam
  36. Not a Pyramid scam
  37. Never pay tax again
  38. Your gains cannot be taxed
  39. A currency
  40. An amazing new class of asset
  41. An asset
  42. A means to economic freedom
  43. A store of value
  44. The best investment the word has ever seen
  45. A great investment
  46. Efficient
  47. Scalable
  48. Stable
  49. Resilient
  50. Reliable
  51. Low energy
  52. Low risk
  53. Redistribute wealth to everybody
  54. No more have's and have not's
  55. No more US and THEM
  56. No more disadvantaged people
  57. No more RICH and POOR
  58. No more poor people
  59. Uses amazing new technology
  60. Uses ingenious new technology
  61. Satishi Nakamoto invented ...
  62. Segwit will solve all of Bitcoin's woes
  63. Lightning Network will solve all of Bitcoin's woes
  64. Limited by scarcity
  65. Can only go up in value
  66. Price cannot crash
  67. Has intrinsic value
  68. Value will always be worth more than cost to mine
  69. Adoption by investors is increasing exponentially
  70. Adoption by investors is increasing
  71. Adoption by merchants is increasing exponentially
  72. Adoption by merchants is increasing
  73. You are secure if you keep your coins on an exchange
  74. You are secure if you keep your coins in a hardware wallet
  75. You are secure if you keep your coins in an air-gapped Linux PC
  76. Will change the world
  77. "the next phase in human evolution"
  78. "Blockchain is more encompassing than the internet"
  79. Blockchain can solve previously unsolvable problems.
  80. "The only regulation we need is the blockchain"
  81. "Bank the unbanked"
  82. "To abolish financial slavery and the state's toxic monopoly on money."
  83. "To have better tools in the fight against the state violence and taxation."
  84. "To stamp information on a blockchain forever so we can bypass state censorship, copyrights, patents(informational monopolies) etc."
  85. Will destroy / overthrow FIAT
  86. Will destroy / overthrow the world's governments
  87. Will destroy / overthrow the banking system
  88. Will destroy / overthrow the world economies
  89. Will free people from tyranny
  90. Will give people financial freedom
  91. Will bring world peace
  92. Never going below $19K again
  93. Never going below $18K again
  94. Never going below $17K again
  95. Never going below $16K again
  96. Never going below $15K again
  97. Never going below $14K again
  98. Never going below $13K again
  99. Never going below $12K again
  100. Never going below $11K again
  101. Never going below $10K again
  102. Never going below $9K again
  103. Never going below $8K again
  104. Never going below $7K again
  105. Never going below $6K again
  106. Never going below $5K again
  107. Never going below $4K again
  108. Is NOT a Scam
  109. Hashing Power secures the Bitcoin network
  110. Untraceable, private transactions
  111. Guaranteed privacy
  112. Not created out of thin air
  113. Not created out of thin air by unregulated, unbacked entities
  114. Totally NOT a scam
  115. Is not used primarily by crimonals, drug dealers, or money launderers.
  116. 100% secure
  117. 2010 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  118. 2011 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  119. 2012 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  120. 2013 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  121. 2014 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  122. 2015 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  123. 2016 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  124. 2017 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  125. 2018 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  126. 2019 will be the "Year of Crypto"
  127. 2010: MASS ADOPTION any day now"
  128. 2011: MASS ADOPTION aany day now"
  129. 2012: MASS ADOPTION aaany day now"
  130. 2013: MASS ADOPTION aaaany day now"
  131. 2014: MASS ADOPTION aaaaany day now"
  132. 2015: MASS ADOPTION aaaaaany day now"
  133. 2016: MASS ADOPTION aaaaaaany day now"
  134. 2017: MASS ADOPTION aaaaaaaany day now"
  135. 2018: MASS ADOPTION aaaaaaaaany day now"
  136. 2019: MASS ADOPTION aaaaaaaaany day now"
  137. "Financial Freedom, bro."
  138. no single entity, government or individual, can alter or reverse its transactions
  139. insurance against the tyranny of state
  140. Bitcoin has come to destroy all governments and bring about the libertarian utopia of my dreams.
  141. The major issues in Bicoin's network will be fixed. This is still early days, Bitcoin has only been around for 2+ years.
  142. The major issues in Bicoin's network will be fixed. This is still early days, Bitcoin has only been around for 5+ years.
  143. The major issues in Bicoin's network will be fixed. This is still early days, Bitcoin has only been around for 7+ years.
  144. The major issues in Bicoin's network will be fixed. This is still early days, Bitcoin has only been around for 9+ years.
  145. 1,000's of predictions of skyrocketing and/or never falling prices
  146. Escape the petty rivalries of warring powers and nation states by scattering control among the many. The Bitcoin Cash debacle proves that even the most cryptographically secure plans of mice and men often go awry. Ref:
  147. People will NEVER be able to welch out of bets or deals again. Nov-2018, Ref:
  148. "Everything will be better, faster, and cheaper.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  149. "Everything will be more connected.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  150. "Everything will be more trustworthy.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  151. "Everything will be more secure.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  152. "Everything that exists is no-longer going to exist in the way that it does today.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  153. "Everything in this world is about to get better.", Brock Pierce, shill video.
  154. You are a slave to the bankers
  155. The bankers print money and then you pay for it
  156. Bitcoin is The Peoples Money
  157. Bitcoin will set you free
  158. Bitcoin will set you free from the slavery of the banks and the government Ref:
  159. ~~Bitcoin is "striking fear into the hearts of bankers, precisely because Bitcoin eliminates the need for banks. ~~, Mark Yusko, billionaire investor and Founder of Morgan Creek Capital,
  160. "When transactions are verified on a Blockchain, banks become obsolete.", Mark Yusko, billionaire investor and Founder of Morgan Creek Capital,
  161. SnapshillBot quotes from delusional morons:
  162. "A bitcoin miner in every device and in every hand."
  163. "All the indicators are pointing to a huge year and bigger than anything we have seen before."
  164. "Bitcoin is communism and democracy working hand in hand."
  165. "Bitcoin is freedom, and we will soon be free."
  166. "Bitcoin isn't calculated risk, you're right. It's downright and painfully obvious that it will consume global finance."
  167. "Bitcoin most disruptive technology of last 500 years"
  168. "Bitcoin: So easy, your grandma can use it!"
  169. "Creating a 4th Branch of Government - Bitcoin"
  170. "Future generations will cry laughing reading all the negativity and insanity vomited by these permabears."
  171. "Future us will thank us."
  172. "Give Bitcoin two years"
  173. "HODLING is more like being a dutiful guardian of the most powerful economic force this planet has ever seen and getting to have a say about how that force is unleashed."
  174. "Cut out the middleman"
  175. "full control of your own assets"
  176. "reduction in wealth gap"
  177. "no inflation"
  178. "cannot print money out of thin air"
  179. "Why that matters? Because blockchain not only cheaper for them, it'll be cheaper for you and everyone as well."
  180. "If you are in this to get rich in Fiat then no. But if you are in this to protect your wealth once the current monetary system collapse then you are protected and you'll be the new rich."
  181. "Theres the 1% and then theres the 99%. You want to be with the rest thats fine. Being different and brave is far more rewarding. No matter your background or education."
  182. "NO COINERS will believe anything they are fed by fake news and paid media."
  183. "I know that feeling (like people looking at you as in seeing a celebrity and then asking things they don't believe until their impressed)."
  184. "I literally walk round everyday looking at other people wondering why they even bother to live if they don't have Bitcoin in their lives."
  185. "I think bitcoin may very well be the best form of money we’ve ever seen in the history of civilization."
  186. "I think Bitcoin will do for mankind what the sun did for life on earth."
  187. "I think the constant scams and illegal activities only show the viability of bitcoin."
  188. "I think we're sitting on the verge of exponential interest in the currency."
  189. "I'm not using hyperbole when I say Satoshi found the elusive key to World Peace."
  190. "If Jesus ever comes back you know he's gonna be using Bitcoin"
  191. "If this idea was implemented with The Blockchain™, it would be completely flawless! Flawless I tell you!"
  192. "If you're the minimum wage guy type, now is a great time to skip food and go full ramadan in order to buy bitcoin instead."
  193. "In a world slipping more and more into chaos and uncertainty, Bitcoin seems to me like the last solid rock defeating all the attacks."
  194. "In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any filthy statist's blessing, but because I am enlightened by own intelligence."
  195. "Is Bitcoin at this point, with all the potential that opens up, the most undervalued asset ever?"
  196. "It won't be long until bitcoin is an everyday household term."
  197. "It's the USD that is volatile. Bitcoin is the real neutral currency."
  198. "Just like the early Internet!"
  199. "Just like the Trojan Horse of old, Bitcoin will reveal its full power and nature"
  200. "Ladies if your man doesnt have some bitcoin then he cant handle anything and has no danger sex appeal. He isnt edgy"
  201. "let me be the first to say if you dont have bitcoin you are a pussy and cant really purchase anything worldwide. You have no global reach"
  202. "My conclusion is that I see this a a very good thing for bitcoin and for users"
  203. "No one would do such a thing; it'd be against their self interests."
  204. "Ooh lala, good job on bashing Bitcoin. How to disrespect a great innovation."
  205. "Realistically I think Bitcoin will replace the dollar in the next 10-15 years."
  206. "Seperation of money and state -> states become obsolete -> world peace."
  207. "Some striking similarities between Bitcoin and God"
  208. "THANK YOU. Better for this child to be strangled in its crib as a true weapon for crypto-anarchists than for it to be wielded by toxic individuals who distort the technology and surrender it to government and corporate powers."
  209. "The Blockchain is more encompassing than the internet and is the next phase in human evolution. To avoid its significance is complete ignorance."
  210. "The bull run should begin any day now."
  211. "The free market doesn't permit fraud and theft."
  212. "The free market will clear away the bad actors."
  213. "The only regulation we need is the blockchain."
  214. "We are not your slaves! We are free bodies who will swallow you and puke you out in disgust. Welcome to liberty land or as that genius called it: Bitcoin."
  215. "We do not need the bankers for Satoshi is our saviour!"
  216. "We have never seen something so perfect"
  217. "We must bring freedom and crypto to the masses, to the common man who does not know how to fight for himself."
  218. "We verified that against the blockchain."
  219. "we will see a Rennaisnce over the next few decades, all thanks to Bitcoin."
  220. "Well, since 2006, there has been a infinite% increase in price, so..."
  221. "What doesn't kill cryptocurrency makes it stronger."
  222. "When Bitcoin awake in normally people (real people) ... you will have this result : No War. No Tax. No QE. No Bank."
  223. "When I see news that the price of bitcoin has tanked (and thus the market, more or less) I actually, for-real, have the gut reaction "oh that’s cool, I’ll be buying cheap this week". I never knew I could be so rational."
  224. "Where is your sense of adventure? Bitcoin is the future. Set aside your fears and leave easier at the doorstep."
  225. "Yes Bitcoin will cause the greatest redistribution of wealth this planet has ever seen. FACT from the future."
  226. "You are the true Bitcoin pioneers and with your help we have imprinted Bitcoin in the Canadian conscience."
  227. "You ever try LSD? Perhaps it would help you break free from the box of state-formed thinking you have limited yourself..."
  228. "Your phone or refrigerator might be on the blockchain one day."
  229. The banks can print money whenever they way, out of thin air, so why can't crypto do the same ???
  230. Central Banks can print money whenever they way, out of thin air, without any consequences or accounting, so why can't crypto do the same ???
  231. It's impossible to hide illegal, unsavory material on the blockchain
  232. It's impossible to hide child pornography on the blockchain
  233. Fungible
  234. All Bitccoins are the same, 100% identical, one Bitcoin cannot be distinguished from any other Bitcoin.
  235. The price of Bitcoin can only go up.
  236. "Bubbles are mathematically impossible in this new paradigm. So are corrections and all else", John McAfee, 7 Dec 2017 @ 5:09 PM,
  237. Scarcity
  238. The price of Bitcoin can only go up because of scarcity / 21 million coin limit. (Bitcoin is open source, anyone can create thir own copy, and there are more than 2,000+ Bitcoin copies / clones out there already).
  239. immune to government regulation
  240. "a world-changing technology"
  241. "a long-term store of value, like gold or silver"
  242. "To Complex to Be Audited."
  243. "Old Auditing rules do not apply to Blockchain."
  244. "Old Auditing rules do not apply to Cryptocurrency."
  245. "Why Bitcoin has Value: SCARCITY.", PlanB, Coin Shill, 22-Mar-2019,
  246. "Bitcoin is the first scarce digital object the world has ever seen, it is scarce like silver & gold, and can be sent over the internet, radio, satellite etc.", PlanB, Coin Shill, 22-Mar-2019,
  247. "Surely this digital scarcity has value.", PlanB, Coin Shill, 22-Mar-2019,
  248. Bitcoin now at $16,600.00. Those of you in the old school who believe this is a bubble simply have not understood the new mathematics of the Blockchain, or you did not cared enough to try. Bubbles are mathematically impossible in this new paradigm. So are corrections and all else", John McAfee, 7 Dec 2017 @ 5:09 PM,
  249. "May 2018 will be the last time we ever see $bitcoin under $10,000", Charlie Shrem, bitcoin advocate and convicted felon, 11:31 AM 3-May-2018,
  250. "Last dip ever.", AngeloBTC, 14 Oct 2018,
  251. "Bitcoin May Have Just Experienced its Final Shakeout Before a Big Rally", Joseph Young, coin shill, October 15, 2018 22:30 CET,
  252. Bitcoin would be a buy if the price fell under $5,000., Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor at Allianz, 29-Jun-2018,
  253. 2013-11-27: ""What is a Citadel?" you might wonder. Well, by the time Bitcoin became worth 1,000 dollar [27-Nov-2013], services began to emerge for the "Bitcoin rich" to protect themselves as well as their wealth. It started with expensive safes, then began to include bodyguards, and today, "earlies" (our term for early adapters), as well as those rich whose wealth survived the "transition" live in isolated gated cities called Citadels, where most work is automated. Most such Citadels are born out of the fortification used to protect places where Bitcoin mining machines are located. The company known as ASICminer to you is known to me as a city where Mr. Friedman rules as a king.", u/Luka_Magnotta, aka time traveler from the future, 31-Aug-2013,
  254. 2018-02: Bitcoin price to hit $27,000 by February 2018, Trace Mayer, host of the Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast, and self-proclaimed entrepreneur, investor, journalist, monetary scientist and ardent defender, Link #1:, Link #2:
  255. 2018-06: "Bitcoin will surpass $15,000 in June [2018]." John McAfee, May 25, 2018,
  256. 2018-07: Bitcoin will be $28,000 by mid-2018, Ronnie Moas, Wall Street analyst and founder of Standpoint Research,
  257. 2018-12: Bitcoin to reach a price of between 40,000 and 110,000 US dollars by the end of the 2017 bull run ... sometime before 2019, Masterluc, 26-May-2017, an anonymous "legendary" Bitcoin trader, Link #1:, Link #2:
  258. 2018-12: "There is no reason why we couldn’t see Bitcoin pushing $50,000 by December [2018]", Thomas Glucksmann, head of APAC business at Gatecoin, Link #1:
  259. 2018-12: Listen up you giggling cunts... who wants some? you want some?...huh? Do ya? Here's the deal you fuckin Nerds - Butts are gonna be at 30 grand or more by next Christmas [2018] - If they aren't I will publicly administer an electronic dick sucking to every shill on this site and disappear forever - Until then, no more bans or shadow bans - Do we have a deal? If Butts are over 50 grand me and Lammy get to be mods. Deal? Your ole pal - "Skully" u/10GDeathBoner, 3-Feb-2018
  260. 2018-12: 1 bitcoin = 1 Lambo. Remind me on Christmas eve [2018] u/10GDeathBoner, 3-Feb-2018,
  261. 2018-12: Been in BTC since 2014 and experienced many "deaths" of BTC... this too shall pass... $10k end of the year. [2018] u/Exxe2502, 30-Jun-2018
  262. 2018-12: "Yale Alumni prediction - 30 Grand by Christmas [2018] - and you my friend... you will be the one eating Mcafee's dick in 2020. :) -:", u/SirNakamoto, 15-Jun-2018,
  263. 2018-12: "Impossible For Bitcoin Not to Hit $10,000 by This Year (2018)", Mike Novogratz, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, ex-hedge fund manager of the Fortress Investment Group and a longstanding advocate of cryptocurrency, 22-Sep-2018,
  264. 2018-12: "[Bitcoin] between $13,800 and $14,800 [by end of 2018]", Fundstrat's Tom Lee, 13-Dec-2018,
  265. 2018-12: "Bitcoin is going to be $15k-$20k by the end of the year (2018)", Didi Taihuttu, 1-Nov-2018,
  266. 2018-12: 2018 bitcoin price prediction reduced to $15,000 [was $25,000], Fundstrat's Tom Lee, 16-Nov-2018,
  267. 2018-12: "I want to be clear, bitcoin is going to $25,000 by year end (2018)", Fundstrat's Tom Lee, 5-Jul-2018,
  268. 2018-12: "Bitcoin could be at $40,000 by the end of 2018, it really easily could", Mike Novogratz, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, ex-hedge fund manager of the Fortress Investment Group and a longstanding advocate of cryptocurrency, 21-Sep-2018,
  269. 2018-12: "Bitcoin will be priced around $50,000 by the end of the year (2018)", Bitcoin bull Arthur Hayes, co-founder and CEO of BitMEX, 29-Jun-2018,
  270. 2018-12: "Bitcoin could definitely see $50,000 in 2018", Jeet Singh, cryptocurrency portfolio manager, speaking in January 2018 at the World Economic Forum in Davos,
  271. 2018-12: "Bitcoin will hit $100,000 this year (2018)", Kay Van-Petersen, an analyst at Saxo Bank, 17-Jan-2018,
  272. 2018-12: "Bitcoin price to surpass the $100,000 mark by the end of 2018", Tone Vays, 21-Sep-2017,
  273. 2018-12: "Bitcoin’s Price Will Surpass the $100,000 Mark by the End of 2018", Anonymous ("author" obviously too embarrassed to put his name to such bullshit "articles"), Oct-2018,
  274. 2018-12: "Our [2018] year-end bitcoin target is $7700.", James Stefurak, Founder at Monarch Research. See article: "Experts Forecast Bitcoin will rise by 2019", REF:
  275. 2018-12: "... we’ll see the price rally reaching its all-time of high of around $20K before the end of 2018", Khaled Khorshid, Co-Founder at Treon ICO. See article: "Experts Forecast Bitcoin will rise by 2019", REF:
  276. 2018-12: Bitcoin will end 2018 at the price point of $50,000, Ran Neuner, host of CNBC’s show Cryptotrader and the 28th most influential Blockchain insider according to Richtopia,
  277. Plus a whole host of wrong 2019 predictions (could not be included here because of post character limit issues), so please see my earlier post from 4 days ago: Ummm, remember those "Expert" Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2019 ..... ohhhhh dear .....,
But it's NOT all bad news, some claims and promises are yet to be determined:
  1. Never going below $3K again
  2. Never going below $2K again
  3. Never going below $1K again
  4. Any others ? Please let me know.
submitted by Crypto_To_The_Core to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

The Devil at my Doorstep

A continuation of Something Wicked This Way Comes
In For A Penny, In For A Pound
Next Part
It was always silent in the cockpit. The material construction of the Dawn Bloom made sure that the roaring engines were nothing more a soft purr, and the flight helmet created an environment totally isolated from anything other than pilot-pertinent information. Mirri Jael Gerrem had always savored the feeling. It was like being freed from everything that was real; There was no boundary between her and the sky itself. Even during combat flights, she found a true exhilaration in the act of piloting. There was just something special about it to her, even after hundreds of hours of flight time.
There was none of that feeling to be found today. She could feel her hackles rise just thinking about the choice she’d made. Rationally, it was a mistake. Mirri had created a brand new world of trouble for herself and all of her remaining squad, assuming they still made it out alive. She was certain she could maneuver past the planet’s static orbital defenses and whatever other craft were trying to intercept from the surface, but she had no information about the vessel the Gray Corps had come in on. On top of that, there was the now extremely pressing issue of the planet’s general isolation. They were so far off the beaten path it would take them days to make it back to the stellar trade routes, and Mirri knew for a fact that there was no way they’d be able to outrun Second Solar on that scale.
That left one real option, albeit an extremely unpalatable one: Sending an SOS directly to Central Governance. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve seen it as unthinkable. Most carrier class ships had the capability to send out the Faster-than-lightspeed ping, but use of the line was often restricted to the worst of worst-case scenarios. Most in Mirri’s line of work would rather take a roll of the dice, no matter the odds, against involving the monolithic entity that was the galaxy’s sole governmental body.
They were making their approach into the upper atmosphere now. Her helmet HUD lit up a smattering of anti aircraft mines that had already activated in low orbit. She wouldn’t have the time to make the call once they made it up, and so she was left with yet another now or never decision.
Once again, she grit her teeth and followed through. She quickly flicked through the small-text warning that popped up in an attempt to dissuade the course of action, and before she could convince herself otherwise, the SOS was sent.
The cockpit was still dead silent. Mirri couldn’t even hear the sound of her own breathing.
A shudder ran through she ship, all the way up through the controls and into her suit. No matter how advanced the ship and its shielding, atmospheric exit was never going to be quick and clean. Long range scans had come back with hits on pursuing craft, though the Dawn Bloom had enough of a head start that it would be fully minutes until they hit atmospheric exit as well, if they were even capable of it. Most ships smaller than a carrier tended to forgo the necessary fortifications to shielding systems and frame strength and just taxi up as cargo of larger ships, but that would be heavily dependent on what ship brought them in, and where it was parked. Too many little questions and not nearly enough time to answer them. She’d be entering the minefield in a matter of moments, and then it would be time to put the Dawn Bloom through its paces.
Just before she shut off her communications to focus on the task at hand, she noticed that more blips were slowing up among the minefield. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster. Strange, they all should have shown up at once. There’s either an issue with the sensors, or the mines are...
Mirri started at the realization. There was a reason they weren’t being closely pursued, and it wasn’t just their speed-
“RUWAQ!” she screamed over the ship’s speakers, “GET TO A GUNNER’S CHAIR, THEY’VE GOT SPIKES ALL OVER THE PLACE UP HERE!”
Space warfare naturally calls for a different set of doctrines and strategies than a traditional battlefield. Chief among these is the natural difference in speed and mobility of powered craft in a fully three dimensional space, freed from the constraints of gravity. Weapons with physical projectiles require accurate sensors and tremendous amounts of computational power to fire accurately, and energy weapons have such a high rate of energy consumption that sustained fire is virtually impossible. These are complications that serve to blunt the casualty rates of most small scale conflicts between space-faring vessels, and are thus accepted as part and parcel of conflict. This gentleman's agreement, as it were, only extends to ships engaging in combat. On the stellar battlefield, firepower coupled with mobility leads to an overwhelming offense. These same tactics simply cannot apply to any attempt at a successful static defense, and so Central Governance turns a blind eye to the many ways that mine technology skirts, and oftentimes flagrantly breaks, the laws regarding banned weapons.
Despite this, there are still lines rarely crossed. The creation and proliferation of drone-based weapon technology is a regarded as a felony so severe by Central Governance that it is one of a handful of crimes still punishable by outright execution. While traditional mines use a simple two part sequence of manual activation followed by a per-determined flight pattern toward their intended target, Semi-Autonomous Mine Drones are a far different beast. Activated by proximity to any non-registered craft and loaded with a chasing AI, these weapons known colloquially as “spikes” are the terror of any pilot who finds themselves flying through any contested space. Virtually impossible to disarm, and nearly as hard to evade, a handful would be problem sizable enough to warrant military intervention if discovered in any place with a civilian population.
In a two hundred and fifty kilometer radius around the Dawn Bloom, ninety-seven of them had just activated and recognized the ship as their target.
“System! Dump all auxiliary batteries, power to engines! Full processing to automated defense calculations, unlock total access for all manual gun stations!”
“Actions are pending, Pilot verification required.”
“PIECE OF SHIT- Pilot authorization code is… 9912-55-14?” Mirri’s breath caught in her throat from the instant acceleration as the Dawn Bloom’s main AI systems immediately complied with her commands. The blips on her Pilot’s helmet were steadily closing in, and for every one marked destroyed by the ship’s automated defenses and Ruwaq’s ministrations from the gunnery chair another three took its place. As if trying to juke out the spikes wasn’t bad enough, there was a veritable curtain of standard mines that had been armed at their approach. Even if they had far simpler trajectories and no ability to properly track them, their sheer number was a problem all of its own. The defense calculations gave an intercept time of less than thirty seconds even after acceleration. They could expect to absorb at best three impacts before their shields gave way, and maybe survive a single direct hit to the hull on top of that. With the sheer volume of targets heading their way, Mirri had a difficult choice to make. They simply couldn’t operate shields, engines, and weapons at ideal levels. They were burning through battery reserves at an alarming rate for engine power, their shields couldn’t possibly mitigate enough impacts to be useful, and not nearly enough mines were being shot down en route to justify their weapons power budget. There wasn’t any helping it, she’d have to shunt everything off to engine and hope they had enough juice to outrace whatever fuel reserves the spikes had.
She was just about to authorize the switch over when the interception calculations began to change. First, from just over twenty seconds to twenty-five. Then from twenty-five to thirty, and a moment later to forty-five. The encroaching swarm of mines was slowly but surely falling behind, but they hadn’t picked up that much distance from their acceleration. Likewise, the ship’s AI was far too powerful to slip up something like a simple intercept calculation. Mirri wasn’t planning on looking a gift horse in the mouth though, and she counted whatever had served to sufficiently impede the closing speed of the weapons as a small blessing after being delivered a lifetime’s worth of bad luck in two days.
“Ruwaq! I’m going to route power away from the weapons, we’re starting to outpace the mines, and if we go at full burn we might make it clear of them altogether!” Mirri expected a quick “yes ma’am”, or “sure boss”, but she absolutely wasn’t prepared for her eardrums to be nearly blown out by Ruwaq’s howled reply.
The blips of the pursuing mines hadn’t fallen back from the sensor range, they’d been destroyed? Mirri barked out an order to swap her helmet’s HUD from a real time display to a slower updating long range view. Sure enough, a swathe had been carved out of the approaching wave, with even more winking out every sweep. With the time to intercept still increasing, it was looking like offense was going to be the best defense. A single command was enough to totally depower main shields, shunting the difference equally between the engines and weapons. The increase in firepower would hopefully make sure they could stay a step ahead of the mines, and the engines would be drawing at equilibrium with the ship’s power generation. All she had to do now was fly them out, but that was a task far more easily said than done. As she refocused, a passing thought suddenly gave her pause.
If Ruwaq is the only one in a gunner’s chair, why did he say “we”?
All things considered, Ryan could have been worse. His return through the forest was a bloody, half-remembered haze, and it turns out that god damn gun hadn’t worked after all… but he’d still made it back to the facility. On top of that, his little bet had wound up as a jackpot: A one way ticket off that fucking rock, paid in full. Sure, there were some complications. The fact that he was sitting in a chair meant for an alien two feet shorter than he was with his knees up to his chin, desperately firing away at what he was nearly certain was a wall of missiles with his one good hand wrapped around a control stick never meant for human hands got a strong “take it or leave it” from him. That was a strong contrast to the first aid that had been administered by the alien in the chair directly across from him, which had so far proven extremely effective at getting him back on his feet, at least for the moment.
For once, Ryan had something to be thankful about. Despite the stuff his wounds had been cleaned with stinging like hell, it had dulled the pain and more importantly revealed that the extent of the damage to his left eye was just around the socket. He had an awful shiner and the cut on his eyebrow was positively ghoulish and barely sutured shut, but none of that was even close to the relief of knowing he hadn’t lost the eye. His left arm was still totally useless, and judging by the horrible color it was broken in at least a couple places. The pain had fortunately ebbed to a dull throb, and Ryan had to imagine that whatever was in that shot he’d been administered was some crazy drug cocktail. He’d been on hospital grade painkillers after falling out a tree when he was a child, and he knew for a fact that anything that did this good of a job should just about knock you out too, and the fact that he was able to snap off shots on the approaching targets like they were moving in molasses all but ensured there’d be some special kind of hell to pay on the come down.
Another squeeze of the trigger, another satisfying pop on the display.
Ryan had just been coming out of his stupor when his… co-gunner? Had received a message that got it scrambling over to a side-compartment in the ship into one of three oddly shaped. He’d been curious what all the commotion was and followed the alien once he got his space-legs under him. It had been easy as sitting down, figuring out that basically all of the buttons on the stick did the same thing, and blasting away at everything painted with a slowly expanding violet circle on a black and white display. There had been some difficulty at first coordinating with the knobby-horned alien in the nearby seat. They’d been overlapping targets and wasting time, but having both reticles displayed on each screen allowed them to wordlessly communicate: Ryan would zip between closer rockets, and the alien would take his time with the one that were further out. He’d been afraid when one got through, but it’d been taken care of before impact by the pilot or maybe automatic defenses from the ship itself. Either way, he still judged it a dicey prospect to let any more past, and each minute was a nerve wracking test of reflexes.
He almost jumped out of his chair when the alien positively bellowed a reply to something crackled over the ship’s intercom system. Ryan almost broke his concentration, but still drew a bead on the closest group of missiles, lancing through them with a volley of shots. More were closing in quickly however, and in larger clusters. It felt like they were starting to lose ground despite the wall of flak they were putting up, and just as multiple groups entered close range his stream of fire widened into a torrent.
It was like sliding a knife across the screen. One after another, each group was sliced to ribbons by the deluge of bullets. Just as quickly as they’d lost it, they gained their ground back and then some. With each set of rockets destroyed, the rest of the pack fell further and further behind, until at last their closest targets were displayed as entirely out of range for the guns. The next few minutes passed slowly, with Ryan and the alien slowly but surely taking turns picking off any more that sneaked into range, but eventually the screens displayed only the star-fleckered backdrop of empty space.
Given a moment to breathe, Ryan became very, very aware of the exhaustion creeping up on him. Whatever had been in that shot had dealt with the pain and cleared his head, but it couldn’t make up for the days he’d spent nearly sleepless on the run after escaping the facility, and the months he had been…
Suffice to say, he was tired. A part of him didn’t even properly register it, but he had actually made good on his escape. He could feel his head nodding, and he crawled out of the chair before slumping down against the compartment’s wall. He got a look of what might’ve been concern from the other gunner, but the alien didn’t deign to leave it’s post. Probably for the best. Ryan mused as he slipped into slumber.
“… I trust that you understand the gravity of what you’re testifying to, Jael Gerrem. This is an extremely serious set of accusations if true, and if not, there will likewise be severe repercussions for leveling them. Do I have your word that all events transpired as described without omission on threat of perjury, and acknowledgment that forfeiture of all requested data assets to Central Governance will be required to corroborate your accounts?”
“Yes, I understand and accept.”
Calling it an interrogation room would have been disingenuous. While it certainly lacked creature comforts, Field Judiciary Fongkhe Rhh was not a cruel man and would not tolerate any reflection of such a thing in his work space. What he was, however, was uncompromising. He had been conducting a longform interview of a Ruunon Private Security Force member for nearly a week now, and had forced her to recount her story no less than two dozen times in full in that time. Every retelling would show cracks and flaws in any lies or inaccuracies, and serve as mortar for the truth. He had made certain that Jael Gerrem was well rested before the interviews started and thoroughly briefed as to their rigors. Rhh took his work very seriously, and had tirelessly sorted through the transcribed information from each version of the account, and he was now satisfied that he had pared every uncertainty away from the events as they had transpired. To the Pilot’s credit, there was fairly little revision to the account after he had endeavored to separate confirmed fact from speculation and created two cohesive sets of information: Confirmable truths, and informed inferences that could reasonably drawn from those truths by an individual living moment to moment in a given situation. Rhh had legendary patience even by Portiian standards, but he still very glad to have finalized his work on this matter. There was a lot at stake here for all parties, but he hoped a deserved outcome met each of them.
Across the table, Mirri couldn’t help but fidget a bit. She’d always had problems getting along with Portiians, not because of any bad blood or prejudice, but because they took so damn long to get anything done. Portiian bureaucracy was glacial at best, with a strong tendency to wildly overthink everything and spend ages haggling over the tiniest differences in wording and policy. This made them oftentimes infuriating to work with on time sensitive matters, but if getting to the bottom of everything that happened at that Second Solar facility meant spending a week telling the exact same story, she’d do it and do it again if required. Recounting the events had been gut wrenching the first few times, but with each retelling it stung less and less. She idly wondered if that was a good or bad thing as the Judiciary leisurely tapped away on the ethereal keypad of a body mounted computer system. She could see the telltale electronic flicker of the retina mounted display as it blinked off, and the Portiian folded both sets of his fingers together and hummed out his affirmation.
“Considering the circumstances surrounding this case, I hope you will understand our need to retain you in custody for the time being. Rest assured, I have spent every working hour doing my upmost to deduce the bedrock truth of the events that transpired on Exoplanet 399-Solar-2. With your testimony of the past duly accepted and notarized, I am now at liberty to discuss with you matters of the present. I suspect you have your own share of questions, and I will endeavor to answer you as best as I am legally able. Please think it a courtesy in light of your patience with procedure.” the judiciary, whose body language had been positively stony the past week, relaxed ever so slightly as he gently slid the desk’s magnetically attached thermos across to her. Mirri took the opportunity to pour herself an (unfortunately) mild drink. She would’ve preferred something something with a bite, but at least the stuff was hot and didn’t taste like trash. Savoring the heat, she took a quick moment to sort out her thoughts before launching into her own questions.
It had been almost ten days now since the Dawn Bloom’s SOS ping had brought a Central Governance heavyweight intervention class ship far off the beaten path and deep into Second Solar owned space. Burning a breakneck pace had burned through all of the ship’s power reserves in a matter of hours, and the engines were beginning to run low on fissionable materials when the massive ship had crashed out of its superluminal pocket a few light minutes away. Mirri had gotten shields up in time to prevent any structural damage to the ship, but the electromagnetic pulse was still enough to ruin the majority of unprotected electronics on board. This thankfully included most of the ship’s illegal systems and a handful of its weapons, something she had been actually been counting on when making the initial call for help. It was still a risk of course, but her time with Ruunon’s military served as insight into some of the policies and protocol of Central Governance, and it hadn’t let her down here. They had been plucked from their unguided trajectory shortly thereafter, and whatever opening salvo of questions and procedures that had been prepped for them was stopped cold by the revelation that they were carrying an undocumented sapient with open wounds on board. Mirri, Ruwaq, and the sapient himself were rushed for sterilization and treatment, while Luro’s medical bed was carted off to the heart of the ship’s medical center for immediate surgery.
She’d spent nearly three days in bed, pumped full of antibiotics with periodic visits from the ship’s surgeon to glue all of her ribs back together. It was great to breathe without the “stab wound” feeling, but it was going to be a strange few months dealing with a shaved chest and stomach. Even though she liked to keep her hair short for a variety of reasons, the feeling of clothes directly on her skin was just plain wrong.
She shifted uncomfortably under the baggy unisex jumpsuit she wore; Mirri was on the short side for a Ruunon. Even though both sexes of the race were frequently involved in public and military affairs within the galaxy, she was a full size under average and so anything designed for one of her peers ended up fitting her like a garbage bag. As if being shaved down to the skin wasn’t bad enough. she grumbled inwardly. She finished off her drink, setting the empty cup down and clearing her throat.
“Alright, I have plenty to ask… First, though: How is Luro doing?” Mirri didn’t have high hopes for his prognosis, but she had to imagine that a Central Governance ship outfitted with a medical bay sizable enough to be converted into a field hospital would be the best care he could’ve received. For goodness sake, the gun had gone straight through his suit and gotten stuck in his chest.
“Your Yrarak squadmate has received all the treatment we are capable of rendering at this time. His condition has stabilized, but under constant medical monitoring and will be for the foreseeable future. It is clear to me that you were fully aware of the severity of his condition at the time you departed from the facility, and I will thus inform you that his medical prognosis points to permanent disability at best. Had he been directly sent to a treatment center of the caliber available on this vessel, there is a chance that most of the damage could have been reversed. Considering the amount of time that had passed between the injury and first aid, and then also the delay before reaching us… I believe the medical staff did everything they could do.” Rhh wasn’t one to mince words, but his tone had changed from when he had conducted the interviews. Mirri blew a heavy sigh, the air whistling ever so slightly out of her nose.
“What about Ruwaq, and the-” Mirri almost said “Bastard”. Now that she was out of the moment, she’d had time to start processing what exactly had happened down there. She’d been able to keep her head together, but with more and more distance to everything that had transpired and constant reminders of the sheer brutality of the “sapient’s” rampages from the interviews… She had begun to second guess her thoughts on the matter. He’d been smart enough to not only figure out and successfully employ their own firearms against them, but he’d also hopped right into a second gunner’s chair and scythed through the oncoming barrage of mines with startling efficiency. Ruwaq had patched into the cockpit as soon as the immediate threat to their shit was over, and hurriedly told his version of events. Mirri wondered if he’d embellished or exaggerated, but those were both totally out of character for the extremely straight forward Lorram. She had suspicions that there was a lot more at play here than she’d initially assumed, but thankfully none of that bullshit mattered much anymore. Sooner or later she’d be out of custody, and she had way bigger fish to fry. Namely, Haess. That slimy sonovabitch was going to get what was coming to him, and Mirri couldn’t wait to see it happen.
“-unidentified sapient?” she finished, lamely. The Portiian judiciary looked at her quizzically, and then waggled his head in a soft no.
“Ruwaq Mahr was in perfect health and fine spirits when I spoke to him this morning. His testimony has already been notarized and will be included with your own in the finalized report. On the subject of the unidentified sapient, I hope you will understand that his very existence and retrieval is a crux of all events that occurred on Exoplanet 399 Solar-2. I am simply not at liberty to discuss any new information pertaining to the individual with you Jael Gerrem, with a singular exception: Your medical records have marked you as free from any unknown pathogens, along with Ruwaq Mahr and your Yrarak companion. As your medical examinations were up to Central Governance standards, no additional quarantines will be necessary. Furthermore-” The judiciary was interrupted by a brief electronic chirping. He quickly flicked his retinal display back on before slumping his shoulders to betray the slightest bit of exasperation.
“Please have my apologies Jael Gerrem, but my presence is being demanded elsewhere. Since the interviews have concluded, it is unlikely I will be troubling you for more information in the short term. The vessel is slated to arrive at the nearest core system in the next five days, after which we will begin the process of administering justice to this situation. After initial hearings, it is likely that you will be allowed to return to your place of residence and resume your day-to-day life. I hope the best for your continued recovery, and goodbye.” With a quick half-squat farewell, the Portiian hurried out of the room to attend to whatever other business was demanding his attention.
Mirri was less than enthused about the judiciary’s swift departure, but at least she’d have some time to herself for a change. She took some time to sort out the effects she’d been given for her stay in custody. A blunt toothed comb, an extra change of clothes, a chunky computer pad with a handful of basic programs… It wasn’t a whole lot, but she didn’t need a lot right now. Soon enough she’d be back home, and then she could figure out what to do next. There were plenty of options, of course. She had a sterling resume, fantastic credentials and an entire squad worth of references.
Had a squad worth of them. Mirri had been trying very hard the past week to keep that out of her mind. She’d launched face first into the interviews to keep that thought from creeping up on her, and she was sure it had worked. Each day she’d spent recounting things was another step away from living them. After the third day, it was like rattling off a grocery list. It was totally separate from the smell of blood, the sound of Nashhe’s neck snapping under the hands of beastly being that she’d been forced to work with and had even rescued. She lay down on the room’s narrow bed, lights slowly dimming to match her lack of activity. She didn’t sleep; Battling back her waking thoughts was so much easier than fighting off her dreams.
Arenrett peered through the two-way mirror, still trying to make sense of the wildly conflicting information she had received about this mysterious sapient. Second Solar’s pockets and influence ran deep, enough that she had been given permission to come aboard the Central Governance Interceptor after hailing them for both medical attention and briefing on the situation. They’d done a passable job of fixing her jaw given the scope of their equipment and lack of surgical talent, and she couldn’t fault them for reasonable shortcomings. She could always get further work done by corporate medical down the line, and the patch up was enough to get her back to work. Work that was of absolute importance to the future of her career, given that there was still a chance for her to salvage this situation without further involving high level management. She had already received word back on her initial assessment, urging discretion and advising that in light of the escalating situation her performance in the field would be re-evaluated accordingly. This was all but carte blanche for her to employ whatever methods were necessary to not balloon this into a massive scandal, and so she had requested to sit in on every interaction the on-ship xeno-biologists had with their new specimen. She’d spent days sorting through the testimonies of the surviving Klorrent personnel, and was beginning to piece together a version of events that would both hold up to public scrutiny and allow upper management to sidestep a scandal by offloading responsibility for the incident onto the best kind of scapegoat: A dead one.
Data recovered and decrypted from the on-world genome research facility painted a grim picture. The lead scientist at the facility had been so eager for new samples that she was willing to source specimens from questionable providers to continue her work. The sapient had arrived as part of an undocumented shipment, and had eventually broken free from captivity to slay not only the facility staff, but nearly two full teams of PSF contractors as well. The call for a discreet solution had come from a middle manager (who was virtually guaranteed to commit suicide in the next few days), and by the time the Gray Corps had arrived the problem had spiraled far out of control due breakdowns in communication and negligent local management. It was an understandable, easy to digest version of events that leveled the right amount of scrutiny at Second Solar for letting such a situation fall through the cracks while also absolving them of total wrongdoing. Best of all, it was even sort of true. The data they had recovered was going to be sent under the microscope at corporate, but the narrative she’d spent a week packaging was only sweetened by the results of initial attempts at communication with the sapient.
Despite a limited functional vocabulary, he had given Arenrett a glut of options when it came to spinning the portrayal of events. According to the testimony notarized by Field Judiciary Fongkhe Rhh, the sapient called itself a “Human”, and was from hitherto undiscovered pre-industrialized race. Humans apparently had an understanding of basic agricultural and metallurgical technology and this one was at least aware of the concept of writing, though he was totally illiterate. What was far more important were his additions to the events leading up to this entire disaster. His account included a number of extremely welcome bombshells, not the least of which was that he had been undergoing medical treatment during his time in the facility. He made it clear that he had been suffering from some form of illness prior to his abduction, and he had been cured of it during the time he was present at the facility. After recovering from his treatments on the ship (at an alarming rate, given the extent of his injuries) he was given a clean bill of health, thanks in no small part to the discovery of a pre-installed bacterial regulation implants courtesy of the genome research facility. This revelation not only resulted in an early lift of quarantine for crew that had come into contact with the rescued Klorrent members, but allowed the medical staff to conduct their interviews face-to-face.
In hindsight, that had been a mistake. The human had a number of objections to the proposed tests, most of which had involved him smashing things apart with his bare hands. This had luckily not included any personnel, but as the human had become more forthcoming with information after each session it spent in front of translation hardware, Arenrett too came to a better understanding of what had gone wrong planet-side.
The human had displayed an extreme reluctance to deal with needles or injectors of any kind right out the gate, and it was a minor miracle that he’d already been unconscious prior to the surgeries on his left arm. As his account unfolded word by halting word, it all came down to a handful of deadly mistakes from the staff at the facility: The human had been given an injection that prompted a severe allergic or psychotic reaction without proper restraining procedures in place, and without correct implementation of facility lockdown protocol, he had smashed his way through the staff and out into the woods. By the time the effects of the drugs had worn off, Ourous’ commando squad was already on the hunt. Everything from that point could be chalked up to justifiable self defense, especially considering some of things he’d been taught at the facility during his stay. Whoever thought it would be wise to teach a sapient that had considered bronze the pinnacle of weapons technology how to use a firearm was an imbecile, but she had known enough laboratory types for it to be truly out of character for them.
That still left some minor incongruence between the official account she was looking over and some of events described by the both the Ruunon and the Lorram. Of particular concern was the claim that the human had displayed an understanding of wireless communications when coordinating a way off world. This was easily explained as a quirk of the Ruunon’s memory, especially under the influence of temporarily altered brain chemistry… but even so, Arenrett couldn’t help but feel like she was missing something. Events had slipped into a reasonable timeline, the players had gone into depth about the course of their actions and everything was forecasting a highly favorable outcome for both Second Solar and her own career.
She watched the human for a time. He paced back and forth in front of the mirror, cagey but not on edge. He placed his hand up against the two-way mirror, looking down to his massive hand. His brow furrowed, and the Nerie wondered what exactly was going through that mind of his. She honestly had no idea what Central Governance had planned for the human, and once this case was wrapped up she had no need to know. Arenrett knew trouble when she saw it, and no translator or integration service was going to take the beast out of this one. Thankfully, they’d be back to a hub system in a few more days and she could bid this awful job farewell once and for all. She idly wondered what she ought to do with her bonus once she was back as she tapped idly on her personal computer system.
Between that and her work, it was no surprise she was too engrossed to notice the human’s eyes following her through the mirror.
It was 9 o’clock on a weekday morning, and Mirri Jael Gerrem was already drunk. It had been almost four months since she’d finished the hearings for Central Governance, and just about everything had gone totally tits-up in that time: Second Solar had dodged almost all public outrage in light of the absolutely ridiculous mock-up of events they’d published, Klorrent Private Security Force had fully disbanded leaving her jobless, and all of her friends were still dead.
She took another swig of her drink, and sniffed at her clothes. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d showered, and trash littered her living room. She’d would’ve been absolutely disgusted by all of this half a year ago, but things were different half a year ago. At least she’d had the pleasure of witnessing old man Klorrent hang Haess out to dry. The wily out bastard had scrubbed himself clean of any wrongdoing, and parked not only the responsibility of her team’s deaths squarely on him but also the ownership of the Dawn Bloom. Her ex-boss was now facing years of incarceration, and she’d even taken home a fat severance check.
She took another swig. Yup, still tastes expensive.
Mirri was slowly but surely scheduling out the rest of her day (To be included: more drinking, maybe food) when the front buzzer rang, startling her so badly that she tumbled face first to the floor. She picked herself up unsteadily from the pile of wrappers that littered the front of her couch, and staggered to the door. She hadn’t recalled placing any orders, but sometimes the drunk Mirri from last night bought presents for the drunk Mirri this morning. That’s what people meant when they talked about self-care, right?
The buzzer rang again. Didn’t your parents teach you patience is a virtue? What kinda useless shit did you learn at doorbell school? She scratched under her shirt, double checking to make sure that she was wearing pants before opening the door. She had to reach up to activate the release, and she stepped back as the massive doorway slid open to reveal the hall, and a very nervous looking Berdill woman looking up at her. She fidgeted, looking positively diminutive standing by herself in front of the Lorram sized entryway. The rent on her oversized apartment was a little steep, sure. The extra space more than made up for it though, and Mirri always savored the surprise of catching delivery people off guard.
Curiously, the Berdill wasn’t carrying anything for delivery. In fact, rather than a deliveryman’s attire she was dressed to the nines in full formal wear. What was someone like that doing here and now? Mirri was virtually certain she’d at least paid her rent for the month, and she didn’t recall having any outstanding debts… She was suddenly a bit more self-conscious about her slovenly appearance, but not enough to want to do anything about it.
So she broke the ice.
“Yeah, so whattadya want?” The woman winced at the rasp in Mirri’s voice. Maybe she should’ve gone for some water before starting on the booze this morning. Oh well, too little, too late.
“I’m Geriddyta Bossssk, representing the Phytton branch of the Unified Galactic Central Governance Bureau of Sapient Affairs.” the woman practically squeaked. Mirri had always thought the little fellas were kind of cute, in an awfully ugly way. They were probably a good word for that, but it was sitting on a mental shelf just out of reach. “I need to confirm that you are Mirri Jael Gerrem, and that this is your legal place of residence. Is that correct?”
“Sure am and sure is, unless I’ve been squatting in the wrong apartment for the last four years.”
“Haha, that is very funny! Since you’ve confirmed that, I have someone with me who’s been very eager to meet you! We’ve come along way for this, haven’t we-” The tail end of the Berdill’s statement was cut short by the heavy thump of footsteps approaching. The sound reverberated through the hallway, and Mirri’s breath caught in her throat as a massive shadow fell over her guest at the door. At once, he swung into view, planting a foot on either side of her tiny visitor and dropping directly into a squat. The very thing she’d spent months drinking to forget was now face to face with her, teeth bared in a mirthless grin. Without breaking eye contact, he gave his greeting.
“Hello Mirri, I’m Ryan. It’s so good to see you again.
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i don't like doing this but here we are

this should be 10 thousand words
nuance inn abundant dough firefighter crutch separate impress thank appointment pure cunning tiptoe win pedestrian routine evening sunrise alarm period pole sculpture raise architecture authorise fire nest want remunerate flawed restaurant pen soar intensify nature country atmosphere lock nonremittal doubt category obese wing seal aunt withdraw flock score father champion outlet suspect painter explain treatment first-hand feminine radiation go disco game frozen pigeon lodge contrary telephone relinquish feast pilot road policy curriculum hour tension sharp recovery resignation explode snub solve cotton face branch vein complain government jungle see spare grant experience ground appreciate portion food husband adoption capital journal gravel brag projection praise equation surround salt screen welcome settlement volcano federation thirsty basic clash tread twist sodium settle thick agency snatch display look belong ignorant eject folk highway march charismatic review industry chord secure visual ideal flush block height horizon wrist glass leaf detail attractive coat pause instal convenience flat white van jaw advertising steam artist theft recommendation care define program engineer requirement knife award survivor soldier standard disgrace sick pottery escape hotdog vegetarian tourist veil quiet class straw innocent essay calendar compose parallel burn bat holiday spider decorative viable dome glance bold soft belly raid slow extraterrestrial spill undertake cross egg particular acceptable flour leash spell factor cafe offender establish assault faithful domestic gas pedal privacy court wisecrack insert bill jam sector record giant gown hardship expertise gift south tight lost restoration filter pasture aquarium hobby view sail obligation majority appear fate top curtain inhibition album conception wriggle cute announcement corpse rob sin hard leader association horoscope wind weed pledge recruit jockey imperial enjoy credit scream equip unfair vote applaud sour retired haircut exaggerate glove circle passive bathroom encourage substitute investigation flash count assignment medicine ecstasy sting elephant executive teacher mild return pop radio penalty referee vigorous carpet read graze domination pneumonia reject affair makeup deck director restless troop definite replace absence guilt tell reduce concede sugar predator withdrawal offense satisfied normal relation level feature sleep blade dignity redeem fuel courtesy cooperate tired attack age bar consumption current dream rush card hospital seat reception origin pie crossing retreat deny handy tie condition letter charge doctor demonstrate ally salesperson threshold packet driver earthflax toll relationship match crop secretary model pan mushroom able decisive tire college allowance dentist angle pleasant mouth oppose rebellion cooperation revolutionary advocate ignore excess sword system positive plead functional chin drop criminal wire imposter lobby proud alive realism avenue clearance confuse scale direction fraction conversation sight straighten desk motivation taste reasonable gradient lesson production revival river panel entertainment reputation marriage butterfly foreigner finger tax trunk ethnic mistreat blue floor patient democratic beautiful short orientation omission charter ostracize just testify death suffer overeat proposal physics drug constituency addition edge development morale strikebreaker facility document wonder pin activate bronze sandwich surface matter ballet article high report health cheat modernize lip bargain hole understand tin ferry generation action notion theory unrest established prescription glory spirit worry communist goal cart disappoint convulsion stuff relax friend essential infection harass prison astonishing monopoly rumor relieve admiration king verdict take cattle node charm exception bounce camp heroin generate damage social tip motorcycle dine push undress club vain maze drum file invasion fish copper fool around beef wake differ presence art illness valid wear out hold stitch afford agriculture bless enhance computer virus pudding deter shower laborer include spite advantage administration harm slam eaux ambition noise official sex epicalyx policeman autonomy right wing firm cheek consumer format tree despise introduce century beach opponent sensation decoration tile singer admire pity manual governor selection restrain cage apple god yearn clock bundle composer reign sweep cream vegetation break in correspond consensus honor clerk minor gradual rain orbit trade basketball fee gap squash patience knowledge shatter character dimension wrestle pioneer motorist exposure microphone franchise protection voice goalkeeper drain fling indoor conscious password embrace root irony census convict user clinic major bend limited participate attachment cancel bolt strategic formal ratio form resist pollution perfume tidy twin radical monk funeral sheet shiver rock novel assumption trick fist relative continental hostile refund coin discount shot breathe brain fisherman banquet bind cottage charity shed mobile sensitivity ensure satisfaction economics ignite petty add captain course scene sigh registration despair sock coincidence responsibility trait bread linger scandal supplementary implication seller surprise rebel opposed penetrate matrix banner grandmother auction creation precision stable note hunting ask dedicate rehearsal portrait analysis revise employ boom entitlement request sketch virus expenditure workshop bomber panic steward stick violation monster constitution skip fit mind aluminium safety excavation learn hypothesis sun spray context lie shy iron diamond native healthy directory tolerant exclusive observer village concrete hand reduction drill general far reactor abridge ballot overall explicit claim mail carrier bedroom research designer terrace devote aware survey state create rank teach snarl run incentive shave school distance sum interface auditor exit sacred locate decrease triangle bag stain weapon north potential traction quaint put deficit modest ice arrow population terrify institution liability superintendent costume priority pillow tendency faint practical dressing shelter grain climb arrangement remember hilarious wrong gun right series collection dictate helpless girlfriend researcher cool runner outer confidence initiative proof menu senior title pattern address soup oak pierce whip hall script credit card mood waist contract congress lack accurate term miracle bulletin enlarge approve teenager shoot dorm deputy kid childish rational gravity frighten weigh analyst thaw economic flood plug football cable comfortable rainbow finished coach compromise publish terminal remain breakfast uncle fox print unlikely peel folklore fruit crash jealous green button unfortunate hero knit warm mountain manage pick accountant fever part global summit swear emphasis concession prevalence breed inspire producer dealer work out pat member depend prosecution affect layout combine gallon flag timber arrogant company symptom mathematics reporter order bloody slump demonstrator authority truth recognize field reward debate station cow likely ambiguous hen wheel underline interference ghost clay area item earwax discriminate shake credibility confine reference single strap pour draw looting home suggest freshman prince instruction rotten liver civilization battlefield cell phone scholar texture bacon hemisphere echo quarter fun pass deviation sustain dive value fill pump bottom soprano attention strip inspiration specimen chance election absorb mosaic deal popular dinner training remedy cinema coffin circulation continuation trust mislead artificial basin calculation legislation impact party pig smart moving index elect variation stumble hardware image notorious grand aloof cupboard transform dip computer chop cry plant retain horror safari rubbish affinity hill behave tactic air wage ribbon poem freight mainstream mixture active cucumber conscience lane dish overcharge beginning quotation office loss stubborn applied romantic pay recommend poetry rare number strict diameter slip earthquake license swarm receipt wear knock day whisper era shift train angel mask offspring demonstration drawing express greet serious justice amputate ignorance grace due embarrassment kitchen valley thesis partner tempt jurisdiction rugby live stem balance friendly width council ancestor cook athlete concert snap reckless psychology square prospect prediction video access retire endorse enter birthday herd proper dozen trainer evolution expectation weakness sign union thin frame total welfare tender mutter child consider peace bubble shadow paper enthusiasm temporary owe obscure brush lend posture lead flexible default black strong dynamic vessel minimize pony mark jelly deliver preference tear mass exemption crouch pumpkin empire serve declaration plan excitement interrupt acquisition mole ritual liberal secretion grass folk music stun peak dairy storm beard nose nonsense graduate instinct dog buffet student bush extreme variety meal representative window lamb hell behavior pound thread preoccupation guitar tool platform plaintiff navy begin nursery predict slant hypnothize fragrant officer revenge toss pipe palace satellite dare tone tycoon back harvest berry vat cancer betray hope drawer bare even module overwhelm reform knee invisible disposition lift candidate provincial throne witch stall resolution promote qualify tune deprivation liberty have jacket rabbit disagree whole cycle way sister body customer question silence fear give mourning smoke error groan contact useful trench topple payment fool joint dark trolley gasp anxiety hurl communication skate slice ash suite assessment fantasy boat throat adjust momentum sympathetic shop pit store lover stamp reconcile false jewel vertical breakdown AIDS abandon pluck family rhythm environmental mile appetite show tower attract attic wheat last countryside minimum residence retiree extort tongue spring interactive glimpse possibility tablet extinct gloom principle past paradox old dull apathy isolation sea advertise abbey recession galaxy main fan asset deer headquarters medieval urge reader eliminate freckle restrict carbon refrigerator protest classify approval stress split option acquaintance cover accent kick rub sell jury exempt disappear act clothes justify reluctance winner exploit guideline youth tube conventional horseshoe danger citizen increase brake stage monkey parameter key profound repetition brand detector variable short circuit shout map zone ministry mutual die organize wording text random minority moment link book trouble patch challenge spontaneous offset steak roll sticky foot perform accessible sheep close sniff final rest cheque objective multiply regular mosquito fashion follow throw discovery fork threaten study memorandum nationalist beer TRUE concentration illusion fare revolution bald opinion chimpanzee catch marine crusade practice disturbance chapter wine plane glare deficiency invite bury hair competition bow say lung truck anger cower clean leave constellation soul sample pray tenant element kidnap woman insight control heavy electron depression banana professional latest trend housing pull prove borrow stroll brave integration scatter helmet temple movie Mars qualified ice cream dragon embryo realize quantity roar net risk corn grip failure illustrate gene housewife silk recover memorial sweater channel feminist crude freighter appeal interest convince bride career sport twitch nuclear clarify excuse wrap work toast slide metal still distant reproduce blue jean ideology resident left slap heaven earthwax facade color-blind occupy stretch background flourish glacier stadium moral broken shark defendant fold rich inappropriate possible skeleton boot combination suspicion reason protect ruin junior budge characteristic brown feather arrange large history lid monstrous onion island civilian peasant oil rung linen cemetery listen hot departure dictionary critic spin plot frequency assembly blast clique variant oral harmony miserable favour audience technique dry virtue lonely professor margin law science loose president tease pace employee hook software sausage trial deprive difference superior curl ditch favourite treaty eat courtship slime appendix nomination halt legend injury poll package exact rally mechanical integrity traffic red punch slab comprehensive gaffe bark diplomat tick reflect difficulty sunshine marsh contradiction ban separation shallow debut dominant relevance recycle host bait elbow notebook like hover fairy keep east tragedy sow rifle fund rocket dilemma talk simplicity infect technology stop refer allocation method coast smell accumulation attitude cap cruel cabin vague crime fine planet contemporary wife harmful presentation discourage crisis victory extent captivate guerrilla primary tract racism list lump accept corner gear guard divorce band broccoli stake kneel inch reinforce inspector permission bay unique chemistry soil ample coma gesture homosexual approach post screw cope enfix flow ball mother make economist musical shelf switch agenda parking owner pool ivory twilight clue rate tense temptation hostility unity inject beg magnetic dismiss means new incident pavement impound sleeve heel ready solo compete premium ghostwriter ward effort unlike culture colleague fiction lunch security delicate case honest flower arrest spectrum arena size other colon spit porter punish horse structure highlight pension nightmare admission profession species average depart fax reverse barrel stimulation brick tournament prosecute awful cigarette jail torch landscape name compact watch empirical curve hierarchy strain alcohol problem fashionable lineage speed smile density intermediate collar freedom hiccup cabinet base city happen sphere seed war operational sink rough help person figure retailer plain pawn master magazine budget deadly castle fair salvation chest wealth glide neighbour contraction joystick presidential narrow agony fog write permanent rage orgy execute dependence prize dose chalk axis range indication cut dominate share environment provoke personal absorption investment call celebration move vision chocolate disaster taxi strange mayor incongruous lighter chew mist tank surgeon redundancy ceremony coerce lecture adopt dismissal crowd tradition raw medal proclaim save economy cooperative sense midnight slippery familiar headline favorable cereal leg delivery rotation introduction skilled excavate offensive cluster feedback visit financial loop mail destruction upset content rib frog hike trustee manufacturer landowner scramble orthodox splurge inhabitant fortune peanut arise original issue theater stunning finance feel nut norm develop insist degree mess heir depressed nap shell abstract annual chaos community lease safe difficult belief commerce tape licence accident support descent sand revive elaborate miscarriage ant ride sound meeting habitat exclude architect meat promotion salon absolute describe lick real exile point public brother casualty export continuous precede publisher immune section champagne use calf tail qualification suburb referral scan measure first passage kettle worth elegant fix fibre limit voyage implicit spy poor speech good full demand grow transparent subway ex cave drift player opposition expect summary voter jump precedent small handicap feeling register trance eagle bloodshed venture adult uniform burst color gold force strike chorus explosion seem orchestra embark quit merchant stand crevice pier systematic acute studio discrimination sensitive sulphur experienced source radiation sickness dribble calm advice retirement coincide stomach chain grateful patent unit extract resort contain mosque division basket free bother spot result Venus tissue hip page forecast abuse meaning coup resign confusion absent hallway border wild feed bland catalogue produce farewell neglect desire break fly fresh cold spokesperson project distortion replacement fast fireplace indirect conflict Bible hunter instrument price maid reliable lot mean engagement example rider long coalition convention tropical chart heat swing lily snail boy engine log conservation swell garbage fall buy impulse improve widen sailor hostage exhibition influence deep situation exceed repeat exercise royalty bowel acceptance pair Koran eye printer stock fossil formula loan expansion smash strength dress route reproduction publicity philosophy delete slogan information preparation glow row argument nun X-ray pastel transaction shock pack horn think arch evaluate management profit reservoir burial easy winter rescue rape graphic passion shareholder adventure need elapse scenario touch young patrol miner choke carve forest district pursuit ridge emotion assume education vehicle expand egg white torture answer seek regard abortion secular gossip railroad press stereotype carrot inflate flu siege path girl fight pepper dirty oven advance consultation decline myth extend coverage socialist crackpot crew robot confession table effect mix judge conservative tough thigh bite decay barrier fur gain waiter execution kidney remark stride pest cathedral constitutional recording unlawful capture west string hypothesize pitch storage session cellar second bitch grounds urgency overview cause craft spend mature piano constraint bracket proportion mercy role suppress pressure energy parade dialogue dangerous flesh wagon determine scratch self concept sickness personality favor battery foundation leadership television lake huge bucket release skin literature chauvinist conceive rear cutting consciousness emergency regulation shorts treasurer agree morning deteriorate genetic volunteer admit star accompany judgment hit agile copy fragment zero plagiarize test activity powder calorie benefit divide relief distort different habit provide fat mine grind adviser spoil productive soap progressive courage seasonal noble displace length dead house deposit salad banish linear fence provision shortage tiger end gregarious swallow sweat solid comment glasses anniversary machinery quest layer lemon necklace camera breast promise glue society ladder change laser compensation will bulb choose snow correction well competence line room draft contempt econobox crystal manner damn discuss meadow organ performance pardon innovation subject fail wardrobe conductor staff trip shame incapable harsh install pot eyebrow publication muggy riot reveal unaware respect seminar blackmail ear shoulder labour improvement wolf wreck physical drink round swim date forge half feign imagine love temperature consolidate launch flight memory needle bee lay murder trap try worker canvas intervention trouser kit infinite reality scheme decade transfer Europe preach understanding flatware human body donor night candle minister herb core hurt exploration warn vegetable eavesdrop fraud detective digress bishop theorist collect houseplant conviction eternal sermon movement mud syndrome gas warning extension ranch cater power addicted negligence beam estimate race yard miss check fastidious defeat cat battle kinship relate acquit snack stream commitment distributor duty penny snuggle ordinary ambiguity mold falsify suntan rule reliance volume speculate survival summer guarantee bus lose tray statement sentence incredible trivial buttocks apology correspondence dawn blank fascinate wander double particle struggle committee response bang negative ton hay market insure unpleasant cast scrape ethics archive insurance word revoke bell weave spread bathtub assertive stool open loot biology bullet concentrate diet thought shaft denial crosswalk wall waterfall haunt compartment treat cousin product fame anticipation creep opera operation funny loyalty version tribute cash disappointment design comfort achievement tribe classroom coffee function heart tasty cultivate ticket chicken gate baseball hammer initial integrated perfect cake orange leak defend middle achieve purpose prejudice conglomerate year old age velvet circulate intelligence judicial wilderness silver low can future waste biography import bike hear cup stay ego elite meet film squeeze dividend space neck consideration world brainstorm garage ring mouse partnership basis bench wedding biscuit discipline museum abnormal bake transmission estate dollar voucher cultural fuss killer drown merit fluctuation sacrifice cane available equal perforate confront tent clear fitness bond mystery literacy piece arm definition cord thumb digital marathon load asylum notice pile monarch sweet helicopter fade compound related bed property tap chip laboratory uncertainty talented queen drive front morsel endure reserve choice lion entertain hate greeting grudge lounge forward late spine threat ankle distribute custody wave disclose man criticism dilute utter know trace message responsible gem application mastermind bad doll daughter witness wood water enemy agent steel shine lace intention entry timetable week blonde coal quality missile great formation guest turn decide distinct offer position knot object language tumour staircase commemorate leaflet negotiation aisle corruption photocopy occasion delay obstacle pleasure fleet remind outlook lamp jet terms outline transition moon possession season unanimous conclusion prosper pyramid prayer censorship aspect foster visible job medium track team misplace respectable complex thrust urine inflation polish float warrant queue prevent drag faith walk computing joke identification creed land therapist money board reflection appoint writer plastic marble sentiment shape straight translate collapse carry pain occupation drama deport hang play chair multimedia exchange amber lawyer disability cheese column reptile complete poison critical insistence cylinder quote dialect conspiracy weight misery closed genuine bank common rise private dump magnitude certain aviation thanks church bet grimace veteran craftsman golf relaxation observation amuse mechanism sequence animal network deserve place jest frank garlic rotate seize lifestyle prisoner chimney discover aid premature disk diagram salmon counter constant carriage formulate car willpower appearance material nationalism represent supply beneficiary flavor manufacture please tooth bring head suitcase mill trail photograph opposite similar plaster steep manager time offend equinox theme hide legislature cherry hesitate nervous blow news freeze turkey infrastructure outside contribution neutral scrap undermine reaction refuse lazy behead factory stroke baby discreet bear regret perceive effective nominate cell brilliance sip electronics mutation picture thoughtful executrix bird bomb desert disagreement privilege bleed duke hut umbrella grave pocket fabricate speaker belt fault finish paint wait find slave growth suit nerve tolerate prestige contrast copyright comedy pupil paralyzed prefer present academy cheap sanctuary photography roof ceiling cruelty joy Sunday commission crown sit swop pride mug stir owl examination nail virgin attraction worm inside leftovers injection inquiry articulate agreement expose braid swipe construct command kill minute apparatus paragraph get episode dance vacuum prey light bean snake gallery palm grief business center shrink efflux build climate marketing quota rack organisation flex rehabilitation overlook colorful complication disorder site account concern avant-garde army bitter compliance national reach outfit performer migration transport mirror hospitality abolish wash process forum rent embox debt direct blame humanity confrontation persist door perception wound output breeze guide grandfather neighborhood solution forbid sofa quarrel set month code building service index finger presidency fixture chief symbol identity convert gutter loud weak allow broadcast laundry litigation rhetoric break down mention dash style connection park pill talkative location sale tumble important evoke bottle heal start humor smooth couple central suffering brink duck profile campaign muscle cassette circumstance thinker stab forestry chase idea blind colony dramatic rice acid experiment indulge side fountain crack lean expression goat beat bin frown slot update diplomatic railcar percent guess harbor story motif soak edition parachute progress step maximum conference polite bridge resource automatic few forget exotic 
submitted by Gourmet_Salad to OneWordBan [link] [comments]

Idk if this is allowed, but...

  1. troop
  2. shelf
  3. insure
  4. stall
  5. admiration
  6. aid
  7. suburb
  8. inappropriate
  9. owe
  10. extort
  11. lose
  12. assumption
  13. aunt
  14. spell
  15. crack
  16. bird
  17. trainer
  18. rub
  19. section
  20. arrange
  21. enhance
  22. faith
  23. reasonable
  24. unlawful
  25. excavate
  26. calm
  27. fat
  28. heavy
  29. resource
  30. cower
  31. tax
  32. exempt
  33. valid
  34. unlike
  35. board
  36. fog
  37. joke
  38. casualty
  39. zero
  40. anniversary
  41. variable
  42. cat
  43. stunning
  44. level
  45. navy
  46. privilege
  47. capital
  48. due
  49. dare
  50. fund
  51. enfix
  52. mile
  53. exploit
  54. flock
  55. situation
  56. poor
  57. photocopy
  58. water
  59. ally
  60. hypnothize
  61. activity
  62. rate
  63. spit
  64. widen
  65. help
  66. blade
  67. expertise
  68. card
  69. beginning
  70. brag
  71. shift
  72. marketing
  73. story
  74. slab
  75. exceed
  76. consumer
  77. approval
  78. rumor
  79. youth
  80. inject
  81. count
  82. neighbour
  83. closed
  84. discover
  85. forecast
  86. consultation
  87. latest
  88. pardon
  89. honor
  90. plot
  91. separate
  92. pot
  93. burst
  94. candidate
  95. freshman
  96. work
  97. approach
  98. class
  99. withdraw
  100. seminar
  101. demonstrate
  102. unique
  103. excess
  104. reveal
  105. paragraph
  106. thank
  107. technology
  108. dismissal
  109. divorce
  110. brand
  111. lecture
  112. agency
  113. chemistry
  114. suite
  115. left
  116. range
  117. right wing
  118. addition
  119. lunch
  120. weakness
  121. steak
  122. evening
  123. sale
  124. integrity
  125. handicap
  126. hero
  127. twitch
  128. denial
  129. flower
  130. shell
  131. hot
  132. chord
  133. attention
  134. sacred
  135. generate
  136. mislead
  137. few
  138. shop
  139. morsel
  140. useful
  141. voucher
  142. shoot
  143. ban
  144. bush
  145. favourite
  146. athlete
  147. discourage
  148. fitness
  149. soul
  150. dull
  151. avant-garde
  152. agile
  153. invasion
  154. quit
  155. residence
  156. factor
  157. pattern
  158. species
  159. angle
  160. prisoner
  161. acquisition
  162. chaos
  163. battlefield
  164. god
  165. rubbish
  166. enjoy
  167. public
  168. native
  169. deputy
  170. button
  171. disaster
  172. embrace
  173. compete
  174. note
  175. index
  176. quality
  177. print
  178. put
  179. intention
  180. cassette
  181. picture
  182. regret
  183. dribble
  184. sock
  185. decoration
  186. mail
  187. dish
  188. trouser
  189. happen
  190. strict
  191. switch
  192. surgeon
  193. retailer
  194. prefer
  195. jacket
  196. accompany
  197. mystery
  198. multimedia
  199. neglect
  200. marriage
  201. aware
  202. assume
  203. medieval
  204. fool
  205. sculpture
  206. singer
  207. ideology
  208. makeup
  209. forbid
  210. pound
  211. publish
  212. tray
  213. interactive
  214. coal
  215. gradient
  216. expectation
  217. alarm
  218. diamond
  219. refer
  220. whip
  221. devote
  222. advantage
  223. communist
  224. amuse
  225. plan
  226. plagiarize
  227. month
  228. percent
  229. obese
  230. colon
  231. kitchen
  232. conclusion
  233. constitutional
  234. indirect
  235. career
  236. debut
  237. notebook
  238. mayor
  239. chance
  240. Koran
  241. rider
  242. bin
  243. quota
  244. cord
  245. precision
  246. sulphur
  247. prize
  248. powder
  249. breathe
  250. emphasis
  251. squash
  252. stretch
  253. root
  254. thinker
  255. inquiry
  256. live
  257. flourish
  258. disability
  259. circumstance
  260. temperature
  261. rest
  262. age
  263. memorandum
  264. cluster
  265. opposition
  266. gap
  267. borrow
  268. bullet
  269. injury
  270. moving
  271. panel
  272. atmosphere
  273. dip
  274. paint
  275. attraction
  276. childish
  277. giant
  278. rocket
  279. set
  280. leave
  281. demonstrator
  282. east
  283. orientation
  284. marsh
  285. solo
  286. appeal
  287. chimney
  288. funny
  289. well
  290. confront
  291. morning
  292. band
  293. screen
  294. square
  295. voter
  296. wage
  297. celebration
  298. day
  299. break down
  300. half
  301. annual
  302. slap
  303. page
  304. soprano
  305. contradiction
  306. gaffe
  307. ladder
  308. frown
  309. classify
  310. stir
  311. staircase
  312. gate
  313. paradox
  314. continuation
  315. rain
  316. braid
  317. secular
  318. broadcast
  319. producer
  320. pour
  321. grounds
  322. golf
  323. center
  324. improvement
  325. appoint
  326. warning
  327. dragon
  328. management
  329. architect
  330. diagram
  331. transparent
  332. rugby
  333. coverage
  334. straw
  335. like
  336. twin
  337. sea
  338. temporary
  339. outlook
  340. folklore
  341. rotten
  342. pasture
  343. traction
  344. psychology
  345. vein
  346. mirror
  347. heat
  348. knowledge
  349. goat
  350. proclaim
  351. withdrawal
  352. chauvinist
  353. background
  354. fossil
  355. behavior
  356. shout
  357. rhythm
  358. authorise
  359. fall
  360. security
  361. fascinate
  362. splurge
  363. option
  364. fist
  365. banana
  366. training
  367. hypothesize
  368. radiation sickness
  369. hostile
  370. pastel
  371. mainstream
  372. constraint
  373. bake
  374. defend
  375. season
  376. triangle
  377. herd
  378. see
  379. reference
  380. cow
  381. grace
  382. clique
  383. porter
  384. site
  385. product
  386. canvas
  387. pier
  388. pig
  389. cooperative
  390. disclose
  391. machinery
  392. slot
  393. random
  394. kick
  395. great
  396. spread
  397. knot
  398. momentum
  399. electron
  400. shock
  401. crew
  402. sport
  403. sound
  404. introduction
  405. lane
  406. disappoint
  407. beach
  408. opponent
  409. fireplace
  410. animal
  411. oven
  412. bracket
  413. horn
  414. cup
  415. Mars
  416. branch
  417. cathedral
  418. job
  419. champagne
  420. justify
  421. nationalist
  422. year
  423. dinner
  424. interference
  425. technique
  426. cool
  427. lift
  428. trial
  429. cover
  430. valley
  431. election
  432. director
  433. fuel
  434. comedy
  435. retired
  436. respect
  437. biography
  438. mercy
  439. correction
  440. toll
  441. declaration
  442. integration
  443. dream
  444. sign
  445. infection
  446. revoke
  447. deficit
  448. weight
  449. contain
  450. take
  451. settle
  452. projection
  453. price
  454. overall
  455. thesis
  456. explicit
  457. lodge
  458. compose
  459. cute
  460. narrow
  461. labour
  462. confine
  463. proposal
  464. feminist
  465. arrogant
  466. bean
  467. tooth
  468. polite
  469. incentive
  470. cook
  471. highlight
  472. trunk
  473. suggest
  474. teach
  475. entertain
  476. mind
  477. brown
  478. biology
  479. grandmother
  480. monster
  481. dump
  482. man
  483. credit
  484. vacuum
  485. socialist
  486. needle
  487. spirit
  488. baby
  489. network
  490. departure
  491. miracle
  492. opera
  493. resort
  494. funeral
  495. protect
  496. bank
  497. record
  498. real
  499. preparation
  500. student
  501. capture
  502. boot
  503. gloom
  504. crouch
  505. method
  506. portrait
  507. correspond
  508. suntan
  509. start
  510. chart
  511. coup
  512. grip
  513. riot
  514. affair
  515. president
  516. rear
  517. advertising
  518. unity
  519. cheek
  520. thrust
  521. channel
  522. number
  523. route
  524. reverse
  525. literacy
  526. craft
  527. orthodox
  528. provoke
  529. assault
  530. abnormal
  531. dry
  532. productive
  533. vague
  534. parameter
  535. football
  536. grateful
  537. contrast
  538. beam
  539. testify
  540. dog
  541. slippery
  542. loyalty
  543. outline
  544. trade
  545. conviction
  546. lie
  547. infect
  548. profound
  549. relief
  550. negative
  551. landscape
  552. contempt
  553. tropical
  554. bang
  555. criminal
  556. elapse
  557. hope
  558. yard
  559. rich
  560. television
  561. joystick
  562. medal
  563. myth
  564. crackpot
  565. elbow
  566. visible
  567. hunting
  568. essay
  569. fox
  570. woman
  571. joint
  572. recognize
  573. haircut
  574. bow
  575. conference
  576. deport
  577. barrel
  578. episode
  579. miserable
  580. sell
  581. gas pedal
  582. arrangement
  583. utter
  584. learn
  585. gold
  586. integrated
  587. representative
  588. pin
  589. sister
  590. descent
  591. stereotype
  592. banner
  593. consensus
  594. replacement
  595. account
  596. scene
  597. serious
  598. sandwich
  599. depend
  600. defendant
  601. population
  602. secretary
  603. heart
  604. spontaneous
  605. embarrassment
  606. implication
  607. flat
  608. subject
  609. hallway
  610. throne
  611. lineage
  612. theft
  613. feedback
  614. infinite
  615. score
  616. install
  617. lonely
  618. tin
  619. illness
  620. theorist
  621. abridge
  622. filter
  623. headquarters
  624. parade
  625. audience
  626. official
  627. spoil
  628. rib
  629. familiar
  630. indulge
  631. injection
  632. vessel
  633. screw
  634. hurt
  635. mug
  636. back
  637. log
  638. west
  639. assembly
  640. applied
  641. tie
  642. jury
  643. storage
  644. mechanical
  645. rent
  646. bend
  647. lily
  648. system
  649. hold
  650. contract
  651. unfortunate
  652. matrix
  653. home
  654. response
  655. eyebrow
  656. confuse
  657. aluminium
  658. artificial
  659. result
  660. permanent
  661. ensure
  662. collection
  663. settlement
  664. content
  665. glue
  666. market
  667. explain
  668. worm
  669. cigarette
  670. allocation
  671. brush
  672. calculation
  673. empire
  674. sweater
  675. camera
  676. answer
  677. harbor
  678. sun
  679. sip
  680. fastidious
  681. fight
  682. misplace
  683. passion
  684. cut
  685. grow
  686. treaty
  687. qualification
  688. clear
  689. pleasure
  690. bulb
  691. pony
  692. failure
  693. entertainment
  694. able
  695. physics
  696. brink
  697. concern
  698. rice
  699. ride
  700. conceive
  701. gradual
  702. achieve
  703. earthflax
  704. responsible
  705. intelligence
  706. glow
  707. ministry
  708. duck
  709. professor
  710. deer
  711. beef
  712. child
  713. microphone
  714. judge
  715. abortion
  716. pocket
  717. look
  718. manual
  719. exclude
  720. mathematics
  721. stream
  722. civilization
  723. characteristic
  724. appreciate
  725. listen
  726. exercise
  727. explosion
  728. bedroom
  729. sausage
  730. write
  731. pay
  732. shine
  733. different
  734. consideration
  735. ambition
  736. program
  737. ballot
  738. wife
  739. interface
  740. make
  741. orchestra
  742. frozen
  743. fine
  744. lifestyle
  745. bet
  746. reservoir
  747. sweet
  748. move
  749. fragrant
  750. trance
  751. reproduction
  752. tease
  753. develop
  754. breeze
  755. basic
  756. minimum
  757. crutch
  758. depart
  759. privacy
  760. continuous
  761. flu
  762. opinion
  763. salad
  764. restrain
  765. muggy
  766. cage
  767. quarrel
  768. motorist
  769. acceptance
  770. wardrobe
  771. pill
  772. approve
  773. depressed
  774. rebel
  775. notice
  776. orgy
  777. unpleasant
  778. have
  779. rotate
  780. tough
  781. gossip
  782. ring
  783. software
  784. pioneer
  785. wire
  786. increase
  787. presidency
  788. intensify
  789. pop
  790. width
  791. wheat
  792. diplomat
  793. launch
  794. realism
  795. collar
  796. courage
  797. rotation
  798. guide
  799. scratch
  800. love
  801. definition
  802. low
  803. nose
  804. portion
  805. claim
  806. partnership
  807. automatic
  808. building
  809. bathtub
  810. good
  811. expansion
  812. peak
  813. normal
  814. displace
  815. serve
  816. potential
  817. publication
  818. foundation
  819. contemporary
  820. star
  821. feeling
  822. bundle
  823. shallow
  824. monarch
  825. rehearsal
  826. carry
  827. upset
  828. recovery
  829. motorcycle
  830. adviser
  831. profile
  832. institution
  833. snarl
  834. south
  835. fit
  836. language
  837. assessment
  838. defeat
  839. seal
  840. halt
  841. fruit
  842. unaware
  843. wash
  844. deliver
  845. clarify
  846. migration
  847. berry
  848. history
  849. meadow
  850. just
  851. texture
  852. guideline
  853. layer
  854. light
  855. lease
  856. nonremittal
  857. penetrate
  858. think
  859. visual
  860. remunerate
  861. style
  862. dedicate
  863. ankle
  864. remain
  865. variant
  866. ritual
  867. respectable
  868. favorable
  869. liberty
  870. outlet
  871. design
  872. Sunday
  873. preoccupation
  874. bus
  875. edition
  876. bloody
  877. offense
  878. carrot
  879. march
  880. contraction
  881. cabin
  882. dangerous
  883. blind
  884. waiter
  885. ethnic
  886. sweat
  887. musical
  888. swing
  889. lace
  890. parallel
  891. computing
  892. notorious
  893. compound
  894. cake
  895. absolute
  896. original
  897. agent
  898. banish
  899. beer
  900. fever
  901. evaluate
  902. ostracize
  903. prescription
  904. sugar
  905. lead
  906. bring
  907. mixture
  908. revive
  909. hard
  910. classroom
  911. salt
  912. excuse
  913. fly
  914. clerk
  915. follow
  916. floor
  917. cave
  918. throat
  919. railcar
  920. owner
  921. store
  922. quotation
  923. related
  924. node
  925. steep
  926. depression
  927. spite
  928. trench
  929. compromise
  930. laser
  931. bitch
  932. bathroom
  933. tune
  934. top
  935. positive
  936. sequence
  937. grave
  938. thoughtful
  939. bury
  940. expenditure
  941. skilled
  942. crusade
  943. tired
  944. tycoon
  945. tent
  946. frame
  947. wall
  948. birthday
  949. feast
  950. concession
  951. flour
  952. journal
  953. safety
  954. fate
  955. chocolate
  956. scheme
  957. present
  958. embark
  959. manage
  960. operation
  961. flavor
  962. tank
  963. activate
  964. candle
  965. dance
  966. reflect
  967. tactic
  968. huge
  969. investigation
  970. arena
  971. size
  972. leadership
  973. return
  974. rough
  975. destruction
  976. examination
  977. relationship
  978. viable
  979. color-blind
  980. element
  981. offend
  982. poem
  983. railroad
  984. crisis
  985. maze
  986. debt
  987. blame
  988. context
  989. oak
  990. kid
  991. deprivation
  992. minute
  993. critic
  994. solve
  995. weed
  996. customer
  997. gasp
  998. operational
  999. expression
  1000. traffic
  1001. blast
  1002. incapable
  1003. academy
  1004. literature
  1005. refund
  1006. blank
  1007. qualified
  1008. enter
  1009. shelter
  1010. delete
  1011. escape
  1012. sex
  1013. perfume
  1014. report
  1015. bubble
  1016. change
  1017. noble
  1018. lamp
  1019. location
  1020. recruit
  1021. pile
  1022. perception
  1023. freighter
  1024. omission
  1025. flag
  1026. attract
  1027. relative
  1028. service
  1029. persist
  1030. quest
  1031. information
  1032. pavement
  1033. tight
  1034. mother
  1035. radiation
  1036. theater
  1037. economy
  1038. offer
  1039. honest
  1040. sunrise
  1041. pledge
  1042. go
  1043. bind
  1044. burn
  1045. absorb
  1046. autonomy
  1047. restoration
  1048. row
  1049. dose
  1050. doubt
  1051. observer
  1052. city
  1053. grandfather
  1054. gesture
  1055. snack
  1056. composer
  1057. administration
  1058. complain
  1059. build
  1060. tick
  1061. tumour
  1062. invite
  1063. pneumonia
  1064. battle
  1065. discriminate
  1066. rally
  1067. smooth
  1068. constitution
  1069. economist
  1070. jewel
  1071. fuss
  1072. find
  1073. compensation
  1074. strength
  1075. roof
  1076. prosecute
  1077. employ
  1078. retirement
  1079. demonstration
  1080. pupil
  1081. uncle
  1082. precedent
  1083. magnitude
  1084. graze
  1085. culture
  1086. equinox
  1087. professional
  1088. similar
  1089. perforate
  1090. printer
  1091. rainbow
  1092. model
  1093. immune
  1094. fare
  1095. still
  1096. damage
  1097. stitch
  1098. kettle
  1099. equip
  1100. please
  1101. mention
  1102. laborer
  1103. meet
  1104. environment
  1105. mourning
  1106. theory
  1107. cottage
  1108. custody
  1109. concrete
  1110. crime
  1111. ecstasy
  1112. philosophy
  1113. dive
  1114. double
  1115. photography
  1116. player
  1117. redundancy
  1118. treat
  1119. air
  1120. census
  1121. obstacle
  1122. word
  1123. flatware
  1124. suitcase
  1125. skeleton
  1126. hen
  1127. elect
  1128. pigeon
  1129. threshold
  1130. bloodshed
  1131. jockey
  1132. ferry
  1133. prevent
  1134. asset
  1135. speed
  1136. achievement
  1137. plane
  1138. bacon
  1139. pepper
  1140. ball
  1141. mean
  1142. partner
  1143. ignorance
  1144. guard
  1145. shaft
  1146. domestic
  1147. prevalence
  1148. tire
  1149. resolution
  1150. variation
  1151. kidney
  1152. safe
  1153. threat
  1154. coat
  1155. slump
  1156. incongruous
  1157. tournament
  1158. decorative
  1159. young
  1160. swallow
  1161. torture
  1162. jet
  1163. exhibition
  1164. assignment
  1165. try
  1166. mobile
  1167. despair
  1168. stroll
  1169. folk
  1170. archive
  1171. belief
  1172. private
  1173. minister
  1174. brain
  1175. hour
  1176. add
  1177. video
  1178. stand
  1179. revolution
  1180. park
  1181. requirement
  1182. trolley
  1183. inspire
  1184. sword
  1185. clock
  1186. vegetable
  1187. sodium
  1188. offspring
  1189. council
  1190. mutation
  1191. circle
  1192. extent
  1193. butterfly
  1194. correspondence
  1195. height
  1196. form
  1197. lot
  1198. watch
  1199. outside
  1200. dimension
  1201. grain
  1202. slant
  1203. systematic
  1204. value
  1205. color
  1206. corpse
  1207. guilt
  1208. say
  1209. empirical
  1210. strip
  1211. arrow
  1212. update
  1213. combination
  1214. quarter
  1215. understanding
  1216. buffet
  1217. deal
  1218. deadly
  1219. exchange
  1220. past
  1221. arise
  1222. ballet
  1223. grind
  1224. insistence
  1225. fresh
  1226. item
  1227. likely
  1228. base
  1229. slice
  1230. trip
  1231. patient
  1232. stay
  1233. window
  1234. meal
  1235. amputate
  1236. movie
  1237. staff
  1238. impact
  1239. fragment
  1240. warn
  1241. feel
  1242. skin
  1243. dressing
  1244. cell phone
  1245. radio
  1246. exploration
  1247. hill
  1248. nun
  1249. combine
  1250. tempt
  1251. nominate
  1252. angel
  1253. forge
  1254. wear out
  1255. groan
  1256. slam
  1257. ghostwriter
  1258. margin
  1259. genetic
  1260. scenario
  1261. carriage
  1262. sacrifice
  1263. quaint
  1264. criticism
  1265. road
  1266. copy
  1267. endorse
  1268. bee
  1269. disposition
  1270. accessible
  1271. hang
  1272. embox
  1273. press
  1274. lack
  1275. difficulty
  1276. conglomerate
  1277. patent
  1278. fantasy
  1279. pumpkin
  1280. provincial
  1281. substitute
  1282. dairy
  1283. proportion
  1284. duty
  1285. absence
  1286. tip
  1287. dirty
  1288. appear
  1289. graduate
  1290. overcharge
  1291. conservation
  1292. castle
  1293. rage
  1294. drift
  1295. fraud
  1296. create
  1297. looting
  1298. compliance
  1299. silver
  1300. tablet
  1301. egg
  1302. essential
  1303. buttocks
  1304. muscle
  1305. realize
  1306. grudge
  1307. mosquito
  1308. federation
  1309. crossing
  1310. driver
  1311. reason
  1312. heel
  1313. aspect
  1314. raw
  1315. jump
  1316. date
  1317. cream
  1318. appendix
  1319. wriggle
  1320. request
  1321. hook
  1322. shy
  1323. isolation
  1324. innocent
  1325. harm
  1326. nerve
  1327. piano
  1328. project
  1329. display
  1330. remedy
  1331. father
  1332. engagement
  1333. object
  1334. sow
  1335. anxiety
  1336. get
  1337. snow
  1338. corner
  1339. craftsman
  1340. apology
  1341. unfair
  1342. tissue
  1343. pawn
  1344. food
  1345. girlfriend
  1346. tone
  1347. behave
  1348. restless
  1349. tumble
  1350. consider
  1351. modest
  1352. specimen
  1353. copper
  1354. snap
  1355. concentration
  1356. premature
  1357. sticky
  1358. echo
  1359. appetite
  1360. sustain
  1361. imagine
  1362. bread
  1363. snail
  1364. eternal
  1365. thirsty
  1366. silk
  1367. courtship
  1368. soup
  1369. speaker
  1370. earthwax
  1371. tape
  1372. tear
  1373. main
  1374. exception
  1375. sharp
  1376. addicted
  1377. vain
  1378. satellite
  1379. cinema
  1380. straight
  1381. confession
  1382. parking
  1383. cultivate
  1384. crosswalk
  1385. bottom
  1386. linger
  1387. edge
  1388. investment
  1389. ghost
  1390. deep
  1391. pat
  1392. habitat
  1393. money
  1394. recycle
  1395. crown
  1396. norm
  1397. high
  1398. impulse
  1399. conventional
  1400. afford
  1401. reduce
  1402. participate
  1403. breakdown
  1404. laboratory
  1405. multiply
  1406. glasses
  1407. single
  1408. jam
  1409. helpless
  1410. liberal
  1411. cart
  1412. AIDS
  1413. negotiation
  1414. race
  1415. guerrilla
  1416. absent
  1417. pest
  1418. advance
  1419. genuine
  1420. eavesdrop
  1421. remark
  1422. wreck
  1423. leftovers
  1424. ruin
  1425. wander
  1426. average
  1427. economic
  1428. polish
  1429. treasurer
  1430. door
  1431. authority
  1432. feature
  1433. share
  1434. imposter
  1435. terminal
  1436. construct
  1437. irony
  1438. want
  1439. compartment
  1440. pillow
  1441. green
  1442. wrap
  1443. chain
  1444. resist
  1445. fool around
  1446. soldier
  1447. sight
  1448. efflux
  1449. bounce
  1450. reproduce
  1451. concentrate
  1452. constant
  1453. snatch
  1454. analysis
  1455. assertive
  1456. passage
  1457. pure
  1458. verdict
  1459. execute
  1460. pride
  1461. conscience
  1462. rescue
  1463. recommend
  1464. measure
  1465. decrease
  1466. deficiency
  1467. onion
  1468. healthy
  1469. taxi
  1470. scholar
  1471. car
  1472. clean
  1473. earwax
  1474. lawyer
  1475. charter
  1476. distort
  1477. vegetation
  1478. trivial
  1479. dictionary
  1480. survival
  1481. fur
  1482. computer
  1483. differ
  1484. drum
  1485. comfortable
  1486. squeeze
  1487. corn
  1488. X-ray
  1489. governor
  1490. relax
  1491. swear
  1492. gallery
  1493. promote
  1494. chalk
  1495. government
  1496. lend
  1497. solid
  1498. ice cream
  1499. emergency
  1500. drawing
  1501. talented
  1502. heir
  1503. robot
  1504. rock
  1505. crude
  1506. hut
  1507. figure
  1508. crowd
  1509. bulletin
  1510. eagle
  1511. hiccup
  1512. attic
  1513. locate
  1514. disappointment
  1515. ash
  1516. diplomatic
  1517. scrap
  1518. articulate
  1519. club
  1520. forum
  1521. protection
  1522. helmet
  1523. constituency
  1524. regular
  1525. mood
  1526. password
  1527. yearn
  1528. bottle
  1529. gas
  1530. gene
  1531. cereal
  1532. hear
  1533. dress
  1534. banquet
  1535. pack
  1536. wording
  1537. comprehensive
  1538. affect
  1539. novel
  1540. overview
  1541. default
  1542. prayer
  1543. express
  1544. necklace
  1545. repetition
  1546. tasty
  1547. inflate
  1548. swipe
  1549. coffee
  1550. perceive
  1551. peanut
  1552. clothes
  1553. research
  1554. confidence
  1555. deny
  1556. morale
  1557. license
  1558. vision
  1559. houseplant
  1560. unanimous
  1561. tiptoe
  1562. directory
  1563. cousin
  1564. hand
  1565. merit
  1566. game
  1567. girl
  1568. belly
  1569. heaven
  1570. satisfied
  1571. overwhelm
  1572. pie
  1573. deprive
  1574. tolerate
  1575. disagreement
  1576. payment
  1577. last
  1578. petty
  1579. coach
  1580. lover
  1581. horse
  1582. wolf
  1583. paper
  1584. package
  1585. ordinary
  1586. beard
  1587. jurisdiction
  1588. exemption
  1589. practical
  1590. garage
  1591. revival
  1592. plain
  1593. virus
  1594. noise
  1595. volcano
  1596. nightmare
  1597. judicial
  1598. neck
  1599. supply
  1600. bald
  1601. physical
  1602. magnetic
  1603. enemy
  1604. linen
  1605. baseball
  1606. rabbit
  1607. shed
  1608. boom
  1609. econobox
  1610. digital
  1611. slave
  1612. snake
  1613. inflation
  1614. amber
  1615. simplicity
  1616. tidy
  1617. sanctuary
  1618. salvation
  1619. rob
  1620. jelly
  1621. expose
  1622. school
  1623. whole
  1624. debate
  1625. junior
  1626. researcher
  1627. skip
  1628. forward
  1629. hay
  1630. shake
  1631. electronics
  1632. spend
  1633. undermine
  1634. memory
  1635. college
  1636. river
  1637. hell
  1638. distortion
  1639. timber
  1640. excavation
  1641. fun
  1642. apathy
  1643. helicopter
  1644. frank
  1645. century
  1646. offset
  1647. anger
  1648. clash
  1649. brick
  1650. decade
  1651. reckless
  1652. transition
  1653. racism
  1654. feminine
  1655. pit
  1656. vertical
  1657. crop
  1658. application
  1659. soar
  1660. wine
  1661. consumption
  1662. horror
  1663. liability
  1664. salesperson
  1665. horseshoe
  1666. image
  1667. tense
  1668. impound
  1669. deteriorate
  1670. influence
  1671. difficult
  1672. distant
  1673. turn
  1674. damn
  1675. brave
  1676. accept
  1677. eaux
  1678. calorie
  1679. equal
  1680. power
  1681. arm
  1682. guitar
  1683. relate
  1684. soil
  1685. waterfall
  1686. origin
  1687. citizen
  1688. basis
  1689. feed
  1690. penny
  1691. possibility
  1692. provision
  1693. strikebreaker
  1694. retire
  1695. harvest
  1696. carbon
  1697. sink
  1698. keep
  1699. team
  1700. haunt
  1701. dollar
  1702. coerce
  1703. hemisphere
  1704. veteran
  1705. plant
  1706. surprise
  1707. loan
  1708. ancestor
  1709. passive
  1710. mole
  1711. view
  1712. friendly
  1713. selection
  1714. suffering
  1715. shot
  1716. enlarge
  1717. harsh
  1718. desire
  1719. revenge
  1720. cancel
  1721. foreigner
  1722. fashion
  1723. agreement
  1724. cash
  1725. handy
  1726. possible
  1727. detail
  1728. TRUE
  1729. cotton
  1730. truck
  1731. white
  1732. magazine
  1733. punch
  1734. inhibition
  1735. coincide
  1736. ex
  1737. acquit
  1738. global
  1739. chew
  1740. foot
  1741. cope
  1742. witness
  1743. abundant
  1744. miner
  1745. convert
  1746. decide
  1747. diet
  1748. disagree
  1749. reject
  1750. occasion
  1751. unit
  1752. field
  1753. effect
  1754. pity
  1755. division
  1756. dine
  1757. demand
  1758. attractive
  1759. party
  1760. advocate
  1761. creation
  1762. alive
  1763. stamp
  1764. frequency
  1765. tender
  1766. predict
  1767. curtain
  1768. studio
  1769. shower
  1770. seem
  1771. statement
  1772. cherry
  1773. galaxy
  1774. stadium
  1775. notion
  1776. fax
  1777. mutual
  1778. impress
  1779. satisfaction
  1780. smell
  1781. fling
  1782. restaurant
  1783. budget
  1784. trap
  1785. danger
  1786. hurl
  1787. spy
  1788. dependence
  1789. national
  1790. museum
  1791. plaintiff
  1792. even
  1793. hole
  1794. harmony
  1795. matter
  1796. agony
  1797. major
  1798. mold
  1799. file
  1800. accident
  1801. artist
  1802. attack
  1803. penalty
  1804. guest
  1805. subway
  1806. mature
  1807. spray
  1808. symptom
  1809. certain
  1810. slip
  1811. established
  1812. revolutionary
  1813. reaction
  1814. innovation
  1815. cell
  1816. patrol
  1817. negligence
  1818. runner
  1819. undertake
  1820. coin
  1821. meat
  1822. plaster
  1823. strong
  1824. list
  1825. extract
  1826. speech
  1827. disorder
  1828. shoulder
  1829. herb
  1830. border
  1831. question
  1832. finger
  1833. estimate
  1834. dismiss
  1835. obscure
  1836. sit
  1837. fluctuation
  1838. siege
  1839. challenge
  1840. win
  1841. harmful
  1842. indication
  1843. formal
  1844. poetry
  1845. rehabilitation
  1846. topple
  1847. captain
  1848. preference
  1849. carpet
  1850. evolution
  1851. chicken
  1852. ideal
  1853. ethics
  1854. business
  1855. veil
  1856. mosaic
  1857. disgrace
  1858. smash
  1859. hospitality
  1860. breakfast
  1861. hypothesis
  1862. cause
  1863. seat
  1864. scale
  1865. copyright
  1866. worth
  1867. instal
  1868. doll
  1869. intermediate
  1870. fisherman
  1871. clinic
  1872. determine
  1873. fear
  1874. employee
  1875. save
  1876. priority
  1877. fair
  1878. country
  1879. instrument
  1880. resident
  1881. hotdog
  1882. freeze
  1883. rack
  1884. mud
  1885. pierce
  1886. pool
  1887. welcome
  1888. duke
  1889. threaten
  1890. material
  1891. purpose
  1892. flow
  1893. insight
  1894. indoor
  1895. lick
  1896. pleasant
  1897. nut
  1898. translate
  1899. stop
  1900. knee
  1901. executrix
  1902. throw
  1903. mistreat
  1904. organize
  1905. length
  1906. attitude
  1907. benefit
  1908. gravity
  1909. chorus
  1910. dividend
  1911. virgin
  1912. seize
  1913. lump
  1914. domination
  1915. concept
  1916. prospect
  1917. article
  1918. accent
  1919. test
  1920. state
  1921. bold
  1922. accountant
  1923. sector
  1924. falsify
  1925. care
  1926. elaborate
  1927. command
  1928. body
  1929. charity
  1930. fire
  1931. circulate
  1932. dead
  1933. rush
  1934. burial
  1935. mushroom
  1936. island
  1937. queue
  1938. proud
  1939. stumble
  1940. vigorous
  1941. legislature
  1942. symbol
  1943. tragedy
  1944. elite
  1945. term
  1946. brake
  1947. incident
  1948. safari
  1949. convulsion
  1950. sweep
  1951. meeting
  1952. cheque
  1953. mask
  1954. lamb
  1955. degree
  1956. budge
  1957. miss
  1958. willpower
  1959. bridge
  1960. countryside
  1961. strain
  1962. insert
  1963. motivation
  1964. reactor
  1965. credit card
  1966. reward
  1967. smile
  1968. worry
  1969. salmon
  1970. extension
  1971. slow
  1972. thaw
  1973. science
  1974. experience
  1975. favor
  1976. stock
  1977. glory
  1978. menu
  1979. thick
  1980. pray
  1981. deserve
  1982. hilarious
  1983. first-hand
  1984. murder
  1985. superintendent
  1986. improve
  1987. distinct
  1988. sleep
  1989. chapter
  1990. limited
  1991. week
  1992. character
  1993. communication
  1994. franchise
  1995. cooperation
  1996. issue
  1997. problem
  1998. highway
  1999. posture
  2000. mine
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horse bet calculator reverse forecast video

BetCalc: Bet Calculator tools - free online Accumulator Bet Returns Calculator, Equal Profit / Dutching Calculator, Hedging / Back / Lay Calculator, Saver (Draw No Bet) Calculator, Odds Converter, many more calculators, Betting Tips and Articles, staking plan systems explained, and general betting information. The Free Bet Calculator is the most advanced online sports bet calculator, allowing you to calculate the stake and profit for an extensive range of bets. All of the most popular bet types are supported, including Lucky 15, Single, Double, Accumulator, Patent and Round Robin, along with more specialised bets such as Alphabet, Magnificent 7, Union Jack, and the infamous Bookies Nightmare! The Reverse Forecast is a bet on two runners finishing 1st and 2nd in one half and the reverse in the second half of the bet. It is effectively two straight forecasts with opposing predicted results meaning the stake is double compared to a Straight Forecast. This is illustrated below. Calculating the Computer Straight Forecast. Use this page to check returns for the CSF formula as used by bookmakers. You can set the type of race and enter the Starting Prices of all runners in a race and see the calculated CSF return. The Free Bet Calculator is the premier online sports bet calculator, offering the most comprehensive range of bets and settling options. All of the most popular bet types available from both online and high-street bookmakers are supported, with options to adjust various parameters to reflect your bookmaker’s settlement rules. If you wish to calculate Lucky 15, Lucky 31 & Lucky 63 bets with ... a forecast that horse A will place first and horse B will place second; a forecast that horse B will place first and horse A will place second. This is a simple form of risk reduction, ensuring that you’ll get a return in either case. How to place a reverse forecast bet. To place a reverse forecast bet: Open the forecast betting market for ... Bet Calculator; Odds Converter; Grand National; Home; What Is A Forecast Bet? Last updated February 12th, 2020. A Forecast or Straight Forecast or Computer Straight Forecast (or CSF for short) are all different terms for the same bet. It is where you pick two selections in the same event in the order in which you think they will come 1st and 2nd. A forecast bet generally applies to horse ... In horse-racing, an each-way bet is essentially two bets in one. The first is a bet on your chosen horse to win. The second is a bet on your chosen horse to place. If you choose a stake of £1, your total stake will be £2. £1 on the horse to win, and another £1 on it to place. Obviously a win means finishing first. For example, if the bet is priced at 4-1, then it is calculated as 1 / (4+1) = 0.2 which means there is a 20% chance of the outcome happening. The bet return is calculated by multiplying the stake by the odds. A single bet can usually be worked out easily, but when working out a multiple it is advisable to use a bet calculator. A reverse forecast is for your selections that comes in first and second, can come in also in the reverse order. So that is effect two bets. Example. 1.50 at Newmarket, No. 1x2 Reverse Forecast or ...

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